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How to get security updates for Windows XP until April 2019


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Note: x64 guide in link near the bottom of the article..

Microsoft's official support for the Windows XP operating system ended more than a month ago. While some companies and organizations are still receiving updates for the operating system, end users do not.

These companies pay Microsoft for that, usually because they were not able or willed to migrate computer's running Windows XP to another operating system before the extended support phase for the system ended.

There is another exception to the end of support rule: Windows Embedded Industry, formerly known as Windows Embedded POSReady, operating systems continue to receive updates.

What makes this interesting is the fact that Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 is based on Windows XP Service Pack 3, and that the security updates released for that system are identical with the ones that Microsoft would have released for XP systems.
The extended support for Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 systems ends on April 9th, 2019 which means that you can use the trick to get another five years of security patches for XP.
What you cannot do is go ahead and install those updates as you will get a version mismatch error when you try to do so. There is however a trick that you can use to bypass those checks so that you can install those updates on your version of Windows XP.
Note: The trick works only for 32-bit versions of Windows XP SP3 and not 64-bit versions. While POSReady systems are very similar to Windows XP systems, it is recommended to back up the system before you make any changes as differences between the systems may result in issues after installing updates designed for it.
All you need to do is add the following to the Windows XP Registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


I have uploaded a Registry file for you that you can use for that purpose. You can download it here: xp-security-updates.zip (112 downloads)

If you prefer to create one on your own do the following:

  1. Create a new plain text document.
  2. Paste the contents displayed above into it.
  3. Save the new document as xp.reg.
  4. Double-click the Registry file afterwards to add the contents to the Registry.

Alternatively, open the Registry Editor manually: tap on Windows-r, type regedit and hit enter. Navigate to the key listed above and create a new Dword with the value listed there as well. (via Desk Modder and Sebijk)

Both source sites are in German. If you open the Sebijk site, you will also find instructions on how to get this to work on 64-bit Windows XP systems. It involves running a batch file that replaces original update files with temporary ones that bypass the restrictions set in place.

Closing Words

If you are running Windows XP and do not want to switch to a new system or cannot, then you may want to try this trick to install security patches designed for the POSReady 2009 operating system on your PC.

I recommend highly that you create a backup before you update the system as there is no guarantee that all updates will work properly on XP PCs. While POSReady 2009 uses the same core, some things are different after all.

Nevertheless, this is better than not installing any security updates.


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Note: The trick works only for 32-bit versions of Windows XP SP3 and not 64-bit versions.

it's obvious, there is no 64-bit Windows XP with SP3 :)

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Note: The trick works only for 32-bit versions of Windows XP SP3 and not 64-bit versions.

it's obvious, there is no 64-bit Windows XP with SP3 :)

64 bit can also be updated.

Both source sites are in German. If you open the Sebijk site, you will also find instructions on how to get this to work on 64-bit Windows XP systems.

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This is all? i create the reg key and then xp gets updates for 5 more years?

if yes thats great! I cant get my parents to move to 7 or greater..They realy stick with xp so if I do this reg fix ...thats all?

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This is all? i create the reg key and then xp gets updates for 5 more years?

if yes thats great! I cant get my parents to move to 7 or greater..They realy stick with xp so if I do this reg fix ...thats all?

Not done it myself m8 as i don't use xp..But the article is from a very legitimate source..Hence why i posted..Maybe we will get some feedback when people try it..

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let it die.. life support only lasts so long before it becomes a waste of time and money

thats not that easy..i know youre right...but still so many xp devices round...so its a cool thing give them some xtra safety...we here all run the latest stuff like 7 ultimate, 8.1 update 1 and best software...BUT..alway payd? I know so many people would never use a pirated OS and dont can/want to pay for a new....

Edited by Blackchildcx
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This is all? i create the reg key and then xp gets updates for 5 more years?

if yes thats great! I cant get my parents to move to 7 or greater..They realy stick with xp so if I do this reg fix ...thats all?

Not done it myself m8 as i don't use xp..But the article is from a very legitimate source..Hence why i posted..Maybe we will get some feedback when people try it..

This is all? i create the reg key and then xp gets updates for 5 more years?

if yes thats great! I cant get my parents to move to 7 or greater..They realy stick with xp so if I do this reg fix ...thats all?

Not done it myself m8 as i don't use xp..But the article is from a very legitimate source..Hence why i posted..Maybe we will get some feedback when people try it..

they are traveling for 2 weeks .. enough time to see how it all worx...

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Why at first, you guys getting in to the trouble to have this ancient OS? If you really need updates, why don't you get the latest OS ?!?

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Why at first, you guys getting in to the trouble to have this ancient OS? If you really need updates, why don't you get the latest OS ?!?

Maybe cause this thread is for XP users.. :rolleyes:

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Why do people get so hot and bothered about what OS system they use?.....So they use the latest Win 8.1, how do the cope with the idea that some others that use it have a superior rig and use it too....You see they can be non-sensed for using inferior rigs!

In short, people don't need to justify their reasons for using what they choose to, there's no need for others to worry themselves about what they are using...Like you they're happy...Easy to understand isn't it?

Edited by clubhouse
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XP is a superb OS for a VM, i love the performance and ability to test almost any crap i want.

And to the XP users, there is bunch of time hop on another OS, just because MS dropped official support doesn't mean anything. I guess for most of them it feels like M$ did that already years ago so who cares. Did M$ fix the 100 % CPU usage bug in support time which has WU as culprit? No. And this crap is older than M$'s XP retirement announcements that have been repeated and delayed so often, that they made complete idiots out of themself..

Guess what POSReady means:


That is M$'s way of bringing dem Windows users the future, which looks like this:


May the force be with you. :tehe:

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Like many others I cannot fathom out what the fuss or hype is about. MS have dropped XP support… Big Deal!!!

Look at the hassle that a number of Win 8.1 users have suffered through the Spring update. An OS should be built for stability / reliability, not for a user having to fiddle under the hood to make it work again after a failed recommended update install. The fact of the matter is that XP has been rock solid for many years.

Any stable XP system running behind a correctly configured modem / firewall, whilst also having an up-to-date AV along with a similar combo as Firefox + No Script + latest plugins for web browsing. Stands little chance of being compromised by malware unless the user makes incorrect decisions on what web sites to visit or downloads / email attachments to open. In a corporate environment with more stringent security measures in place, the risk is even less. At the end of the day nothing is bullet proof


As long as existing XP users are happy with their system functionality, let them be!! If come the time they desire a software update that no longer runs on an XP or their existing hardware platform, the choice is then theirs in which direction to follow.

My policy for my company sites & personal use is to run Win 7 along with Win 8.1 for my recent workstations. But I too still have a couple of XP boxes left on my networks & will continue to do so until their roles need to be changed or hardware problems arise.

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I am not in a habit of forcing myself on to others, and at the same time I am not bothered or worried about what OS people use. I was only making a point, "why so much botheration to get updates for Win XP, when we all know it's officially stopped." Because, if the company has officially stopped working on it, "how can a trick or two get you update?" And, if it's (MS) still working on it, "everyone should get the update without tricking XP." That's it.

Like you I'm happy too...You use what you want...No body is policing you. Hope the point is clear now!

Edited by Rok
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Many Thanks...

Martin is usually spot on and his procedures are well worth testing...

Of course, MSFT is so far behind on real critical updates that

we cannot trust or rely upon their work alone...

But, hope springs eternal... :)

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And again..NOT everybody uses hacked stuff cause its a crime...even here in germany poor people think twice spending 150 bucks for a new OS...or stick with old one and buy the kids some new shoes...And its a shame that microsoft earned that much money and giving patches just for the companies..

Its all bout dollars and thats it!

thats why my win 8.1 update 1 IS and STAYS pirated!!!

Edited by Blackchildcx
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How to get security updates for Windows XP until April 2019

By Martin Brinkmann on May 24, 2014 in Windows - Last Update: May 24, 2014 28

Microsoft's official support for the Windows XP operating system ended more than a month ago. While some companies and organizations are still receiving updates for the operating system, end users do not.

These companies pay Microsoft for that, usually because they were not able or willed to migrate computer's running Windows XP to another operating system before the extended support phase for the system ended.

There is another exception to the end of support rule: Windows Embedded Industry, formerly known as Windows Embedded POSReady, operating systems continue to receive updates.

What makes this interesting is the fact that Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 is based on Windows XP Service Pack 3, and that the security updates released for that system are identical with the ones that Microsoft would have released for XP systems.

The extended support for Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 systems ends on April 9th, 2019 which means that you can use the trick to get another five years of security patches for XP.

What you cannot do is go ahead and install those updates as you will get a version mismatch error when you try to do so. There is however a trick that you can use to bypass those checks so that you can install those updates on your version of Windows XP.

Note: The trick works only for 32-bit versions of Windows XP SP3 and not 64-bit versions. While POSReady systems are very similar to Windows XP systems, it is recommended to back up the system before you make any changes as differences between the systems may result in issues after installing updates designed for it.

All you need to do is add the following to the Windows XP Registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


To create one on your own do the following:

  1. Create a new plain text document.
  2. Paste the contents displayed above into it.
  3. Save the new document as xp.reg.
  4. Double-click the Registry file afterwards to add the contents to the Registry.


Alternatively, open the Registry Editor manually: tap on Windows-r, type regedit and hit enter. Navigate to the key listed above and create a new Dword with the value listed there as well. (via Desk Modder and Sebijk)

Both source sites are in German. If you open the Sebijk site, you will also find instructions on how to get this to work on 64-bit Windows XP systems. It involves running a batch file that replaces original update files with temporary ones that bypass the restrictions set in place.

Closing Words

If you are running Windows XP and do not want to switch to a new system or cannot, then you may want to try this trick to install security patches designed for the POSReady 2009 operating system on your PC.

I recommend highly that you create a backup before you update the system as there is no guarantee that all updates will work properly on XP PCs. While POSReady 2009 uses the same core, some things are different after all.

Nevertheless, this is better than not installing any security updates.

Article Name

How to get security updates for Windows XP until April 2019


Martin Brinkmann


Support for Windows XP ended April 2014. but there is a trick that you can make use of to get security updates for the operating system.


Edited by Siddharta
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I hadn't realized, apologies. Feel free to ignore or erase this entry mods! -_-

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