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He has new people on the development team now, I'm sure it will improve...As I said ALL software is a work in progress and security software in particular....And thanks for the considered and well put adult reply :)

But for that case it should be an early pre release in alpha state..and not 2.0 final!

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And where that guy from VoodooShield gone?

In your personal opinion - what were those compelling reasons which prompted the Developer to flee the scene of the crime? yXZVmpE.gif

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Wow, theres been some real vitriolic posts particularly by one fanboy.....

Cant we all just agree VS is utter crap and a scam and move on.... :)

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vitriolic fanboy > :yes: +1 :lmao:

adjective: vitriolic
filled with bitter criticism or malice.
noun: fanboy
an arrogant person who goes into an outburst every time something he likes is questioned, or something he dis-likes is praised.

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Wow, theres been some real vitriolic posts particularly by one fanboy.....

Cant we all just agree VS is utter crap and a scam and move on.... :)

NO!!!... :lol: ....We can't be all of one opinion, what a dull world you desire :( ...Now you just stick to your angst ridden posts objecting to cracks and fixes and alleging you pay for all the software you install...And dcs18, instead of sticking in your comfort zone here at nasane where a few members cling to your shirt tails why not go to the mountain (if the mountain won't go to Mohamed then Mohamed must go to the mountain) and take your criticisms there? (Wilders).....As I've said more than once, you wont because you'll find yourself out of your depth by challenges from those that REALLY know how these things work :)

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And dcs18, instead of sticking in your comfort zone here at nasane where a few members cling to your shirt tails why not go to the mountain (if the mountain won't go to Mohamed then Mohamed must go to the mountain) and take your criticisms there? (Wilders).....As I've said more than once, you wont because you'll find yourself out of your depth by challenges from those that REALLY know how these things work :)

:secret: Let me clarify a few things to you:--

  • I share stuff only because I like to - not for name or fame (never ever for monetary gains)
  • I never use the same User Name at any other site - purely for the 3 reasons cited at the previous point
  • I hold 2 accounts, here - at nSane (both accounts go by the name of dcs18)
  • As a handle - the dcs18 name shall never be used at any other site
  • I hold multiple accounts in Wilders - right now
  • You are aware of only one such fake account of mine - at Wilders
  • We were a small group quite rampant at Wilders - most of us were banned due to a security challenge similar to the TeamViewer one that was thrown at the Developer of VoodooShield
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And dcs18, instead of sticking in your comfort zone here at nasane where a few members cling to your shirt tails why not go to the mountain (if the mountain won't go to Mohamed then Mohamed must go to the mountain) and take your criticisms there? (Wilders).....As I've said more than once, you wont because you'll find yourself out of your depth by challenges from those that REALLY know how these things work :)

:secret: Let me clarify a few things to you:--

  • I share stuff only because I like to - not for name or fame (never ever for monetary gains)
  • I never use the same User Name at any other site - purely for the 3 reasons cited at the previous point
  • I hold 2 accounts, here - at nSane (both accounts go by the name of dcs18)
  • As a handle - the dcs18 name shall never be used at any other site
  • I hold multiple accounts in Wilders - right now
  • You are aware of only one such fake account of mine - at Wilders
  • We were a small group quite rampant at Wilders - most of us were banned due to a security challenge similar to the TeamViewer one that was thrown at the Developer of VoodooShield


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. . . . . . . take your criticisms there? (Wilders).....As I've said more than once, you wont because you'll find yourself out of your depth by challenges from those that REALLY know how these things work :)

Speaking of Wilders, check out Alex's reaction at post # 1158, after being notified of the following factor affecting his creation - Windows Firewall Control (WFC):--

  • Secure Boot issue is 100% reproducible when WFC is password-protected.

Actually, what I posted is not really true, at all - I shall be posting the actual reason for the failure of Secure Boot after 8 hours (watch that space, at Wilders.) :pope:

As far as the Developer of VoodooShield is concerned, every feedback I gave on that page was 100% true - I had much more to offer but he lammed outta here.

Check out how other Developers like Jeremy react:--

What was the reaction of Alex and Jeremy - bug report!

What is the reaction of the Voodoo Developer and his worshiper - criticism!

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Secure boot problem was already mentioned in post 1151 at Wilders by another member :).....As I said already, prove your worth regarding VS at Wilders, others will respect that rather than the trolling you do here :)

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Secure boot problem was already mentioned in post 1151 at Wilders by another member :).

At post # 1151, MrElectrifyer reports that Secure Boot does not work for him at all - he is not reporting a bug but a total & complete failure.

At post # 1157, I report a specific bug where Secure Boot is working in most scenarios, but - failing in a particular scenario which gets an immediate acknowledgement from Alex at post # 1158.

FYI, check out post # 1572 (dated as far back - as the 23rd of October.)

As I said already, prove your worth regarding VS at Wilders, others will respect that rather than the trolling you do here :)

I don't have to prove myself to anybody - least to you. BTW, Wilders is no longer host to the experts - you will find them at MDL (only n00bs like you continue to boast about Wilders, now.)

It is high time you upgraded yourself from an incapable Troll who specializes in making non-technical posts on technical topics:--

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Speaking of Wilders, check out Alex's reaction at post # 1158, after being notified of the following factor affecting his creation - Windows Firewall Control (WFC):--

  • Secure Boot issue is 100% reproducible when WFC is password-protected.
Actually, what I posted is not really true, at all - I shall be posting the actual reason for the failure of Secure Boot after 8 hours (watch that space, at Wilders.) :pope:

As per my words, have posted the actual reason (highlighted at post # 1162, in red) - also, in keeping with the true spirit of bug-reporting, have included an illustrated mitigation, as a possible solution (or, Feature Request - call it what you may.)

Let's all hope that the Alex finds it feasible to restore the unfortunately crippled Secure Boot, now (in the new version - programmatically speaking.

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this is becoming another nsane soap... :(

nsaners used to be nice to each other but there's more and more of this kinda shit lately and I think it's about time this bull stops

just my 2 cts

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Moreover, this sh!t is not something that is happening lately - it's been here, for years.

I was being nice but you're correct; before I registered here I was visiting nsane as guest but it's sad that people here are always argueing in stead of working together and respecting each other

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Moreover, this sh!t is not something that is happening lately - it's been here, for years.

I was being nice but you're correct; before I registered here I was visiting nsane as guest but it's sad that people here are always argueing in stead of working together and respecting each other

True, but it usually is one little troll who despite ALL the evidence of the members he's trolling providing actual feedback or questioning with valid points, in this case to the author of the software in question, takes exception and gets butthurt because someone is in his twisted mind is "attacking" the thing/person he seems somewhat disturbingly invested in.

Heres a quick summary of proceedings....dcs18 and i in several threads on this software conversed with the author. dcs18 more than i seemed to be engaging in a positive way with the author and the author kept making statements he was interested in furthering conversations only to seem to back out and then reverse his stance, in the end he was basically flaming dcs18 (maybe clubhouse has selectively blocked this from his narrow mind. I mean clubhouse has been whining about providing "feedback", but we'd seen what happened when that was tried, the author turned into a flaming troll). With me i had constructive factual conversations with the author putting forward my concerns and feedback and experience with his product. The author pretty much opened his reply to me with "i wont even talk about UAC with you"....yet his product was asking people to turn it off as part of installation. Clearly its reasonable to raise this "step" as a legitimate concern. anayways that went around in circles until i couldnt be bothered trying to provide feedback and express legitimate concerns. It got to feel like a scam basically, "disable UAC and install my buggy software and ill protect your PC"...too much to ask a sane person. Not to mention the privacy concerns with the way the whitelist etc are server side.....my entire experience with the author didnt inspire trust or confidence.

And then you have fanboy clubhouse being butthurt and trolling, what stake he has in VS remains unclear, but i suggest he invest in a life.

So you choose from the above where the problems lies....ill give you a tip, the answer is not in the first two paragraphs

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Moreover, this sh!t is not something that is happening lately - it's been here, for years.

I was being nice but you're correct; before I registered here I was visiting nsane as guest but it's sad that people here are always argueing in stead of working together and respecting each other

My personal belief on this is - disagree and argue about anything, but don't become disagreeable.

I have had an argument with you once and also with stylemessiah, on a couple of occasions. However, every morning when I wake up, I am a new person with a forgiving heart.

I refuse to bear grudges against anyone and would never initiate a personal attack merely for a lack of technical grounds to argue my point.

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So you choose from the above where the problems lies

I don't want or need to take sides and prefer to stay neutral in the discussion above; I was just trying to make a point in my first post in this topic

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Moreover, this sh!t is not something that is happening lately - it's been here, for years.

I was being nice but you're correct; before I registered here I was visiting nsane as guest but it's sad that people here are always argueing in stead of working together and respecting each other

My personal belief on this is - disagree and argue about anything, but don't become disagreeable.

I have had an argument with you once and also with stylemessiah, on a couple of occasions. However, every morning when I wake up, I am a new person with a forgiving heart.

I refuse to bear grudges against anyone and would never initiate a personal attack merely for a lack of technical grounds to argue my point.

True, we have argued once or twice i think, eons ago (in forum terms if not reality), and i think never since and actually find we have more in common than not...well except i learned during the VS thing that i like UAC and you dont :) :P

Grudges are for pussies.

So you choose from the above where the problems lies

I don't want or need to take sides and prefer to stay neutral in the discussion above; I was just trying to make a point in my first post in this topic

No ones asking anyone to take sides, if its one thing we dont need around here its "cliques" :)

My summary was intended to represent the facts for those who havent been around for the full tv episode, facts which have been subverted, especially in this thread, to suit one argumentative troll

Most people here will get your point, and we'd all like it to be like that. Sometimes you just cant let dickheads run loose though. Its a balance thing. No one gets it right 100% of the time :)

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True, we have argued once or twice i think, eons ago (in forum terms if not reality), and i think never since and actually find we have more in common than not...well except i learned during the VS thing that i like UAC and you dont :) :P

I think the common ground for all agreements stems from our Enterprise background. ^_^

As for our one disagreement on UAC - VoodooShield probably pissed off both of us simply because:--


BTW, want you to know that it was with mixed feelings (of regret and satisfaction) that I watched you bust another pest, Ambrocious. 8N3udPP.gif

I witnessed it all happen in real-time, but damn - was unable to join in, as Admin had crippled my account for over 5 months.

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True, we have argued once or twice i think, eons ago (in forum terms if not reality), and i think never since and actually find we have more in common than not...well except i learned during the VS thing that i like UAC and you dont :) :P

I think the common ground for all agreements stems from our Enterprise background. ^_^

As for our one disagreement on UAC - VoodooShield probably pissed off both of us simply because:--


BTW, want you to know that it was with mixed feelings (of regret and satisfaction) that I watched you bust another pest, Ambrocious. 8N3udPP.gif

I witnessed it all happen in real-time, but damn - was unable to join in, as Admin had crippled my account for over 5 months.

Starship Enterprise or IT Enterprise? :) I think youre right we both see more PC's, in larger numbers than single one off end users....its a different perspective.

VS has quasi UAC? and it doesnt work, im shocked. I hate anything quasi...like Crypto Prevents "pseudo group policy" implementation of software restriction policies, when theres gpedit.msc on every PC already. I guess the general public do get attracted by anyone who can code (in varying levels of success) a program and promote it, and the general public are none the wiser that the functionality is already built in and far safer to use than a 3rd party program. throw a "point and click" or an "install and forget' program in front of them and they'll be predictably lazy.

But i digress...

As for Ambrocious, as i always say, he's like Beetlejuice, dont say his name 3 times or he'll appear. Im not sure i was responsible for his dissapearance, in fact ive theorised he has taken another guise and reappeared on odd occasions. im sorry you were hobbled and werent able to take part, it would have been more interesting and an exception to the no ganging up on others rule! In any event i'll take the relative peace over the alternate anyday. You know me, ill even call out the mods or in fact admin himself, im still surprised every time that i micro-mod or micro-admin i dont get the boot, but i like to think its because maybe theyve realised im often right :) and well my life isnt tied to being able to post here, so a threat of a ban wouldnt phase me, i get out and see daylight and the real world.

Lol, wouldnt it be easier for everyone if i just got mod rights? :) :)

And on that note im off to bed....dont worry that last line even gave me the fear :)

Take it easy

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Disagreements are not necessarily trolling...People have different opinions on softwares...I along with 1000's of others believe that VS is a good extra layer of security on our pc's, others don't.

"when theres gpedit.msc on every PC already" Are you absolutely sure?

Where is it located on Win 7 home versions?

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Disagreements are not necessarily trolling...People have different opinions on softwares...I along with 1000's of others believe that VS is a good extra layer of security on our pc's, others don't.

"when theres gpedit.msc on every PC already" Are you absolutely sure?

Where is it located on Win 7 home versions?

I tend to deal mostly with people who have Pro editions, installed, so i tend to quote from that prespective. I did omit the word almost, so fair question there.

But its not impossible to have gp on Home etc versions, its been known for ages you can add it on (like you can many of the functions of Pro versions :) :


Manys the time i have used this to add the extra security that gp policies give to Windows Home versions, ive even included it in a golden image i use sometimes...

And id still rather add original MS files in the above manner than 3rd party ones.

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