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Uploaded banned?


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You brought it upon yourself, now get a grip upon yourself - try to keep yourself on-topic and stop hounding me. :)


:( I don't like to be a grammar Nazi - not unless I am forced to (so, just get off my back.)

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Your not a very good grammar Nazi no ways, a real one would correct everyone's spelling your just using it to :troll: me.
You would lose your job very fast if getting paid for it :lol:

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I don't see the point about all the fuss some are making regarding the admins banning some download hosts. I think the rules were and still are pretty clear about what can be done and what not, so if anybody is that worried about not being able to do what he/she wants, as if this were an anarchical place, they might just leave (and be infractors elsewhere or start their own forum) or stay and face the consequences; that easy.

As in the other topic wondering about why tusfiles was banned, if some of those asking that were able to ever read this forum's guidelines, would clearly realize of the reasons. Maybe a tiny reminder about some of the rules' items, should come in handy:

  • Whenever possible, members should provide download links from the software developer homepage, rather than uploading it to their own file host. If we feel that a member is consistently breaking this rule (for example to earn "Points" on a file hosting service), we will take further action.

I'm not gonna talk about names here, but I think the average forum's member could clearly perceive who were the ones that were always uploading third-parties releases/contributions, not even caring about giving credits where due, neither the real working condition or not of their leeched things. Besides that, they always provided the one and very same shitty hosting sites, having in mind uniquely their own benefit (where they the bucks, or whatever other rewards), so they simply gave a damn about others members and/or forum rules. In their eager for points uploading frenzy, some of them were even posting their affiliate d/l links on wrong forum's places, as the free software zone, so yet another broken rule, and for the very same reason.

  • Don't bother mirroring other people's files unless the links are dead or someone specifically asks for a mirror. Members shouldn't care about earning points, but helping others - we are a community website;

Again, as it is clearly stated over there, this should be a sharing community forum, where each one helps the others somehow and/or contribute with their own releases, not expecting some kind of personal rewards as result. And it doesn't matter how much they could earn out of uploads or not, or if the admins decided to start imposing the rules due to long time offenders, but the quite simple reason that rules' infringement shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstances.

  • Cash or Affiliate links are not allowed. Warnings will be issued if this isn't followed.

If all of the sudden, those way generous and kind people that were profiting with uploads to crappy, cash related hosting sites, get lost because they aren't able to break the rules anymore that way, is clearly understandable. I always hated that kind of parasitic scum that gets benefited somehow out of third-parties' contributions, don't giving a damn about neither knowing at all, how much effort and time usually are put behind the things they leech freely from the web. Selling as well as getting some kind of monetary reward out of warez, is probably the lower and most repulsive act someone can commit, and it even gets worse if the involved parties try to masquerade what they do, as if they were ever helping a sharing community uninterestedly way.

I think real good members, those who cares and respect the others, by choosing the right way of posting something they deem useful, will not have any problems to keep doing it. There are still a plenty of hosting sites, which are decently enough how to use, without having to care about fraudulent tricks and/or invasive ads before doing a click to actually download their content. Moreover, usually at high speeds, with download managers' support, and without sending them a dime to the poor community "benefactors", that might sporadically arise out of nothing into the forum.

Regarding this forum ads, even when I don't like any kind of advertising at all, I'm not that stupid or blind how to think the necessary costs to maintain it, materialize ex nihilo, neither am I the one who put the money from my own pockets, so it's not really a big deal (moreover when they can be easily blocked, if that's so necessary).

That being said, rules are to be followed, and I'm glad something was done against those penny seekers leechs that were just willing to keep benefiting as they used to; from now on, they might wanna consider finding a real job instead or keep being parasites anywhere else. ;)

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Well they need to make kind rule as well about people making fun of other peoples grammar . How are they adding anything about anything someone like me that is dyslectic . Even Albert Einstein was . But I seen it done to others on here that don't know English very well that's sad as well . Funny thing is English is my native language I speak it and can read it just as good as anyone I over came the reading part of it when in school . Someone that dont speak English nativity I most likely would not understand very well what there saying in person but I would never stoop so low as to make fun of them . I would just try to tech them to speak it better.

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Those who live in glass houses should ensure that they stop the bad habit of pelting stones.

Look on constant basis your fighting with someone on here . Any one that disagree with you start throwing stones . That's why I never post in your topic anymore . Any other forum you would been ban long ago for these actions . That's why I try to avoid you me being a member here since 2007 dont want get ban over someone trolling me .

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Those who live in glass houses should ensure that they stop the bad habit of pelting stones.

Look on constant basis your fighting with someone on here . Any one that disagree with you start throwing stones . That's I never post in your topic . Any other forum you would been ban long ago for these actions . That's why I try to avoid you me being a member here since 2007 dont want get ban over someone trolling me .

Disagreeing is not the same as being disagreeable.

Please avoid me, by all means - just stop hounding me (this is the second time that I am saying this, to you.)

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2 wrongs make a right? I'm so sorry that i proved your wrong about idea of mediafire being not that great anymore . Ill just let you be wrong from now on your own since you seem to do a fantastic job of it on your own . just like others on here that knows how you are . I was on topic tell you started trowing stones at me .

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You proved that the MediaFire idea is wrong - where??? :huh:

Start sharing in public every now and then using it you will see how good it is. Words cant take you but so far me being elite at another forum were no one had more post than me than the owner I know about file sharing . but I paid my dues already now who going to fell our shoes . :lol: I used medifire daily for like 5 years helping everyone I could. ^_^

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