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Comment: Threads which devolve into personal bashing.


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In short (IMO)=>

Adding a reply to an otherwise harmless thread which bashes someone or their stuff...just sucks.

You know, kind of like that old bumper sticker that says 'mean people suck'.

(Yes - I do know that lots of things are about HUMOUR too, but too many fun/funny thread devolve into flaming/bashing, lots of times.)

Old stuff - like older OSes & h/w are constantly getting bashed about...like there's something really BAD about that stuff somehow.

Some folks (like myself...) happen to like old stuff - in fact there's whole shops just filled with old stuff that folks call 'antiques' too and lots of folks that happen to like that old stuff in their houses best of all.

Does that make having such old stuff 'bad' or 'wrong' ??

By the same lights - to a 5 year old kid I am ANCIENT - but to a 90 year old I am just a KID.

Up 'till a few months ago I still had a '486 kicking around - not in use a'tall, but still had it...

I even knew what I'd do with it if I wanted to - but it was no longer needed so I gave it to another guy who loves legacy games & he thanked me 'leventy-seven times for that gift.

Better still:

A friend of mine is the owner of a very prosperous business; one which has managed to stay open & profitable while all sorts of others around it have come - failed - and gone.

For most of 20 years his point of sales terminals, inventory control and all other retail functions ran on windows PCs - but the networked app that did all that ??

A DOS program suite - text-only; it did not even use a mouse.

His place is open 363 days a year & his network is always up & ready to make sales.

(Not shabby a'tall, IMO...)

Too silly for you ?!?

Try this=>

Same man & same business STILL, after more than a decade has a terrific phone system with amazing features - in house voicemail, voice menus and so forth all running on a PC-based PBX...and what of that ??

The PC-PBX is a '486 with 8MB RAM running DOS on a HDD under 2GB.

All old stuff - running for years & years & years without failing, without major problems AND making plenty of money at the same time for its owner - is this all somehow a BAD thing ??

So - here is the point of why I'm posting this long rant...:

Endless expressions of anger towards other folks are NOT expressions of strength; they are just sad.


Kind of like the sickos in FL who made it illegal for folks to share food with the homeless.

Those sickos made a public spectacle of arresting the old minister who was feeding the homeless daily.

How sick & sad is that ?!?

What harm or hurt was that old guy doing ??

Oh yes - he was harming commerce because those homeless folks were not forced to try & buy food with money they do not have.


OK - rant off.

Suggestion from a fellow user here:

Try using kindness & helpfulness instead of bashing others - PLEASE.

(You may be surprised at the good feeling you get when others thank you for your helpfulness...)

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