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Android: moving apps to SD - what REALLY works ?


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My phone has limited internal storage space.

I have found info to re-partition it and that helped a little.

There's loads of space on the SD card.

I've tried a bunch of ways to make apps use that and it mostly does not work.

Link2SD is one example - a real PITA that is too quirky to be useful - at least for me.

There's an assortment of apps called Apps2SD and most are either riddled with ads and do very little if they do work at all.

App Manager and Force 2 SD are more examples of these kinds of apps.

The latest one I found is 'move app to sdcard pro' by ljmobile, from February 23, 2014.

( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ljmobile.move.app.pro )

Move app in the easiest way。

• Move apps to SD card
• Move apps to phone internal storage
• Sort app by movable, name, size and time
• User can custom [install time] [Package name] [Apk path] to show in list
• Show app details: size, install time, package, apk path.
• Open app
• Search in market
• Search in website by apk name, package name, app name

If we granted root permission, we can move multi-app in one click, and can move almost all apps installed.

This one seems well rated (4.2) by it's few users (190 total).

Size 643k Installs1,000 - 5,000 Current Version 1.9.178 Requires Android 2.1 and up

I cannot find a free download of it's pro version and will not put any $ through G just to see if it works.

Please tell me - what of the many apps like this really DO work, and any pointers or shares of a really good one will be hugely appreciated.


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  • smallhagrid


  • unknownasphyxiated


  • exodius


  • zoky1985


What ROM are you using? Android 4.0 an up has built-in move to sd feature. No need to use any 3rd party apps. If you want to use app that can move app to sd card, I recommend you to use link2sd https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.buak.Link2SD

It has many features (you can read on play store).

You only need sdcard at least class 6, higher is better and dont forget to partition it.

Download plus version here:


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init.d support required

Followed links to info here=>https://github.com/SpazeDog/mounts2sd#table-of-content

And this is WAAAAY more than just installing an app !!!

I'd seriously prefer to have someone recommend an app that just works rather than needing to get a whole new education in this.


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It's a cheap phone with 2.3.6 - which is enough for me....usually:

What ROM are you using? Android 4.0 an up has built-in move to sd feature. No need to use any 3rd party apps. If you want to use app that can move app to sd card, I recommend you to use link2sd https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.buak.Link2SD

It has many features (you can read on play store).

You only need sdcard at least class 6, higher is better and dont forget to partition it.

Download plus version here:


I have tried several versions of Link2SD as well as partitioning my SD card to suit it - and it fails randomly in a few different ways.

This is why I think it is a PITA and wish there could be something simpler that just WORKS !?!?

Might it be that any of those I mentioned in the OP actually work and maybe someone has a really good one to share ??


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for me, link2sd is the easiest app to use for linking file to sd-ext

link2sd also include app2sd feature

the limitation of link2sd free is it cannot link data files but link2sd Plus solved that

i've tried mount2sd but ending up restoring my rom because accidently mess up with its setting esp regarding android system app

last time i try it, the app link all user app so it's different from link2sd which allow you to choose which app you want to link

usually, i allocate only 1gb for the 2nd partition because i don't install any large size apk app

i might resize it to 500mb because it never reach 300mb

Q. What is the difference between “Move To SD Card (Native to Android)" and “Create (Symbolic) Link” in Link2SD?
Which method conserves the greatest amount of internal memory, what are the advantages of "linking" over "moving" and vice versa?

Native apps2sd
Starting with Android 2.2 (Froyo) Google introduced native apps2SD.
This method moves

* apk file on Android 2.2
* apk + lib files on Android 2.3+

into a secure folder on your SD card in the main FAT partition.

It is the easiest method because it doesn't require you to partition your sdcard and root privilige.

It has some disadvantages though.

First disadvantage is that application files are just stored on the sdcard's main FAT partition.
When you enable USB mass storage to share files with your computer (or otherwise unmounts or removes the external storage), any application installed on the external storage and currently running is killed.
The system effectively becomes unaware of the application until mass storage is disabled and the external storage is remounted on the device.
Besides killing the application and making it unavailable to the user, this can break some types of applications in a more serious way.

So second disadvantage is that not all apps can be moved with native apps2sd method because of above reason.
In order for the application to consistently behave as expected, developer should not allow the application to be installed on the external storage if it uses any of the following features, due to the cited consequences when the external storage is unmounted:
Widgets, Services, Alarm Services, Live Wallpapers, Live Folders, Account Managers, Sync Adapters, Broadcast Receivers listening for "boot completed".

Force move (requires root);
You can force the apps move to SD card with native apps2SD even the application does not support moving as described above.
Link2SD and some other apps can force move apps if you have root privileges. But, note that this can break some applications, as described above.

Edited by unknownasphyxiated
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It's a cheap phone with 2.3.6 - which is enough for me....usually:

I have tried several versions of Link2SD as well as partitioning my SD card to suit it - and it fails randomly in a few different ways.

This is why I think it is a PITA and wish there could be something simpler that just WORKS !?!?

Might it be that any of those I mentioned in the OP actually work and maybe someone has a really good one to share ??


I have tried it on my Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 S6500D (Android 2.3.6 too) and it works fine here.

Just partition it via CWM and vooila..you can use link2sd without problem. For 2.3.6 use CWM v5.x.x, It has partition feature.

Root your phone, then install CWM.

Root & CWM you can search on XDA forum.

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Thanks for your replies Unknownasphyxiated & Exodius.

My phone got rooted right away & has CWM & Titanium Backup which both work fine.

There is some trouble between Link2SD and the partitioning or something and it will not keep working reliably.

I have tried a bunch of its versions over & over & it has different goofy problems & it just quit on me each time.

(Also, I do not wish to have to re-install apps as I had to when it has failed.)

This why I've asked for suggestions for an alternative app that may just work & stay working.

My OP does list some other apps and I am hoping some folks here know about them & will tell me.


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init.d support required

Followed links to info here=>https://github.com/SpazeDog/mounts2sd#table-of-content

And this is WAAAAY more than just installing an app !!!

I'd seriously prefer to have someone recommend an app that just works rather than needing to get a whole new education in this.


You need root and init.d support, everything else is done by the app...

and you need to make secondary partition on sdcard witn minitool partition wizard

many custom recoveries can partition sdcard but with partition wizard you won't lose your data...

Edited by zoky1985
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I wasted loads of time & effort trying to get Link2SD or something - ANYTHING to work already.

My phone is OK as it is - but app space is almost full with just the few apps I really needed.

This phone is just being used as a Wifi-only phone & for SMS & maybe to take a picture once in a while - that's it really.

I need a really simple, easy way to crack this SD barrier or I can not install Whatsapp as this phone hasn't enough space left for it.

I'll pass on more tries of Link2SD - like I said in the OP - its just a PITA to me.

(Doing the SAME thing, over & over again while expecting different results is just nucking futs.)

I'll pass on the init.d thing too, thanks.

Perhaps someone here knows more about Force 2 SD or 'move app to sdcard pro' and will share ?!?


If ANYONE has different info about some really good & EASY app-to-SD app that just installs and works for real without alot of added complications, please tell me ?!?


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I wasted loads of time & effort trying to get Link2SD or something - ANYTHING to work already.

My phone is OK as it is - but app space is almost full with just the few apps I really needed.

This phone is just being used as a Wifi-only phone & for SMS & maybe to take a picture once in a while - that's it really.

I need a really simple, easy way to crack this SD barrier or I can not install Whatsapp as this phone hasn't enough space left for it.

I'll pass on more tries of Link2SD - like I said in the OP - its just a PITA to me.

(Doing the SAME thing, over & over again while expecting different results is just nucking futs.)

I'll pass on the init.d thing too, thanks.

Perhaps someone here knows more about Force 2 SD or 'move app to sdcard pro' and will share ?!?


If ANYONE has different info about some really good & EASY app-to-SD app that just installs and works for real without alot of added complications, please tell me ?!?


i don't know why you can't get link2sd to work for you but for me, it only take 5 step

create partition > install link2sd > create mount script > restart > start linking app

you didn't state the error or what problem you're having with link2sd but in most cases, this will work

copy all files from sd card to your pc or any storage > format sd card > recreate 2nd partition using ext3 as partition type, name the partition as sd-ext, make it as primary > copy back all files into sd card > open/install link2sd > create mount script > restart

when you open link2sd after restart, it should not notify you to create mount script again

if still got the notification, do it one more time

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Try to use different type of external sdcard from partition menu (ext2, ext3 or ext 4)

Or use this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.a0soft.gphone.app2sd

I did try every kind until I realized the problem also was about which partition came 1st, and that helped...a little, but not enough.

The mentioned app looks like one of those I tried too - trouble is that there are so many apps called apps2sd that it is impossible to remember exactly which ones I tried that did not work.

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Seems to me it is a combination of the app itself with its own quirks - the phone & its OS being fussy about partition type & location - and worst of all=> that I tried so very many variations that it became a confused mess after a while !!!

i don't know why you can't get link2sd to work for you but for me, it only take 5 step

create partition > install link2sd > create mount script > restart > start linking app

you didn't state the error or what problem you're having with link2sd but in most cases, this will work

copy all files from sd card to your pc or any storage > format sd card > recreate 2nd partition using ext3 as partition type, name the partition as sd-ext, make it as primary > copy back all files into sd card > open/install link2sd > create mount script > restart

when you open link2sd after restart, it should not notify you to create mount script again

if still got the notification, do it one more time

I did exactly as you suggest - several times, as the ext3 would not work at all and finally got a variation of what is listed in the post below to work:



Link2SD would never work right or stay working on my phone.

Lots of different things happened...:

  • Free version refused to work
  • Paid version Link2SD failed its license
  • Link2SD said it worked, but didn't - so apps vanished & had to be re-installed
  • SD partitions did not mount and/or were not recognized
  • The phone itself seems made to resist this sort of thing.

Altogether this is why I will hugely appreciate some info on something really good that I have not tried & failed with...!


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Lots of different things happened...:

  • Free version refused to work
  • Paid version Link2SD failed its license
  • Link2SD said it worked, but didn't - so apps vanished & had to be re-installed
  • SD partitions did not mount and/or were not recognized
  • The phone itself seems made to resist this sort of thing.

you haven't got it to work, right?i mean, no linked app

if that the case, you need to remove link2sd related files..try to use any cleaner app that you have

just use free version first..if you get it to work, then i'll help you to make it "Plus" unless you already paid for it

to avoid problem, better if you download through play store

move link2sd to internal through setting > application

try to use only 2 partition fat32+ext partition or google for your phone incase your phone really need to use 3 partition

have you try ext2?

if you still cannot get it to work, maybe you need to reflash the rom or do factory reset

if you choose to flash the rom, google for newer rom incase there is an update for your phone

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