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The Best Multihoster Yet!


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Hi evebody..

Today I would like to share something about multihost, but first, for those who don't know what is multihost

its basically a service that integrate many premium host into a single account

and this host provide many premium host such as rapidgator, uploaded, mega, and much much more

but, not every multihost provide many premium host, some of them capable to support more than 20

some of them can support more than 60+ up to 90+! but sometimes it can be less than 20

but again, not all multihost can make it all supported host uptime 100% all the times.., but , why we need multihost?

does it worth every penny? the answer is

ya memang boleh (yes it can!!)

unlike we register in separate premium host to download a 3gb video of kitten, or many other thing and making us

spent alot of money to buy this host only to download a link that available on some premium host such as

rapidgator or uploading, or rapidshare, 2share..etc and we were dying to pay each and every money

if the owner started to uploaded it via rapidshare ..

with multihost we can download all in one without any limitation and we save money even more.

the question is... what kind of multihost is the best?

tru my experience with multihost, I registered many of it, and for the first time , Id registers from premiumgenerator

at first I really excited how I can download at maximum speed , but day after day

the download link sometimes not supported and having a trouble with uptime host

so I no longer can download some link that I wish I can have it immediately


I change another multihost, hopping to find the best.. I found, TRDebrid and Zevera

I used this.. registers and pay money to this multihost , its support most of the premium host out there


but... after using zevera, I am truly frustrated and disappointment that most of the download link is always down..

and sometimes I'm feel like been scamming by them .. I'm feel painful in the ass.. you know.

But.. my journey to find the best multihost not stop there babey..

emm, Im sorry if my writing is getting bored and longer.. because I don't care

Now its time to tell you this badass multihost, I call it ninja turtle multihost

this top 3 multihost I've found really deserve my respect

they got higher reputation on the net, speed, performance, friendly

support browser extension and much more




Hey, there still alot out there not gonna lies, but I believe After trying so many multihost it can be

some of them are scamming, but this 3 badass is different, and trusted

and here my ranking.. top 3


3 . Alldebrid , 2.99€/15 days

Props : Have many supported premium link such littlebit, rapidgator, bannedhost.net.. etc , easy to use, got extension, nice website, got bonus point, free download even ur premium account expired but after happy hours, really cheap, support direct download torrent and much much more!

Cons : Not uptime as much as Realdebrid, don't have many option to make a payment


2. Premiumize

Props : Superd uptime! more than Alldebrid and Realdebrid, honest advertise, support a lot premium host, support direct torrent, and much much more!

Cons : Sometimes can be Expensive compare to Alldebrid and RealDebrid , starting 6.99 € / month ..., but this one and realdebrid almost the same quality


1. RealDebrid 3€/15days

Probs : Cheap and worth every penny, Supported alot premium host, friendly extension on browser, torrent direct download, excellent uptime! 97% , jdownloader and much much more!

Cons : emmm.. Idk.

Ok, thats all from me.. bbye

but wait, still more.

Hey, I have idea to make group buy with this, you can pm me and discuss, and we can shared account if you interested

because sometimes when I busy, I forgot to used this account to download and its wasted almost a month.. :/

but I dunno man, it can be great idea to save up more intelligently

for those who looking for free stuff

I recommend searching from leeching website

they all have downside in which normally comes with an annoying ads

sometimes alot and sometimes don't

you can try premiumgenerator, less ads, but trust me, if you heavy downloaded

don't waste ur time with free stuff, I have done -- waste of my time

ok, thats all from me,,

Do you own any multihost? and what is the best and why

All credit to this guys! diden seniaku.

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Download FRD (Free Rapid Downloader) and rest in peace. The download speed is a bit slow but I don't care as it's completely free.

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Download FRD (Free Rapid Downloader) and rest in peace. The download speed is a bit slow but I don't care as it's completely free.

but its executable.. I prefer something on browser directly, this is my top for those who it free

premiumgenerator , this is the best no ads, but not much supported

trdebrid.com , have ads need to skip

the premium one also have free option, but only from 6pm to 12pm , and you still can register it for free

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Worst thing about this host they dont have paypal option and if you go to they partner to buy via paypal they will charge you 3 times as original price so i stayed away from them and stayed with torrents and no way i would ever buy from them via my cc :)

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Used alldebrid for a couple of years now and you can pay via paypal.

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Used alldebrid for a couple of years now and you can pay via paypal.

Most Multihoster has been ban from using paypal , usually they use affiliate to use that option, because they cant use paypal anymore, I know its easy but they have no choice and start to use affliate if we want to pay via paypal.. the problem with this guys is trusted or not

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Worst thing about this host they dont have paypal option and if you go to they partner to buy via paypal they will charge you 3 times as original price so i stayed away from them and stayed with torrents and no way i would ever buy from them via my cc :)

Paypal ban every multihoster since 2010 :s

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I am with Zevera and have no problems, and you will be surprised what can be arranged if you talk to their support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Worst thing about this host they dont have paypal option and if you go to they partner to buy via paypal they will charge you 3 times as original price so i stayed away from them and stayed with torrents and no way i would ever buy from them via my cc :)

Only way I've been able to buy any of these without it getting rejected as fraud and throwing my hands up after saying it wasn't, but the order being cancelled as a result, was to buy from RealDebrid with Bitcoin. Only thing I've ever bought with Bitcoin, but it worked.

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I am with Zevera and have no problems, and you will be surprised what can be arranged if you talk to their support.

I am experience with zevera before I jump to realdebrid.. trust me, zevera is down most of the times.. swiching to realdebrid just let me think how good this server is.. I am stop using zevera anymore.. wasted of money, slow and alot of downtime

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I am with Zevera and have no problems, and you will be surprised what can be arranged if you talk to their support.

I am experience with zevera before I jump to realdebrid.. trust me, zevera is down most of the times.. swiching to realdebrid just let me think how good this server is.. I am stop using zevera anymore.. wasted of money, slow and alot of downtime

I can disprove that in one easy breath


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Even when I wouldn't be that almighty how to "disprove" other people experiences, I am to tell you Zevera is plain sh*t for me; I can show a snapshot or even a short video as well, showing how bad it is. I have a "Lifetime" account with them, but it is practically without use. So maybe there is some kind of hidden trick one must follow, in order it works fine? Or it is just a question of luck, so it works fine for some and bad for others, according to where you are geographically situated? And their support system isn't worthier than the lowest third-world services offer.

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I am with Zevera and have no problems, and you will be surprised what can be arranged if you talk to their support.

I am experience with zevera before I jump to realdebrid.. trust me, zevera is down most of the times.. swiching to realdebrid just let me think how good this server is.. I am stop using zevera anymore.. wasted of money, slow and alot of downtime

I can disprove that in one easy breath

I experience with zavera almost 2 years.. trust me.., try realdebrid, zavera is complete shit when you try another good server and you will notice a different, using this doesnt guarantee anything, it still can resume when its goes back to online, sometimes it can take a days to finish download, well depend how much download from different host provider did you have.., realdebrid just finish on time, most of the times with many different host provider... if you want more excellent service.. try premiumize.me, its a bit expensive but the download speed and uptime is insane ..

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I did used Zevera and same kind of frustration as everyone else faced.. it's not reliable any time. Links did not convert at most of the time in day. I'm going to switch to other multihoster soon.. Sick of Zevera!!!

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ever thought it might just be your connection's?

luckily for me mine is good but having been through several "Dying" hosters and loosing money I went for a multi service and as proven Zevera works fine for me

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