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Active Disk Image Professional, problems making it work


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I have been trying for a couple of years on and off to setup this stupid Active Disk Image Professional thing and it just doesn't work. I have tried the last 3 version as they have been released hoping its a problem with that version over the last couple of years but no.
I get as far as the account information page then it accepts it if I tick "use local system account"
http://i.imgur.com/5mhF1R3.jpg if I put any type of username or password in it wont accept it, it wont accept a blank password either.
I can set up a scheduled task of backing up the drive to a network drive, a NAS.
it runs fine when I set it to run manually but as soon as the scheduled task is run it logs an error saying it cannot create the back up file.
I think it has something to do with that password screen?? http://i.imgur.com/5mhF1R3.jpg
but I have no idea what's going on here?? why does it work when run manually but when the scheduled task comes around it fails with no write permissions or something??
the computer I am using does not have a log in, only one person ever uses it so no need and its in my house. how to fix this issue?
windows 8 by the way.
I have even run this by the company that makes it and they have stopped replying to me as they have no idea either.

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I am using Active@ Disk Image Version 5.6.2 64-bit - it works fine in manual or schedule mode .

Either we are talking about different S/W as I don't recognise your problem nor your screen shots

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