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Samsung uses Steve Jobs quote to toss bile at Apple


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How stupefying it must have been for Samsung to see Apple release large phones as if it had invented the idea.

Stupefaction can, however, lead one to stew so much that one does something a touch stupid.

I feel that some might be in immediate need of an Apple Watch in order to check their blood pressure when they learn of Samsung's latest ad.

Released on Twitter by Samsung's Korean arm, this Galaxy Note 4 ad offers an alluring headline: "No one is going to buy a big phone."

It then adds, teasingly: "Guess who surprised themselves and changed their minds."

Should you have been living in the world's lone secure cloud for the last many years, you may not know that Apple co-founder Steve Jobs uttered the words that make up that headline during the iPhone 4 launch.

He was as rampantly opposed to larger phones as he was occasionally prone to changing his mind entirely. He was also fond of utterly ruthless competition, choosing to mock rival brands at every presentational event.

But he's dead. Doesn't mocking the dead leave a slightly unpleasant and embittered taste? Especially when it comes from a company that's been trawled through the courts quite a few times for, well, copying?

Or are we now extending commercial warfare to the afterlife, as we'll all be digitally enhanced and re-created many times in the future?

Source: cnet.com

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As true as it is, and they turned back real hard on the thumb thing, yeah Samsung is using a dead man's words against him and Apple because Samsung has no class.

Biggest Samsung diss I saw Apple do was basically the "FiRST! FIRST! FIRST!" thing.

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I use a Galaxy Tab Mk1 as my phone and Sat Nav plus mobile computer, its a 7 inch tablet that basically has a Galaxy S Mk1 as its guts but not everyone has hands as big as mine

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As true as it is, and they turned back real hard on the thumb thing, yeah Samsung is using a dead man's words against him and Apple because Samsung has no class.

Biggest Samsung diss I saw Apple do was basically the "FiRST! FIRST! FIRST!" thing.

Being dead does not make him less of a dick, which is what he was and it shall forever be the legacy of Steve jobs. <- my opinion.

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Steve Jobs invented NOTHING, but claimed he did...he even claimed Woz's work as his own, and he was supposedly Woz's "friend". But Jobs didnt do friends, just people he stole from and stabbed in the back.

Then theres the fact he didnt identify himself as the father of his own children....

And many other reasons why he should be hated, rather than worshipped by the apple sheeple

Steve Jobs was an a$$hole of the highest order and good riddance to him......

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