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Sporadic Disconnects


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Dear Readers,

For the past month... For some strange reason my Internet connection dies out on me...

I mean... My comptuer is supposedly the 'Host' as I am using SBC Yahoo DSL with a DI-604 Router... and so then I assume my Computer is the Host while my Sisters/ is just another Computer sharing the connection... Yet... For some reason every now and then (No pattern/ just random timing) MY computer will die and lose connection/ when I try to repair the Connection it cannot renew my IP Address. Also the Disconnects last from a range of a minute to 5 minutes... Also I tried switching the Ethernet Cables and that didn't do anything, so I actualyl went out to buy a new one from GeekSquad and THOUGHT that fixed the problem on the first day, but the next day bam the problem returned...

Whenever my Connection is dropped... My Sisters is still active and runs normally.. So I am not sure if it is My computer or the Router that is causing the problem.

I am not sure if I have provided enough information to get me anywhere, but if anyone can help me out that would be greatly appreciated.. And if you need more information do ask, thank you.

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Login to your router and check the following...

If you connect to say ensure no more than 2-3 address can connect, with an IP range.

So if you only boot up YOUR PC it shows your IP as, with other PC's .3 , .4 and so forth...


Also, what AV are you using?

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DHCP Server

The DI-604 can be setup as a DHCP Server to distribute IP addresses to the LAN network.

DHCP Server (Checked)Enabled Disabled

Starting IP Address 192 . 168 . 0 .(100)

Ending IP Address 192 . 168 . 0 .(199)

Lease Time (1 Week)

()= Number/Answer in the Box

Also below=

Dynamic DHCP Client List

Host Name IP Address MAC Address Expired Time

chris-bdfd713b3 00-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2 Dec/17/2005 00:00:47

chris-9e064d421 00-04-61-48-20-55 Dec/15/2005 18:42:52

Not really sure how to format that correctly... My computer is the chris-bdfd71....

And other then that i am not really srue what you advised me to do =X

My AntiVirus = BitDefender Pro 9 (With everything Enabled)

---Here is a snippet of my Router Log---

Dec/10/2005 11:46:27 DHCP lease IP to chris-9e064d42100-04-61-48-20-55

Dec/10/2005 11:31:51 get Time successful

Dec/10/2005 10:42:53 add_route: rejected null parm; dest: 00000000, mask: FFFFFFFF Dec/10/2005 10:42:53 dtrap(44) - needs breakpoint

Dec/10/2005 10:42:47 add_route: rejected null parm; dest: 00000000, mask: FFFFFFFF Dec/10/2005 10:42:47 dtrap(44) - needs breakpoint

Dec/10/2005 10:42:44 add_route: rejected null parm; dest: 00000000, mask: FFFFFFFF Dec/10/2005 10:42:44 dtrap(44) - needs breakpoint

Dec/10/2005 10:31:51 get Time successful

Dec/10/2005 09:31:51 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 14:29:37 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/08/2005 13:31:19 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 12:31:19 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 11:31:19 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 10:49:19 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:49:16 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:49:13 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:49:10 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:48:02 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/08/2005 10:42:20 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:42:18 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:42:17 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:42:15 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:42:14 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:42:12 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:42:10 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

Dec/08/2005 10:41:12 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/08/2005 10:31:16 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 09:31:13 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 08:31:10 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 07:31:09 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 06:31:09 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 05:31:09 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 04:31:09 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 03:46:59 TearDrop Attack Detect84.158.31.2:5662469.224.226.98:48817Packet Dropped

Dec/08/2005 03:31:09 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 02:31:08 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 01:31:08 get Time successful

Dec/08/2005 00:31:08 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 23:31:08 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 23:00:05 Ping of Death Detect69.106.207.9:3355769.224.226.98:15298Packet Dropped

Dec/07/2005 22:46:52 dtrap(115) - needs breakpoint

Dec/07/2005 22:46:50 dtrap(115) - needs breakpoint

Dec/07/2005 22:31:07 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 21:44:22 DHCP lease IP to chris-9e064d42100-04-61-48-20-55

Dec/07/2005 21:42:24 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:40:44 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:35:31 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:35:28 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:34:23 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:34:14 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:34:11 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:33:42 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:33:33 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:33:29 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:32:55 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:32:47 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:32:42 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:32:04 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:31:56 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:31:53 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:30:58 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 21:30:40 DHCP lease IP to chris-bdfd713b300-0F-EA-FB-2C-A2

Dec/07/2005 21:30:33 DHCP release IP

Dec/07/2005 20:30:58 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 19:30:56 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 18:30:56 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 17:30:56 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 16:30:56 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 15:30:54 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 14:30:54 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 13:30:54 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 12:30:53 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 11:30:53 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 10:30:53 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 09:30:53 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 08:30:53 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 07:30:52 get Time successful

Dec/07/2005 07:21:05 SYN Flood Attack DetectPacket Dropped

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Lower your starting IP address and ending IP address range to 5 instead of 100. You should have that option in your settings somewhere. If you look at my picture above, I have only allowed 5 IP's to be available (I use 2 PC's on LAN, and the rest is for laptop etc...)

Check your BitDefender Pro 9 settings too. When I installed Kaspersky, it automatically sets it up with all programs enabled. Then I too began experiencing random disconnects until I nailed it.

It turned out to be "protection against network attacks" was conflicting with my firewall (Sygate). See if there is a similar option on your AV that might prevent your connection being stable.

Simple test would be to enable firewall, and disable AV. Does it still d/c?

Could also try it the other way around as well.

Try moving your lease time from 1 week to 24 hours like mine. This is just an observation.

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Ok I formatted my computer in hopes that it would solve my problem but apparently.. it hasn't ><

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Sorry for the double post.. But then.. I realized that... If I am DIRECTLY connected to my DSL Modem... Sometimes it doesn't respond either...

And when I check the Status of my Connection... It has a VERY low SEnt Rate compared to the Recieved Rate: Example:

883,456Sent / 5,268,746Recieved

So dunno if that helps any...

Think it has to do with my BuiltIn Ethernet Port?

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Tried looking for firmware upgrades? Might be a problem with the default firmware. I doubt it's the Ethernet ports.

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Yeah I updated to the latest.. And yeah I didn't know that there was an update until I checked... And updated but no difference...

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  • Administrator

My interpretation on a quick glance of the data presented:

You have a DSL Modem/ Router combo. (your PC is connected to the router via an ethernet cable?)

You get "disconnected" peridically. Your sister doesnt.


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Emmm correct.

DSL Modem/ Router Combo? NOt sure if I am reading that right, but yes I do have a DSL Modem with a Seperate D-Link Router.

And yup both our computers run through a Ethernet Cable to access the internet.

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  • Administrator

Sorry my bad, should stop skim reading. A modem/router combo is when the router has a built in modem, yours doesnt if i skimmed through the DLink site correctly.

Have you tried moving the USB modem to your sisters comp and setting the router using accordingly?

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Oh... Ok as strange as that is... From anotehr forum I found out that my DSL Modem (SpeedStream 5100b) actually has a BUILT-IN Router.. But I do not really know how that works as there aren't any 'additional' ports for anything to be plugged in...

Also.. There are no USB Ports that can be used.. Just Ethernet Cables...

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Thanks I shall give all those a try when I get the chance.

@Nsane: Givign the Static IP a try first shall give results when possible.

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Woops.. Forgot to update on my status...

The Static IP didn't work..

So I just went out and shedded $10 to buy a new Ethernet Card... And now I think it is just a lessoned version of my problem...

Now and then when I browse... The connection will die.. BUT only for the Surfing my AIM and Downloads still work.. Only my Activity surfing is halted... And it is halted for only a few seconds compared to a few minutes like before... Also at the moment I am on Static IP.

---Sorry for the Double Post---

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Woops.. Forgot to update on my status...

  The Static IP didn't work..

  So I just went out and shedded $10 to buy a new Ethernet Card... And now I think it is just a lessoned version of my problem...

  Now and then when I browse... The connection will die.. BUT only for the Surfing my AIM and Downloads still work.. Only my Activity surfing is halted... And it is halted for only a few seconds compared to a few minutes like before... Also at the moment I am on Static IP.

---Sorry for the Double Post---

have you check your ethernet cord? could it be bent or twisted? an end part loose?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hehe never noticed a response to this... I have checked the Ethernet Cord... ANd it seems to be in perfectly fine shape, knowing that it is brand new and all... ANd nothing is loose...

ALso yeah.. I tried Updating the Drivers for BOTH my Ethernet Cards and either one I plug the Ethernet Cord into they both have sporadic disconnects...

And this problem is starting to tick me off again ><.. Strange part is I thought Formatting would solve the problem... Which it didn't.. And I can't afford to buy a new Motherboard(Which may be the CORE of the problem) at the moment...

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Hmmm I have in the past... and I suppose I shall update it again, just to be sure hehe, even though according to DLinks site, their last Firmware Update for the DI-604 is in 2003 =P

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