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Registry Cleaners and System Tweaking Tools


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Please do not use the Registry Cleaning function within CCleaner. See below for more information.

I am still wondering why so many people use Registry Cleaners and System Tweaking Tools while they don't even understand what the Windows Registry is, and/or don't understand Windows basics.

"Fix errors now!" and "Make your Windows fast again!", that's how all these tools are advertised.
People download and install it - click the "Fix it all" - Button (since many of these tools have such button available) and then notice that suddenly some programs won't work anymore, errors appear and in worst case, their Windows won't boot anymore...

Yes, I've seen it all... and many still won't believe that this may be a result of these tweaking tools, because after all, they are "supposed" to improve system performance, prevent errors and make a system more stable. Huh?
In most cases, people don't have any problems in the first place - but want to use these tools anyway.

I have to admit that there are some good "tweaking tools" around as well, but you shouldn't use these if you don't have basic knowledge about the registry and Windows in general. Only delete keys if you're certain that they can be deleted. Disable services if you're certain that you don't need them, let it set policies if you understand what they do etc..

Registry Cleaning won't really improve system speed anyway. Even though there are a lot of orphaned keys/values present, you won't notice a difference in system speed. The only difference you'll notice is when you actually search in your registry - but how many people do this?

On the contrary, as a matter of fact, if you "clean" the registry frequently, it actually becomes more fragmented after a while - and *that may* result in slower system performance, although you won't notice much difference.
I rather prefer to have a lot of orphaned keys in the registry, instead of keys/values that were deleted by a registry cleaner, which were not supposed to be deleted in the first place. And that's the risk of these Registry Cleaners, because many list keys/values as orphaned or unneeded while they are actually needed.
After all, a broken registry is a broken Windows.

The same goes for tweaking tools. Tools where you can select to disable certain services and add certain policies. The "Fix it all" button is also available in most cases, or an option where you can check/select several settings - and the more settings present, the more people believe that checking/selecting them all will result in a superfast computer...
Oh yes, check them all .... and complain aftwards.

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I second all of that. If you have to delete registry keys, review them first and do not use a fix all feature that you don't know what it does.

It's also true that deleted some bits of text in the registry won't do anything to slow down Windows.

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Registry Compressor 1.1.0 Portable
For Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7 & 8 (32 & 64 Bit)


First and foremost, this program does NOT remove or add anything to the registry. This is not a registry cleaner or scanner.

This program does NOT remove or add anything to the registry. What it
does is it rebuilds the registry to new files, when this happens all the
overhead is gone and the registry is smaller and faster.

Registry Compressor 1.1.0 Portable

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@Beasly: Thank for the info on Registry Compressor 1.1.0. I run it, then run sfc/scannow. All seems to be fine. :rolleyes:

Anyway, could shed some light what is the deffence between Registry Compressor and registry defragger that I see in many programs? Thanks

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There is good and not so good software.

I use on a daily basis the following:

- CCleaner w/ CCEnhancer (Trimmed);

- Wise Disk Cleaner;

- Wise Registry Cleaner;

- and at least once a month Wise Registry Cleaner ==>> Registry Defrag

Never got any problem with those and I've been using them for years.

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Its easy to be safe when using such tools...

1. Brain

2. Image/Backup

When something goes wrong switch back....

Ahhh..I use CCleaner and maybe every 1-2 month (depands on how many software and patches I installed)

Registry 1 Aid 9 Standart 4 cleaning/compressing......(I always choose the safe to delete keys only and I always check every single key I delete..)

Of course a registry cleaning can be helpfull in some seldom cases like the system is searching a software which was purged from OS...Error messages poppin up...

But U could fix this by Ur own searching the Win registry keys and find the broke one....

I think if U know what U are doing and use software from serious vendors and only the best of them together with

1. Brain

2. Image/Backup.....

U should b fine.............. :)

But everybody should do what fits his needs best, of course!

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