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serial for videoredo tv suite H.264 V4.21.6.674


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hi friends, the serial : Vincent J Sansevero Jr not working, I went to upgrade to the new beta version and forgot to put not in upgrade option, Now not work anymore!!!

help me!!!!

thanks in advance

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Uninstall and scrub ur registry for VideoRedo entries, then reinstall, block with firewall, should be OK. Be careful mucking around the registry B)

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I new here, how do I delete the registry and block the firewall?

I am not a good person to ask for in-depth help. I am happy to help like I did when I said this---> "Uninstall and scrub ur registry for VideoRedo entries, then reinstall, block with firewall, should be OK. Be careful mucking around the registry". I however do not have the patience to go in depth, its not you it is just how I am. Maybe someone else here will help assist you further? But what ever you do, dont delete your registry, forget I ever said the word "registry" and maybe for you buying the software would be healthier. :) Good Luck!

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  • Switch off your internet
  • Uninstall the beta
  • Reboot
  • Install the previous version
  • Do not allow a reboot
  • Disable "Check for updates"
  • Register with the serial that worked for you
  • Reboot
  • Switch on your internet


Have not had the opportunity to use this program . . . . . . . . . . . . ever.

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I use this program with the meds that the OP talked of. It works fine. I have v4.21.6.674b. The newest vesion is v4.21.10.681b. I just tried and the new version will not accept the registration code for me either. If dcs18's suggestion did not work then the culprit may well be found in some registy code which now recognizes that the 'Vincent J Sansevero Jr' registration info is pirated. That would be my best guess. But please dont muck around in your registry unless or until you are sure about what you are doing! Sorry I can help you no further at this point in time. I am going to look for new meds to work with the newest version of VideoRedo TV Suite and if I am successful I will post here.

EDIT: I was reading this

Moreover do not get the installation file (v674b) from VideoRedo website as this file has been 'updated' to include the supplied registration info into its blacklist! Use the previous (v674b) installation file.

I just happen to have 'the previous (v674b) installation file' and I have posted it here for you. See if the 'Vincent J Sansevero Jr' registration info works with this. If this does not work then I really cant help any further until new meds are found. good luck!

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hi friends , not worked this serial, I upgrade to the new beta vesao and not ticked the option "Check for updates", the serial :
Name: Vincent J Sansevero Jr


and now not worked more for the version

help me!!!!

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and now not worked more for the version

Was that 'the previous (v674b) installation file' that I talked of and posted for you above in my edit to post #9 of this thread?

BTW so far I have failed to find working meds for v4.21.10.681. Good Luck!

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hi friends , not worked this serial, I upgrade to the new beta vesao and not ticked the option "Check for updates", the serial :

Name: Vincent J Sansevero Jr


and now not worked more for the version

help me!!!!

Don't know if this might help - I am a complete n00b, as far as this program is concerned.

Now, taking a closer look at your screenshot, I see that the Name field seems to have been left empty - can you copy the full name Vincent J Sansevero Jr on that empty field and then try clicking Register Key once again, after ensuring that your internet connection is switched off. yXZVmpE.gif

Can confirm what locJoe mentions about the problem in finding another solution for the

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hi friend dcs18, i put the name, is that the image does not appear, I realized that when the serial is not released, the word "expired" is written in bold, when it says "expired" normal is released, thanks...

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hi friend locoJoe, I did what I said, but not forward.............


EDIT: I have an older (Nov, 2011) version4.2 build of VideoRedo in my archives (VideoReDo TVSuite H.264.v4.20.7.629) This build employs a crack instead of a serial. If this doesnt work for you I dunno what else to say except Good Luck!


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v4.20.7.629                                                                                                             ▄  ▀▄                                 ▄▀  ▄                                 ▀▓▀  ▓▌  RLS.DATE.........2011/11/14  ▐▓  ▀▓▀                                   ▄█▀   RLS.SIZE..........06x5.00MB    ▀█▄                                ▄▄▀▀▀                                       ▀▀▀▄▄                         ▄█▀   ▄       RLS.TYPE..............Crack       ▄   ▀█                       ▓▌░    ▀▀▄    PROTECTION...........Custom    ▄▀▀    ░▐▌                       ▀▄▄    ░▐▓                                 ▓▌░    ▄▄▀                           ▀▀  ▄█▀   PLATFORM.............WinAll   ▀█▄  ▀▀                             ▄▄▄█▀▀                                     ▀▀█▄▄▄                         ▄██▀▀                                             ▀▀██▄                     ▐▓▌  ░                                             ░  ▐▓▌                     ▀▄ ░░                                             ░░ ▄▀                         ░▒                                             ▒░                            ▒▓                                             ▓▒                            ▓█▐             * RELEASE NOTES *             ▌█▓                            ▓█▐                                           ▌█▓                           ▌██▐  VideoReDo TVSuite delivers a simple      ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  and fast way to edit and create          ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  customized DVD's of your favorite TV     ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  shows, movies, and sports. Unlike        ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  home movie video editors, or those       ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  "all-in-one factory" DVD products        ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  designed for many purposes, VideoReDo    ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  TVSuite was designed to easily edit      ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  MPEG2 video and quickly create DVDs.     ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  Simplify your editing, and quickly       ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  create DVD's of your TV shows... all     ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  within the same software, typically      ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  without the need of lengthily            ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  transcoding. This means you can          ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  remove offensive material (often         ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  commercials) by editing video,           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  quickly author video, and burn DVD's     ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  easily and quickly!                      ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  There is no need to jump around to       ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  different applications, so when you      ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  want to create DVD's you just do it      ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  without frustration. VideoReDo           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  TVSuite gives you an easy way of         ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  collecting DVD's of your favorite TV     ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  events... the way you want to see them!  ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  All in all, VideoReDo TVSuite can        ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  simplify your video editing, and will    ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  create DVDs of your favorite TV shows    ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  within minutes rather than long hours.   ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  URL: http://www.videoredo.com            ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐             * iNSTALL NOTES *             ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  1.) Unpack and install                   ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  2.) Copy cracked file(s) over            ▌██▐                          ▌██▐      original(s)                          ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  3.) Enjoy!                               ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  NOTE: When asked for automatic           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  updates remember to choose "No"          ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  If you can't understand how to install   ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  or use this then please don't waste our  ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  or anyone else time whining about bad    ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  installation instructions.               ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  Instead of blaming us for delivering     ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  poor package try to read developer's     ▌██▐                          ▌██▐  FAQ or program's manual.                 ▌██▐                          ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌█▓                                             ▓█▐                          ▌█▓                                             ▓█▐                           ▓▒                                             ▒▓                            ▒░ ▄▄                                       ▄▄ ░▒                            ░░   ▀▀▄                                 ▄▀▀   ░░                            ░      ▓▌                               ▐▓      ░                                 ▄█▀                                 ▀█▄                                 ▄▄▀▀▀           * C O N T A C T *           ▀▀▀▄▄                         ▄█▀   ▄                                         ▄   ▀█▄                      ▓▌░    ▀▀▄                                   ▄▀▀    ░▐▓                       ▀▄▄    ░▐▓     CRUDE IS A CLOSED GROUP     ▓▌░    ▄▄▀                           ▀▀  ▄█▀     SO WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY     ▀█▄  ▀▀                             ▄▄▄▀▀          KIND OF NEW MEMBERS          ▀▀▄▄▄                         ▄█▀▀                                               ▀▀█▄                     ▐▓   ░                                             ░   ▓▌                     ▀▄ ░░       OUR RESPECT AND GREETS GOES TO:       ░░ ▄▀                         ░▒                                             ▒░                            ▒▓    BEAN . CoolPHat . DVT . EMBRACE . FLT    ▓▒                            ▓█▐                                           ▌█▓                            ▓█▐    HERiTAGE . HOODLUM . Lz0 . OUTLAWS     ▌█▓                           ▌██▐                                           ▌██▐                          ▌██▐   PARADOX . SKIDROW . UNLEASHED . VACE    ▌██▐                  ▄▄▀▀▀▄▄  ██▐                                           ▌██  ▄▄▀▀▀▄▄         ▐▌     ▀█ ▓█▐                                           ▌█▓ █▀     ▐▌         ▀     ▒█▌▓█▐    AND TO ALL OUR FRIENDS IN THE SCENE    ▌█▓▐█░     ▀               ▄█▀ ▒▓                                             ▓▒ ▀█▄                 ▄▓█▀   ░▒    ▄                                   ▄    ▒░   ▀█▓▄             ▓█▀  ▄▀ ░░ ▄█▀                                     ▀█▄ ░░ ▀▄  ▀█▓           ▐██░ ▐▓   ░▐█▌        YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :P        ▐█▌░   ▓▌ ░██▌          ███▓▄ ▀█▄▄  ▀█▄                                     ▄█▀  ▄▄█▀ ▄▓███          ▐████▓▄▄ ▀▀▀▄▄ ▀▄                                 ▄▀ ▄▄▀▀▀ ▄▄▓████▌           ▓██▀▀▄░  ▄▄  ▀█▄    ▄▄                     ▄▄    ▄█▀  ▄▄  ░▄▀▀██▓             ▀ ▄▀ ▄▀▀   ░░▐█▌▄█▀                         ▀█▄▐█▌░░   ▀▀▄ ▀▄ ▀               █▓ ▓▌░   ░▄██▀▐█▌  * aScii by ___Z <DFS> *  ▐█▌▀██▄░   ░▐▓ ▓█               ▐██░▀█▄   ▀░▓██▄▀█▄                         ▄█▀▄██▓░▀   ▄█▀░██▌               ▀██▄▓░▀▀▄▄▄ ░▒▓▓▄▀█▄                     ▄█▀▄▓▓▒░ ▄▄▄▀▀░▓▄██▀                  ▀█▄▀▓▒░░ ▀█▄░▒▓▓▐█▌ Direct From Stars ▐█▌▓▓▒░▄█▀ ░░▒▓▀▄█▀                     ▐█▌▐█▓▒░░▐▓▌░▄▄▀▀                     ▀▀▄▄░▐▓▌░░▒▓█▌▐█▌                     ▄█▀▄▀▀▀ ▄▄█▀                                 ▀█▄▄ ▀▀▀▄▀█▄              ▄▄▄▀▀▀      ▀▀▀                                       ▀▀▀      ▀▀▀▄▄▄                                                                 28.o6.11                                                                                    

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hi friends , not worked this serial, I upgrade to the new beta vesao and not ticked the option "Check for updates", the serial :

Name: Vincent J Sansevero Jr


and now not worked more for the version

help me!!!!

Another option is -

Create a new user account in windows 8.1 and then install and try to activate VideoRedo with that serial key

If the problem still exist then try this older 2013 version -

VideoReDo TVSuite H 264


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You should be able to reset this program to trial mode, by simply erasing all its "Arma" keys stored into the registry, besides deleting some ".lic" files. Having installed v4.21.6.674, use "TrashReg" to find and delete the "Armadillo 4.20+" and the "Common key of Armadillo" values; then, delete the "Licenses" folder, from this path:

"(drive)\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\" for XP systems.

"(drive)\Users\All Users\" for 7/8 systems.

By the way, before registering it, you should remember to check the "Request permission before accessing internet" option, and always answer "No", to the updating check requests. The program's website address could also be blocked via the "host" file or with your preferred blocking method, so it stops doing the "mandatory" checks, but it will still moan about not being able to establish a connection every now and then. Because even when the installer gives you the option to "disable completely" the check for updates, that's a lie. <_<

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I have no time right now to go thru' all he same once again and make a video, but it is really quite easy if you simply follow the steps I said.

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I am in the same boat. If you let it upgrade by clicking yes when the program starts then you have to let it download the new install file (i let it through the firewall as i though it was the browser) and that is where it gets around the firewall (i think it sets up a proxy on some open port).

At that time or during the install of the upgrade something is downloaded or marked in the registry and the key is blacklisted on that OS install. I have been looking for what changes are made and there are some proxy settings that are different in the install that don't work.

You will notice that when you reinstall 674b that it will say right off the bat EXPIRED in the window where you would enter the key.

So it remembers that key some how in the registry or some where.

What are some good monitor programs that will moniotr what files and reg changes are made during the upgrade process.

That is while running the 674b program and click upgrade and it downloads the file then install that new file. I installed it in a VM and it works and i took some reg keys from the working and moved to the black listed PC and got it to act different but it request a reinstall and then it still knew about the blacklisted key before i ever entered it. See pic If it shows i seem to have trouble posting a pic


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