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James O'Keefe Crosses The US-Mexico Border Dressed As Osama Bin Laden


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James O'Keefe Crosses The US-Mexico Border Dressed As Osama Bin Laden

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Investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe exposes the U.S.-Mexico border’s vulnerability to terrorism in his latest undercover project, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video reminds viewers of recent statements by the president and Obama administration officials that the southern border is secure. O’Keefe then proceeds to Hudspeth County, Texas, to easily cross back and forth cross the Rio Grande wearing the costume of modern history’s most recognizable terrorist.

“I see no border patrol. I see no security,” O’Keefe said in the video before donning a bin Laden mask. “Thousands of people have stood in my footsteps right now. They’ve come from South America, Honduras, Guatemala, and they’ve all crossed the border. And if they can cross, anybody can cross.”

(RELATED: The Time Fidel Castro Snuck Into America From Mexico) :lol:


O’Keefe’s work often distinguishes itself for proving taboo but accurate premises – in this case, that Islamic extremists are able to gain entry to the United States from Mexico, where drug cartels are linked to numerous terrorist organizations including Hezbollah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the strongest al-Qaida-like organization in the heart of the Middle East.

This summer has seen a whirlwind of terrorist activity on the southern border, with dire anecdotes pouring out of local news stations but ignored by the mainstream press. Security contractors found a Muslim prayer rug on the Arizona border, where 300 extremists affiliated with al-Qaida’s Somalia syndicate al-Shabab recently entered the United States unaccounted for. Terrorist watch-list suspects were also detained trying to get into the country through California. Country music legend Charlie Daniels revealed that, “I personally spoke with an Arizona law enforcement officer who had taken four what he called ‘Taliban’ out of the back of an 18 wheeler.”

Relevant on the contemporary merits, O’Keefe’s video also makes an important symbolic point thirteen confusing years after the attacks of 9/11. The terrorists we’re fighting today are more technologically savvy than their idol Osama bin Laden, the self-designed political figure who tried to fire history’s loudest shot. But their motives have not changed. And they have access to the United States.


Many thanks... I was confused...

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Argument does not match with the topic. You can not change the topic different from the original source for fairness.

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I say close this obvious and purposely misleading racist bs thread

If the OP starts posting Infowars crap i shall call him AmbrociusII

As for the dailycaller...just from a 10 second look....nothing new here, rampant republicanism anti-Obama slant to everything....do we really need another Ambrocius?

And to the OP:

America The Paranaoid.

Ever think maybe if you had a humane foreign policy, you know instead of a LONG track record of bombing poor people in countries 90% (im being generous here) of your citizens couldnt find on a world map, no one would want to harm you, just a thought....reap what you sow.

Or to quote a headline story on our Sydney Morning Herald website today:

Death Spiral USA

How can a nation with five per cent of the world's population own 50 per cent of its firearms?

Meanwhile, leave your nutbag theories at home....

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Argument does not match with the topic. You can not change the topic different from the original source for fairness.

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Rather than closing it you could just let people speak freely. Just a suggestion.

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I say close this obvious and purposely misleading racist bs thread

If the OP starts posting Infowars crap i shall call him AmbrociusII

As for the dailycaller...just from a 10 second look....nothing new here, rampant republicanism anti-Obama slant to everything....do we really need another Ambrocius?

And to the OP:

America The Paranaoid.

Ever think maybe if you had a humane foreign policy, you know instead of a LONG track record of bombing poor people in countries 90% (im being generous here) of your citizens couldnt find on a world map, no one would want to harm you, just a thought....reap what you sow.

Or to quote a headline story on our Sydney Morning Herlad website today:

Death Spiral USA

How can a nation with five per cent of the world's population own 50 per cent of its firearms?

Meanwhile, leave your nutbag theories at home....

you are WAY off base. nutbag .

Looky here aussie boy, you know NOTHING about the southern border of the USA or whats happening down there and I think you need to shut the fuck up.

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we really do not need nut cases running rampant on this great site...this is not palce to stand on soap boxes and spout off random false/misleading conspiracy theories ..there are actually places on the internet that welcome that sort of thing so why come to place that 99% of the members do not care to see here

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I say close this obvious and purposely misleading racist bs thread

If the OP starts posting Infowars crap i shall call him AmbrociusII

As for the dailycaller...just from a 10 second look....nothing new here, rampant republicanism anti-Obama slant to everything....do we really need another Ambrocius?

And to the OP:

America The Paranaoid.

Ever think maybe if you had a humane foreign policy, you know instead of a LONG track record of bombing poor people in countries 90% (im being generous here) of your citizens couldnt find on a world map, no one would want to harm you, just a thought....reap what you sow.

Or to quote a headline story on our Sydney Morning Herlad website today:

Death Spiral USA

How can a nation with five per cent of the world's population own 50 per cent of its firearms?

Meanwhile, leave your nutbag theories at home....

you are WAY off base. nutbag .

Looky here aussie boy, you know NOTHING about the southern border of the USA or whats happening down there and I think you need to shut the fuck up.

Now i see why youve been trolling me in my other posts today, because i upset your little narrow view of the world here...makes sense now...dont worry ill report this troll attempt as well.....

See, if i dont agree with someones post in one thread i dont follow them and take potshots at them in their other posts, which arent related by the way, thats called trolling

Oh, and nice language too...

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we really do not need nut cases running rampant on this great site...this is not palce to stand on soap boxes and spout off random false/misleading conspiracy theories ..there are actually places on the internet that welcome that sort of thing so why come to place that 99% of the members do not care to see here

Don't worry, im of the same opinion and its been a long running battle of mine to get the mods and admin to stop this crap, but they seem unwilling to do whats in the best interest of the site....had the same long running problem with a nutbag called Ambrocious who routinely posted nutbag conspiracy theories and cut & paste Alex Jones articles and videos etc here time after time, and seemed to be protected by the mods and admins

On any given day when Ambrocious (some say JackieO and Ambrocious are one in the same) was active you could see a number of incendiary topics on the main web page, the topics garaunteed and designed to be inflammatory, racist and trollbait, but still they did nothing.....

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Thought i might post a factual Fox Free news article about something that maybe you might actually need to worry about, and this comes on the back of my earlier post above titled "Death spiral USA", which asks "How can a nation with five per cent of the world's population own 50 per cent of its firearms?"

US Cops over-armed for duty


And just for added fun:

US Republicans enter fake news business


I thought some factual news might be refreshing.

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Rather than closing it you could just let people speak freely. Just a suggestion.

Nothing contrary about sharing views and opinions. But in this forum, there are rules to follow. :)

* Argument does not match with the topic. You can not change the topic different from the original source for fairness.

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Many Thanks, Guys

In my senior vascular dementia mindset, I confusedly played the humour card and failed...

Of course I failed... I'm not Robin Willams, Chevy Chase, Richard Pryor, or any other

famous comedian...

I really am just one wild and crazy guy (Steve Martin)

No bias on this side of the Pond... Believe it or not...

Respectfully submitted


The post intent was, however, to poke fun at the homeland security farce on the American

Mexico border...

The post intent had nothing whatsoever to do with any person, religion, Political or any other belief...

Believe it or not...

Thank you for your support... :)

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Many Thanks, Guys

In my senior vascular dementia mindset, I confusedly played the humour card and failed...

Of course I failed... I'm not Robin Willams, Chevy Chase, Richard Pryor, or any other

famous comedian...

I really am just one wild and crazy guy (Steve Martin)

No bias on this side of the Pond... Believe it or not...

Respectfully submitted


The post intent was, however, to poke fun at the homeland security farce on the American

Mexico border...

The post intent had nothing whatsoever to do with any person, religion, Political or any other belief...

Believe it or not...

Thank you for your support... :)

really like your security notice

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Many Thanks, Guys

In my senior vascular dementia mindset, I confusedly played the humour card and failed...

Of course I failed... I'm not Robin Willams, Chevy Chase, Richard Pryor, or any other

famous comedian...

I really am just one wild and crazy guy (Steve Martin)

No bias on this side of the Pond... Believe it or not...

Respectfully submitted


The post intent was, however, to poke fun at the homeland security farce on the American

Mexico border...

The post intent had nothing whatsoever to do with any person, religion, Political or any other belief...

Believe it or not...

Thank you for your support... :)

If it indeed was an attempt at poking fun, then you need to understand we have seen this behaviour before, the changing topic title, the inflammatory title, the skewed one eyed often racist and bigoted view of people like Ambrocious and his kind.

You may also notice it resulted in another known pest being active here and trolling in other threads as well. Not what id call a good result. Especially as after reporting him, the mods and admin have taken no action against him or made any acknowledgement to me of receiving the reports, so yeah nothing new there, seems spines are still in short supply here and the nutbags are protected.....have to now assume that JackieO is indeed Ambrocious in another form, because only that insane racist bigoted knuckledragging sister marrying ignorant redneck assclown Ambrocious got that kind of protection from mods and admins.

Don't assume that the mods and admin have the sites best interests at heart....

So, yeah, not what id call an attempt at poking fun....it was just more of the same to those of us who seen it before, and seen how it turns out....

Probably best to make it clear in future, context is everything on the internet or try posting in Jokes & Funny Stuff....where logic would lead one to believe attempts at humour would be more appropriately housed...

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Thought i might post a factual Fox Free news article about something that maybe you might actually need to worry about, and this comes on the back of my earlier post above titled "Death spiral USA", which asks "How can a nation with five per cent of the world's population own 50 per cent of its firearms?"

US Cops over-armed for duty


And just for added fun:

US Republicans enter fake news business


I thought some factual news might be refreshing.

Thank you... It should have been posted in humour but, Sometimes I make mistakes... human error... :)

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we really do not need nut cases running rampant on this great site...this is not palce to stand on soap boxes and spout off random false/misleading conspiracy theories ..there are actually places on the internet that welcome that sort of thing so why come to place that 99% of the members do not care to see here

Soo....no critical thinking? Darn.

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