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Possible Savior?


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Dear Readers,

Being the stupid person I cam and not making back-up's... Id id something I wasn't 100% sure of doing and in turn f'ed up my forums... And HOPING that I can fix it without having lost all thread/posts.

I was basically trying to upgrade my IPB from 2.3.6 to 3 RC1, but I noticed that the upgrade was different because the directories were re-arranged and din't match those of 2.3.6., so being the dumb me that i am... I deleted the files that weren't touched, thinking all the files that are new in the new directories replaced them, because they matched just were in different directories... But when I finishe dupgrading to 3... The page wouldn't show and I got:

IPS Driver Error

There appears to be an error with the database.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

So I thought... Okay great... So I tried 'reverting' back to 2.3.6. by basically replacing all files and then deleting those that were new in 3 and weren't in 2.3.6.

Go through the upgrade process and BAM I get hit with:

IPS Driver Error

There appears to be an error with the database.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here.

mySQL query error: SELECT m.*, g.* FROM mos_members m LEFT JOIN mos_groups g ON (g.g_id=m.mgroup) WHERE LOWER(name)='sacredcultivator'

SQL error: Table 'eletr3_otaku.mos_members' doesn't exist

SQL error code: 1146

Date: Sunday 17th o May 2009 05:45:46 PM

So okay... Tried to 'install' it and get:

IPS Driver Error

There appears to be an error with the database.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here.

mySQL query error: CREATE TABLE mos_admin_logs (

id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

act varchar(255) default NULL,

code varchar(255) default NULL,

member_id int(10) default NULL,

ctime int(10) default NULL,

note text NULL,

ip_address varchar(255) default NULL,



SQL error: Table 'mos_admin_logs' already exists

SQL error code: 1050

Date: Sunday 17th o May 2009 05:47:32 PM

Now.. I tried contacting our Admin that hosts us and has access to the SQL files, as it's on a differnet server than the one I have for the forums.... My quesiton is... apart from fixing it via the SQL, from just what i told you, would my posts/threads from the forums be lost or are they still 'intact' and just need the Admin to create a table for the board, etc... And if I attempted to install IPB 3 RC1 to the SAME directory as the 'old' one (I haven't tried, might get same error as the 2.3.6 Installation) but would that wipe the board if It worked?

Man... stupid me and being bored wiht nothing to do, ruined a perfectly good forum ><

Well if you can help that'd be great.. As i tried offline messaging/emailing the admin but bah no reply back.

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As you don't have access to the SQL database, hopefully the admin thought about this and backed it up. This should be a automated process in most good maintained businesses. It's very possible he also backed up the full contents of your account so in the best case you will choose from several database backup states to restore. You will probablly end up losing some info but it's better then losing everything -_-

If you can, get access to all your website files, they can be administered remotely also. trust no one but yourself, auto-backup daily and there you go. But for now, your admin is your only chance of restoring the forum at least that's what i think, I'd be happy for you if someone knew better and would gave you some solution.

Best of luck!

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  • Administrator

Not firmiliar with IPB3, however there are some changes to db structure, so a downgrade will be quite difficult if you've ran the installer.

Sorting out IPB3 should be possible quite easily however. Did you upload the files and run the upgrade tool? Also, its possible to fix most database issues with admincp, even with your board offline, its usually still possible to access the admincp CP. Run some of the tools present in there and that should get you up and running.

You didn't delete the conf_global file did you?

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