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[Release] Internet Download Manager [How to Reverse Engineering]


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Reverse Engineering on this program a bit much when its 2 easy to crack it but that said nice work

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Reverse Engineering on this program a bit much when its 2 easy to crack it but that said nice work

The smartest people are the ones that don't try to act smart! If you try too hard and often to act smart, you will come off as ignorant and unreal. Don't think about acting smart, just try adding what you know to conversations.

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Reverse Engineering on this program a bit much when its 2 easy to crack it but that said nice work

The smartest people are the ones that don't try to act smart! If you try too hard and often to act smart, you will come off as ignorant and unreal. Don't think about acting smart, just try adding what you know to conversations.

yes u are 100% right about what u say and its not about smart or not for me i like Reverse Engineering alot but wood not Reverse Engineering on this program plz do not get me wrong i am not smart at all but i do no abit about somethings not every thing just alittle bit of knowledge is all i have

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Reverse Engineering on this program a bit much when its 2 easy to crack it but that said nice work

The smartest people are the ones that don't try to act smart! If you try too hard and often to act smart, you will come off as ignorant and unreal. Don't think about acting smart, just try adding what you know to conversations.

Very true, some of the smartest people simply do what they do and don't need to brag about or tell people how wonderful they are...They do it because they enjoy the challange and have the skills.

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Oh and babelpatcher, although I don't have the skills or the time and maybe the ability to gain them I appriciate that you share some of your coding for those that are just taking it up and giving them insight.

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Humm not work. Jump the message "Serial Fake"

it may not work , depends on your IDM version number.. :D

the method used in this topic is out-date.. :D

Today, i'm playing with IDM again (version 6.25)

if you like to, you may try this new one... :D

Site: www42.zippyshare.comCode: /v/0J5VlFig/file.html
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Debuger : OllyDbg v1.10

Patcher : DUP2002 v2.26.1

Target : IDMan.exe

Version : 6.25

Note: I am not a pro.. just wanna share :)

Search & Replace Patch

P1. serial status at the end of check scheme

00444F9B    .  E8 000A0000               CALL IDMan.004459A0                     ; \p1 eax = 000444FA0       8BD8                      MOV EBX,EAX                             ;  xor ebx,ebx00444FA2    .  83C4 04                   ADD ESP,0x400444FA5    .  895D EC                   MOV [EBP-0x14],EBX                      ;  ebx = 000444FA8    .  8B45 EC                   MOV EAX,[EBP-0x14]                      ;  eax = 000444FAB    .  85C0                      TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  00444FAD    .  74 0A                     JE SHORT IDMan.00444FB98B ?? 83 ?? ?? 89 ?? ?? 8B ?? ?? 85 C033 DB ?? ?? ?? 89 ?? ?? 8B ?? ?? 85 C0
P2. check serial format (optional - registry patch method make this not needed)

00445BCA   |.  F7D1                      NOT ECX00445BCC   |.  49                        DEC ECX00445BCD   |.  83F9 17                   CMP ECX,0x1700445BD0   |.  75 1C                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BD2   |.  807D 85 2D                CMP BYTE PTR [EBP-0x7B],0x2D00445BD6   |.  75 16                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BD8   |.  807D 8B 2D                CMP BYTE PTR [EBP-0x75],0x2D00445BDC   |.  75 10                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BDE   |.  807D 91 2D                CMP BYTE PTR [EBP-0x6F],0x2D00445BE2   |.  75 0A                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BE4   |.  C705 44706A00 00000000    MOV DWORD PTR [0x6A7044],0x0            ;  GET HERE83 ?? 17 75 ?? ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 ?? ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 ?? ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 ??83 ?? 17 75 00 ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 00 ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 00 ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 00
P3. serial & expired check 1#

00445CE5   |.  FF15 04306100             CALL [<&ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA>]     ; \P3 *00445CEB       F7D8                      NEG EAX                                 ;  mov eax,000445CED       1BC0                      SBB EAX,EAX00445CEF       40                        INC EAX                                 ;  eax = 000445CF0   |.  8945 E0                   MOV [EBP-0x20],EAX00445CF3   |.  0F85 E1010000             JNZ IDMan.00445EDA                      ;  X00445CF9   |> \8D45 EC                   LEA EAX,[EBP-0x14]                      ;  FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? F7 D8 1B C0 40 89 45 ?? 0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8DFF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? B8 00 00 00 00 89 45 ?? 0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D
P3b expired check

004445ED   |> \F7D8                 NEG EAX                                 ;  004445EF   |.  1BC0                 SBB EAX,EAX                             ;  xor eax,eax004445F1   |.  40                   INC EAX                                 ;  NOP004445F2   |.  85C0                 TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  1B C0 40 85 C033 C0 90 85 C0
P4. serial & expired check 2#

00450C4E   |.  FFD3                      CALL EBX                                ; \RegQueryValueExA00450C50   |.  8B55 E4                   MOV EDX,[EBP-0x1C]00450C53   |.  8BF0                      MOV ESI,EAX                             ;  p6 * P400450C55       F7DE                      NEG ESI                                 ;  mov esi,000450C57       1BF6                      SBB ESI,ESI                             ;  push edx00450C59       52                        PUSH EDX                                ; /hKey = 005CC18F00450C5A       46                        INC ESI                                 ; |push edx00450C5B   |.  FF15 68306100             CALL [<&ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey>]          ; \RegCloseKey00450C61   |.  85F6                      TEST ESI,ESI00450C63   |.  0F85 18010000             JNZ IDMan.00450D81                      ;  X00450C69   |.  EB 06                     JMP SHORT IDMan.00450C718B ?? F7 DE 1B F6 ?? 468B ?? F7 DE 33 F6 ?? 90
P5. patch old fake serial message jump

0044999F  |. /EB 04         JMP SHORT IDMan.004499A5004499A1  |> |85C0          TEST EAX,EAX004499A3  |. |74 6D         JE SHORT IDMan.00449A12                  ;  V004499A5     \6A 00         PUSH 0                                   ;  X - Dont get hereEB 04 85 C0 74 ?? 6A 00EB 04 85 C0 EB ?? EB FC
P6. Patch serial check 3#

related string: LstCheck and CheckUpdtVM

004751E0   /$  83EC 40                   SUB ESP,0x40                            ;  004751E3   |.  8B15 9C226D00             MOV EDX,[0x6D229C]004751E9   |.  56                        PUSH ESI004751EA   |.  8D4424 08                 LEA EAX,[ESP+0x8]004751EE   |.  57                        PUSH EDI004751EF   |.  8D4C24 28                 LEA ECX,[ESP+0x28]004751F3   |.  50                        PUSH EAX                                ; /pBufSize = kernel32.BaseThreadInitThunk004751F4   |.  51                        PUSH ECX                                ; |Buffer = NULL004751F5   |.  6A 00                     PUSH 0x0                                ; |pValueType = NULL004751F7   |.  6A 00                     PUSH 0x0                                ; |Reserved = NULL004751F9   |.  68 147D6A00               PUSH IDMan.006A7D14                     ; |ValueName = "LstCheck"004751FE   |.  52                        PUSH EDX                                ; |hKey = 0x5CC18F004751FF   |.  C74424 24 10000000        MOV DWORD PTR [ESP+0x24],0x10           ; |00475207   |.  FF15 04306100             CALL [<&ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA>]     ; \RegQueryValueExA0047520D   |.  85C0                      TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  kernel32.BaseThreadInitThunk0047520F       0F85 EB000000             JNZ IDMan.00475300                      ;  V JUMP8D ?? ?? ?? 50 51 6A 00 6A 00 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? 52 C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 0F 858D ?? ?? ?? 50 51 6A 00 6A 00 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? 52 C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 90 E9
P7. patch MData string to nullstring

00445EAB   |> \A1 18296D00      MOV EAX,[0x6D2918]  ;  dont patch here, idm error on exit006D2918 contain "dynamic" memory address which has MData string.MData string is encrypted004CF520   |.  52               PUSH EDX                                ;004CF521   |.  8D45 C8          LEA EAX,[EBP-0x38]                 ;  contain encrypted MData string004CF524   |.  51               PUSH ECX004CF525   |.  50               PUSH EAX004CF526   |.  8D4D E8          LEA ECX,[EBP-0x18]004CF529   |.  E8 D271F7FF      CALL IDMan.00446700                     ;  decrypt the string004CF52E   |.  8D4D C8          LEA ECX,[EBP-0x38]004CF531   |.  51               PUSH ECX004CF532   |.  68 E82F6A00      PUSH IDMan.006A2FE8                     ;  ASCII "%s"004CF537   |.  68 18296D00      PUSH IDMan.006D2918004CF53C   |.  E8 AADA1000      CALL IDMan.005DCFEB                     ;  set 006D2918004CF541   |.  83C4 0C          ADD ESP,0xCbecause of EBX is 0, so set [EBP-0x38] = EBX8D ?? ?? 51 50 8D ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D89 5D ?? 51 50 89 5D ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D
P8. Serial Number check again, damn!!

00476141   |.  8B4424 1C                 MOV EAX,[ESP+0x1C]                      ;  Serial Number00476145   |.  8D8C24 C0000000           LEA ECX,[ESP+0xC0]                      ;  encrypted string0047614C   |.  50                        PUSH EAX0047614D   |.  51                        PUSH ECX0047614E   |.  E8 ED2E1500               CALL IDMan.005C9040                     ;  p11 * P800476153   |.  83C4 08                   ADD ESP,0x800476156   |.  85C0                      TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  xor eax,eax00476158   |.  0F84 48020000             JE IDMan.004763A68B 44 ?? ?? 8D 8C ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 50 51 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 C4 ?? 85 C0 0F 848B 44 ?? ?? 8D 8C ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 50 51 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 C4 ?? 33 C0 0F 84

Registry Patch

Serial Number Format = XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

REGEDIT4[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager]"Email"=-"FName"=-"LName"=-"Serial"=-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager]"Email"="[email protected]""FName"="Internet""LName"="Download Manager""Serial"="9QNBL-L2641-Y7WVE-QEN3I"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager]"Email"="[email protected]""FName"="Internet""LName"="Download Manager""Serial"="9QNBL-L2641-Y7WVE-QEN3I"

I hope P8 will fix fake serial number message :D

IDM v6.x.x Patch Update 2

Site: www34.zippyshare.com

Code: /v/JIax6a5C/file.html

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Debuger : OllyDbg v1.10

Patcher : DUP2002 v2.26.1

Target : IDMan.exe

Version : 6.25

Note: I am not a pro.. just wanna share :)

Search & Replace Patch

P1. serial status at the end of check scheme

00444F9B    .  E8 000A0000               CALL IDMan.004459A0                     ; \p1 eax = 000444FA0       8BD8                      MOV EBX,EAX                             ;  xor ebx,ebx00444FA2    .  83C4 04                   ADD ESP,0x400444FA5    .  895D EC                   MOV [EBP-0x14],EBX                      ;  ebx = 000444FA8    .  8B45 EC                   MOV EAX,[EBP-0x14]                      ;  eax = 000444FAB    .  85C0                      TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  00444FAD    .  74 0A                     JE SHORT IDMan.00444FB98B ?? 83 ?? ?? 89 ?? ?? 8B ?? ?? 85 C033 DB ?? ?? ?? 89 ?? ?? 8B ?? ?? 85 C0
P2. check serial format (optional - registry patch method make this not needed)

00445BCA   |.  F7D1                      NOT ECX00445BCC   |.  49                        DEC ECX00445BCD   |.  83F9 17                   CMP ECX,0x1700445BD0   |.  75 1C                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BD2   |.  807D 85 2D                CMP BYTE PTR [EBP-0x7B],0x2D00445BD6   |.  75 16                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BD8   |.  807D 8B 2D                CMP BYTE PTR [EBP-0x75],0x2D00445BDC   |.  75 10                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BDE   |.  807D 91 2D                CMP BYTE PTR [EBP-0x6F],0x2D00445BE2   |.  75 0A                     JNZ SHORT IDMan.00445BEE00445BE4   |.  C705 44706A00 00000000    MOV DWORD PTR [0x6A7044],0x0            ;  GET HERE83 ?? 17 75 ?? ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 ?? ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 ?? ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 ??83 ?? 17 75 00 ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 00 ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 00 ?? ?? ?? 2D 75 00
P3. serial & expired check 1#

00445CE5   |.  FF15 04306100             CALL [<&ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA>]     ; \P3 *00445CEB       F7D8                      NEG EAX                                 ;  mov eax,000445CED       1BC0                      SBB EAX,EAX00445CEF       40                        INC EAX                                 ;  eax = 000445CF0   |.  8945 E0                   MOV [EBP-0x20],EAX00445CF3   |.  0F85 E1010000             JNZ IDMan.00445EDA                      ;  X00445CF9   |> \8D45 EC                   LEA EAX,[EBP-0x14]                      ;  FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? F7 D8 1B C0 40 89 45 ?? 0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8DFF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? B8 00 00 00 00 89 45 ?? 0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D
P3b expired check

004445ED   |> \F7D8                 NEG EAX                                 ;  004445EF   |.  1BC0                 SBB EAX,EAX                             ;  xor eax,eax004445F1   |.  40                   INC EAX                                 ;  NOP004445F2   |.  85C0                 TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  1B C0 40 85 C033 C0 90 85 C0
P4. serial & expired check 2#

00450C4E   |.  FFD3                      CALL EBX                                ; \RegQueryValueExA00450C50   |.  8B55 E4                   MOV EDX,[EBP-0x1C]00450C53   |.  8BF0                      MOV ESI,EAX                             ;  p6 * P400450C55       F7DE                      NEG ESI                                 ;  mov esi,000450C57       1BF6                      SBB ESI,ESI                             ;  push edx00450C59       52                        PUSH EDX                                ; /hKey = 005CC18F00450C5A       46                        INC ESI                                 ; |push edx00450C5B   |.  FF15 68306100             CALL [<&ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey>]          ; \RegCloseKey00450C61   |.  85F6                      TEST ESI,ESI00450C63   |.  0F85 18010000             JNZ IDMan.00450D81                      ;  X00450C69   |.  EB 06                     JMP SHORT IDMan.00450C718B ?? F7 DE 1B F6 ?? 468B ?? F7 DE 33 F6 ?? 90
P5. patch old fake serial message jump

0044999F  |. /EB 04         JMP SHORT IDMan.004499A5004499A1  |> |85C0          TEST EAX,EAX004499A3  |. |74 6D         JE SHORT IDMan.00449A12                  ;  V004499A5     \6A 00         PUSH 0                                   ;  X - Dont get hereEB 04 85 C0 74 ?? 6A 00EB 04 85 C0 EB ?? EB FC
P6. Patch serial check 3#

related string: LstCheck and CheckUpdtVM

004751E0   /$  83EC 40                   SUB ESP,0x40                            ;  004751E3   |.  8B15 9C226D00             MOV EDX,[0x6D229C]004751E9   |.  56                        PUSH ESI004751EA   |.  8D4424 08                 LEA EAX,[ESP+0x8]004751EE   |.  57                        PUSH EDI004751EF   |.  8D4C24 28                 LEA ECX,[ESP+0x28]004751F3   |.  50                        PUSH EAX                                ; /pBufSize = kernel32.BaseThreadInitThunk004751F4   |.  51                        PUSH ECX                                ; |Buffer = NULL004751F5   |.  6A 00                     PUSH 0x0                                ; |pValueType = NULL004751F7   |.  6A 00                     PUSH 0x0                                ; |Reserved = NULL004751F9   |.  68 147D6A00               PUSH IDMan.006A7D14                     ; |ValueName = "LstCheck"004751FE   |.  52                        PUSH EDX                                ; |hKey = 0x5CC18F004751FF   |.  C74424 24 10000000        MOV DWORD PTR [ESP+0x24],0x10           ; |00475207   |.  FF15 04306100             CALL [<&ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA>]     ; \RegQueryValueExA0047520D   |.  85C0                      TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  kernel32.BaseThreadInitThunk0047520F       0F85 EB000000             JNZ IDMan.00475300                      ;  V JUMP8D ?? ?? ?? 50 51 6A 00 6A 00 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? 52 C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 0F 858D ?? ?? ?? 50 51 6A 00 6A 00 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? 52 C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 90 E9
P7. patch MData string to nullstring

00445EAB   |> \A1 18296D00      MOV EAX,[0x6D2918]  ;  dont patch here, idm error on exit006D2918 contain "dynamic" memory address which has MData string.MData string is encrypted004CF520   |.  52               PUSH EDX                                ;004CF521   |.  8D45 C8          LEA EAX,[EBP-0x38]                 ;  contain encrypted MData string004CF524   |.  51               PUSH ECX004CF525   |.  50               PUSH EAX004CF526   |.  8D4D E8          LEA ECX,[EBP-0x18]004CF529   |.  E8 D271F7FF      CALL IDMan.00446700                     ;  decrypt the string004CF52E   |.  8D4D C8          LEA ECX,[EBP-0x38]004CF531   |.  51               PUSH ECX004CF532   |.  68 E82F6A00      PUSH IDMan.006A2FE8                     ;  ASCII "%s"004CF537   |.  68 18296D00      PUSH IDMan.006D2918004CF53C   |.  E8 AADA1000      CALL IDMan.005DCFEB                     ;  set 006D2918004CF541   |.  83C4 0C          ADD ESP,0xCbecause of EBX is 0, so set [EBP-0x38] = EBX8D ?? ?? 51 50 8D ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D89 5D ?? 51 50 89 5D ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D
P8. Serial Number check again, damn!!

00476141   |.  8B4424 1C                 MOV EAX,[ESP+0x1C]                      ;  Serial Number00476145   |.  8D8C24 C0000000           LEA ECX,[ESP+0xC0]                      ;  encrypted string0047614C   |.  50                        PUSH EAX0047614D   |.  51                        PUSH ECX0047614E   |.  E8 ED2E1500               CALL IDMan.005C9040                     ;  p11 * P800476153   |.  83C4 08                   ADD ESP,0x800476156   |.  85C0                      TEST EAX,EAX                            ;  xor eax,eax00476158   |.  0F84 48020000             JE IDMan.004763A68B 44 ?? ?? 8D 8C ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 50 51 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 C4 ?? 85 C0 0F 848B 44 ?? ?? 8D 8C ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 50 51 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 C4 ?? 33 C0 0F 84

Registry Patch

Serial Number Format = XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

REGEDIT4[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager]"Email"=-"FName"=-"LName"=-"Serial"=-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager]"Email"="[email protected]""FName"="Internet""LName"="Download Manager""Serial"="9QNBL-L2641-Y7WVE-QEN3I"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager]"Email"="[email protected]""FName"="Internet""LName"="Download Manager""Serial"="9QNBL-L2641-Y7WVE-QEN3I"

P1-P8 applied in IDM v6.x.x Patch Update 2




P10 added in IDM v6.x.x Patch Update 3

P10 Disable IDM call home (register)

004FEEDF   |.  8BE9             MOV EBP,ECX004FEEE1   |.  E8 3A0C0000      CALL IDMan.004FFB20                   ;  getusername004FEEE6   |.  8BCD             MOV ECX,EBP004FEEE8   |.  E8 F30B0000      CALL IDMan.004FFAE0                   ;  getcomputername004FEEED   |.  8BCD             MOV ECX,EBP004FEEEF   |.  E8 1C070000      CALL IDMan.004FF610                   ;  p18 * P10 register IDM004FEEF4   |.  8B4D 04          MOV ECX,[EBP+0x4]004FEEF7   |.  33FF             XOR EDI,EDI004FEEF9   |.  3BCF             CMP ECX,EDI004FEEFB   |.  BB 01000000      MOV EBX,0x1004FEF00   |.  74 65            JE SHORT IDMan.004FEF67004FEF02   |.  53               PUSH EBX004FEF03   |.  E8 285EF3FF      CALL IDMan.00434D30004FEF08   |.  85C0             TEST EAX,EAX                          ;  eax = 0004FEF0A   |.  75 5B            JNZ SHORT IDMan.004FEF67              ;  X004FEF0C   |.  397D 08          CMP [EBP+0x8],EDI004FEF0F   |.  75 0A            JNZ SHORT IDMan.004FEF1B              ;  X004FEF11   |.  B8 04000000      MOV EAX,0x4004FEF16   |.  E9 D0060000      JMP IDMan.004FF5EB85 C0 75 ?? 39 ?? ?? 75 ?? B8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E933 C0 75 ?? 39 ?? ?? 75 ?? B8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E9
IDM v6.x.x Patch Update 3Site: rghost.netCode: /6nySVN444


IDM v6.x.x Patch Update 3 is still working flawlessly


P11 added in IDM v6.x.x Patch Update 4

P11 check if serial number combination is valid..??

if yes then disable registration menu else show fake message.

patch this so we dont need keygen anymore..!!

0045087F   |.  E8 DCFAFFFF      CALL IDMan.00450360                                 ;  * F700450884   |.  83C4 04          ADD ESP,0x4                                         ;  al = 100450887   |.  84C0             TEST AL,AL00450889   |.  0F85 91000000    JNZ IDMan.00450920                                  ;  v jump0045088F   |.  6A 00            PUSH 0x0004504A3    .  B9 19000000      MOV ECX,0x19                                        ;  *004504A8       8D7D BC          LEA EDI,[EBP-0x44]                                  ;  is serial valid004504AB       8D75 88          LEA ESI,[EBP-0x78]				    ;  is serial valid004504AE    .  33D2             XOR EDX,EDX004504B0    .  885D E4          MOV [EBP-0x1C],BL004504B3    .  885D E5          MOV [EBP-0x1B],BL004504B6    .  885D E6          MOV [EBP-0x1A],BL004504B9    .  885D E7          MOV [EBP-0x19],BL004504BC    .  885D E8          MOV [EBP-0x18],BL004504BF    .  885D E9          MOV [EBP-0x17],BL004504C2    .  885D EA          MOV [EBP-0x16],BL004504C5    .  885D EB          MOV [EBP-0x15],BL004504C8    .  885D EC          MOV [EBP-0x14],BL004504CB    .  885D ED          MOV [EBP-0x13],BL004504CE    .  66:F3:A7         REPE CMPS WORD PTR ES:[EDI],WORD PTR [ESI]004504D1    .  75 13            JNZ SHORT IDMan.004504E6                            ;  V004504D3    .  32C0             XOR AL,AL004504D5    .  8B4D F4          MOV ECX,[EBP-0xC]004504D8    .  64:890D 00000000 MOV FS:[0],ECX004504DF    .  5F               POP EDI                                             ;  USER32.766078D7004504E0    .  5E               POP ESI                                             ;  USER32.766078D7004504E1    .  5B               POP EBX                                             ;  USER32.766078D7004504E2    .  8BE5             MOV ESP,EBP004504E4    .  5D               POP EBP                                             ;  USER32.766078D7004504E5    .  C3               RETNB9 19 ?? ?? ?? 8D ?? ?? 8D ?? ?? 33B9 19 ?? ?? ?? 89 ?? ?? 8D ?? ?? 33
IDM v6.x.x Patch Update 4Site: rghost.netCode: /8dr9jRbvv
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WOW! I already found you babelpatcher :)
you are now working with impostor? right?

and I've seen your latest patch and I scanned it. and no virus detected.

so I amazed. because you used DUP202. and no virus.

I also used DUP2. but I hate it now :( because it's always detected as virus

now. I'm working my patch in VB.NET 2010.

Can you help me babelpatcher to create patch in DUP2 with no virus detection?

thanks for your help

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Hai everyone and babelpatcher.

I'm working my patcher in vb.net

no virus detection and easy to use

here's my example:


About the patch:

-Detecting IDM if it running or not before running the patch

-Directly input desires Name

-1 Click patch

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Hi babelpatcher can u tell me how u wer saying forever trial by just modifying hosts?

Can u pls elaborate

no.. i did not mod my hosts file :D

i just patched IDM :D

IDM reset its trial status itself everytime it start :D

make it trial forever :D

believe me, there is no different between trial and registered version of IDM :D

so this is just like forever trial, isn't it?

how about the "Delete completed files..." button?

as far as I know this button is couldn't be used unless we have registered version

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