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[Artisteer] Problem


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I finally spent the last few days building the web site I want.

So I am 75% happy with it, I thought, lets save and upload.

I saved and uploaded and noticed out of 19 pages, only the index.html was saved.

I want all saved to my folder on my f.t.p. partition, not just the index file.

So what am I doing wrong?

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Tell me specifically what you did and what you want to do.
(I personally have a little more than 20 years made all kind of websites, blogs, forums, chat box etc. Some experience I have - maybe I can help you, if I know what's been done and where the actual problem is.)

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I solved the problem myself.

I realised I was saving it as a 'template' from within the file --> export saga.

However, I thought I would click on (within the program gui) export then top option, 'Website Template'.

This saved everything to my export folder.

I am a builder of computers, not very arty, so I have been told it's good, but not being arty still want to pick holes.

A bit like Hal Wilkerson from Malcolm in the middle when he got paint and kept splashing it on a wall in their garage.

If anyone wants the link, message me and I will provide.

That's the website b.t.w.

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Yep i will ask you of course Kalju...btw What version Artisteer did you used? >>> http://www.artisteer.com/?p=news

If this question is to me (also), I've never used this program - it means Artisteer

My main tools are a Blumental's software . http://www.blumentals.net/

Sometimes also JetBrains WebStorm, PhpStorm etc http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/ and now I want to examine what is Aptana Studio 3.6.0 - Freeware



License: Open Source

Operating Systems: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8, Windows Vista (32 bit),

Windows Vista (64 bit), Windows XP


Languages: English

Software Cost: Free

Aptana Studio is a comprehensive tool that brings HTML, CSS and JavaScript support into a single integrated development environment.

The program includes a number of features that will speed up your web development. HTML, CSS and JavaScript Code Assist, for

instance, helps you code faster and more accurately. Type a JavaScript object name - "document.", say - and Code Assist displays

all its methods and properties, making it easy to choose the one you need.

You also get integrated code samples. A Snippets feature lets you quickly insert frequently-used chunks of code into your projects.

Syntax highlighting keeps your documents more readable, and integration with Firebug for Firefox offers many useful JavaScript

debugging options.

Aptana Studio can be extended in many different ways. It already includes many popular Ajax libraries: jQuery, prototype, scriptaculous,

Ext JS, dojo, Spry, and YUI, for instance. You can add QuantumDB, giving easy access to local or remote databases. There are run-times

for Ruby on Rails, Python and PHP, and more than 1,000 third-party plug-ins to add just about any functionality you might need.

And when your project is complete, transfer it to your server using built-in FTP support, or deploy it right away to Aptana's

(subscription-based) Cloud service.


A versatile and very extensible IDE

Source: http://www.downloadcrew.com/article/6751-aptana_studio

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