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What do you think is the meaning of the annie96 story?


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So for those who don't know what annie96 is, its basically a girl who's having this chat with this guy David. Then she notices someone doing something in her garden, the weird guy breaks in, that's it.

For those who actually want to read the whole thing here's a link: http://storiesforyourscreen.com/annie96-is-typing/

Its said to be best viewed on a mobile device (tablet or smartphone) due to some special features.

Now I want you guys' thoughts or theories about what this thing's about :)

Here's my theory:

The entire story is just a play of Michael Jackson's song, "Smooth Criminal" if you go check out YouTube and listen to it, you'll see that it somehow matches the story except its not a flat out copy.

Take Annie as "Annie" and David as the man who asks "Annie are you okay?"

I'm going to analyze it part by part (I've excluded the beginning since its pretty much boring and plays no part in my theory):

Annie starts to hear footsteps. (You could say this is the pre-beginning of Smooth Criminal)

She then proceeds to check out the window. (Now closing in to the first line)

She then notices a man ("As he came into the window" except this guy didn't go in but instead was just seen through one.)

Annie describes the man's actions (Still a part of the first line. As she sees the man through the window.)

She asks David what she should do (In this part she now is panicking I guess you could say "It was the sound of a crescendo")

Annie continues to freak out. (Again, still on the second line here.)

Eventually the man comes in ("He came into her apartment" see how that line just fits so beautifully?)

(Now let's fill in some holes, this man might have been burying the body of Annie's parents and follows the line, "He left the bloodstains on the carpet")

David then calls the cops and tries to comfort Annie. Annie responds by saying she's in the closet with a knife ("She ran underneath the table" except instead of a table, its a closet. Basic stuff ;) )

Annie then describes that it was an IT by the way it looked at her ("He could see she was unable" except this came before Annie hid in the closet)

Again, David tries to comfort Annie by saying that "a druggie doesn't have the brains to find someone hiding in the closet"

Annie now says that its calling her. (Now I'd say the line "So she ran into the bedroom" fits here except Annie is not running but instead is now hiding.)

She now describes that its certainly not David and its saying "come out annie" (The usual hostage taker/killer behavior nothing freaky)

She's now freaking out as it gets closer and closer (The its-going-to-kill-me cliche)

(I've decided not to cover this part as its long and boring. Instead, let's skip right to the part where the last line plays in.)

After a while, the typing became more fluent and was well punctuated. David bought it at first but eventually doubted it.

(At this point, Annie has been killed. The line "She was struck down, it was her doom" falls right in.)

David, doubting Annie, now asks her how she could prove its still her. (The creator would be too stupid to throw in "Annie are you OK, Annie are you OK, are you OK Annie?" since it would be a pretty obvious that it was a play on Smooth Criminal.)

- END -

That's my theory. Its long and detailed but I think I've finally figured it out :D if you think this is true, feel free to share it around just credit me for its creation since I'd like to get some revenue in case big name writers (like Mashable or whatever) decides to use it as a reference :lol: B) :showoff:

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