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List your favorite Extensions and Add-ons


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I'm sorry if this topic already exists here, I did use search before I posted this topic but didn't find any topics. I want you to list your favorite internet browser Extensions and Add-ons, and maybe why you like those.

Here's my Chromium Extensions:

  • uBlock (Better than Adblock Plus)
  • Disconnect (Better than Ghostery)
  • YouTube Center Dev (No YouTube without this)
  • ZenMate (Privacy F's this world)
  • HTTPS Everywhere Dev (Just to make things little more hassle free and more secure)
  • Chameleon (To prevent fingerprinting)

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My recent add-ons FireFox 31.0 beta 8

Ghostery 5.3.2

YouTube Center Dev

Pocket 3.0.5

Adblock Plus 2.6.3

Adblock Edge 2.1.3

Adguard Adblocker

IDM Integration Module

Download Manager tweak


Download statusbar

Download unlimited


Greasemonkey 2.0

Make address bar font size bigger



S3google Translator


Magnet 1.0

one click proxy

Vacuum Places Improved

Download Helper


Noia theme

Lastpass Password Manager 3.11

Kaspersky Protection

Chrome m



Proxy switchysharp

Google docs

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I don't quite understand extensions like Pocket. Why not just bookmark things to read later?

Anyway, some of my favorites are:
Classic Theme Restorer
Roboform Toolbar

Netflix Enhancer

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Favorite Chrome Extensions


AdBlock (with Custom Filters)



IP WhoIs

Just recently gotten rid of Ghostry as it seemed to have not had thee effectiveness it once had.

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  On 7/9/2014 at 10:34 PM, Therru said:
  • Looking for good cookie tweaking and bookmarks backup Extensions, haven't found anything yet)

The most sophisticated Cookie Manager amongst all the ones I tried was found to be CookieSafe - unfortunately, it is not actively developed (perhaps, some add-ons just do not need to be updated.)


n00bs will hate CookieSafe.

For bookmarking, have hacked my Australis - so, don't have to look for an add-on for this function.

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  On 7/10/2014 at 7:15 AM, dcs18 said:
  On 7/9/2014 at 10:34 PM, Therru said:
  • Looking for good cookie tweaking and bookmarks backup Extensions, haven't found anything yet)

The most sophisticated Cookie Manager amongst all the ones I tried was found to be CookieSafe - unfortunately, it is not actively developed (perhaps, some add-ons just do not need to be updated.)


n00bs will hate CookieSafe.

For bookmarking, have hacked my Australis - so, don't have to look for an add-on for this function.

I've never used CookieSafe or heard of it.

But I have crap tons of anti trackers like ABP+DoNotTrackMe+Disconnect and use Self Destructing Cookies for FF and Vanilla Cookie Manager for Chrome. Unwanted cookies are regularly purged. FF Self Destructing Cookies will nuke them as soon as I close the tab.

My FF also has NoScript and RequestPolicy, so my Firefox has some ridiculous setup of security while Chrome has less. Chrome doesn't give addons as much power which this is why NoScript doesn't exist for Chrome (any alternative is explained by the NoScript dev to have flaws due to being Chrome).

I use Chrome for almost everything but if I have to go somewhere shady for whatever reason I use Firefox.

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Flash Control

HTTPS Everywhere

Hover Zoom

Neater Bookmarks

Google Dictionary

Magic Actions for YouTube

IDM integration

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  On 7/10/2014 at 3:44 AM, iih1 said:

My recent add-ons FireFox 31.0 beta 8

Ghostery 5.3.2

YouTube Center Dev

Pocket 3.0.5

Adblock Plus 2.6.3

Adblock Edge 2.1.3

Adguard Adblocker

IDM Integration Module

Download Manager tweak


Download statusbar

Download unlimited


Greasemonkey 2.0

Make address bar font size bigger



S3google Translator


Magnet 1.0

one click proxy

Vacuum Places Improved

Download Helper


Noia theme

Lastpass Password Manager 3.11

Kaspersky Protection

Chrome m



Proxy switchysharp

Google docs

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Huh mate, you really studied Conspiracy theory (movie) :D

How long you wait for Firefox to start...with that much of addons ff start really slow...but you are safest person I have ever met :D

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Normal, if My FireFox so long in initialized.better remove all not necessary Addons...really normal..with..3Adblock..when download
on mirrorcreator multilink..without ads just click your choices host file eg solidfiles...give it a try...

PS: I'm rather bit hard to find extension for Chrome....because nowadays should be on Chrome Webstore.

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Debrid-link.fr plugin


Google Translator for Firefox


HTTPS Everywhere


Redirect Bypasser



SaveFrom.net Helper

Sticky Password Autofill Engine



Wondershare Video

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for chrome

1. quick javascript switcher

2. user agent spoofer

not really an addon since its already included (F12), chrome developer tools

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Updated first post, replaced Adblock Plus with uBlock, and Ghostery with Disconnect. Much better combination.

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  On 7/23/2014 at 6:43 PM, CODYQX4 said:

If you use Chrome, you should really try HTTP Switchboard for privacy/security.

I've tried that extension but it's extremely difficult to configure. I use Chromium btw which is open-source browser. And Google Chrome is not based on Chromium browser.

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  On 7/24/2014 at 1:23 PM, Therru said:
  On 7/23/2014 at 6:43 PM, CODYQX4 said:

If you use Chrome, you should really try HTTP Switchboard for privacy/security.

I've tried that extension but it's extremely difficult to configure. I use Chromium btw which is open-source browser. And Google Chrome is not based on Chromium browser.

I'd think it would work. Chromium should take that extension.

HTTP Switchboard can be configured various different ways. It can be a little hard to figure out but nothing else I've seen offers so much control in one place.

I have it in probably the most complex configuration possible, and have stuck with it.

The developer is planning on renaming it as uMatrix, gutting out the ABP stuff and you could use his uBlock for that, simplifying the options and fixing some quirks with blocking.

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I already have uBlock, pretty awesome extension. I don't want to try HTTPSB anymore, it gave me a headache in the past. Too much hassle in one place imo.

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