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CyberTracker - Track malwares' C&C servers


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The service called CyberTracker mainly has been created for tracking C&C (Command & Control) servers of malwares, publicly. There are also phishing and email lists there. The phishing list isn't updated frequently (at least until now), because neither @Malware1 or me working with phishing sites. The email list is also mainly updated only when I get a new stealer (or keylogger) sample which uses emails to send the informations. But the main purpose is the C&C list of the site, and we add as much of C&C domains as we can.

Check it out now:

The average detection of the domains when we publish them on the tracker is about 1 (on VT).
If you know a vendor which blocks the C&C domains after your SUD, you can send them the domains from our list. Thanks in advance!


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