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How to work with sharecodes!?


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  • 1 year later...

Updated ;)

Please use Paste2.org for multiple sharecodes and also try to make sure that you end the [ site ] tag with .com/ .org/, etc. (to ensure that there isn't a problem with two slashes in the link).

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If someone posts

Site: http://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode: /?testtest123 [?]

you should click the link (http://www.mediafire.com) and let it load in the background. Then click the sharecode (/?testtest123), copy it, add it to the link and click.

... and also try to make sure that you end the [ site ] tag with .com/ .org/, etc. (to ensure that there isn't a problem with two slashes in the link).

A Web browser always puts the trailing slash after .com or .org, etc so this is a great standard to follow. It just makes 100% sense.

Now just fix the first example!! :P

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It was DKT who noticed this actually ;)

Good to know someone is actually reading this :P

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 5 months later...

man i was going CRAZY the text thing was always empty....now i see !! and it DOES WORK. thanks guys! YOU ROCK!


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

little bit annoying but ok since it is a rule in this forum :P

btw what is the main purpose?

to protect it from heavy leechers :P

Edited by don2
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for this detailed tutorial!.

  • I didn't got the fixes part -

    Note: sharecodes should only be used when providing fixes, for normal downloads you can use direct links.

    I should use the sharecodes system when I provide a fix to a link that I posted?

  • According to the forum rules,

    Members are reminded to respect copyrights. As such, any links or posts containing illegal content are not permitted. This includes and is not limited to cracks, keygens, serials and "licensed" software materials. Members can share such items via the "Sharecode" system. Requests for illegal materials are not permitted. Any content copied from elsewhere should include a source link.

    Links to illegal content are not allowed as per the Forum Rules. Please see the 'sharecode system';

    Whenever we're posting links in the post they're automatically get converted to a anonymz link so it's accessed via anonymz.

    So why the sharecodes are still needed?

Edited by need4steer
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Because links are links and sharecodes are sharecodes. Links to illegal content are not allowed similar to the way how me providing you with illegal material (let's say drugs) is illegal, but me telling you that you can get illegal material from 'the guy around the corner wearing the blue hat' is not. (I know, I know, it's not a perfect analogy, hence the 'similar'.)

'Fixes' means 'anything capable of turning a trial/demo/non-full version of a software into a full version' ;)

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Thanks a lot for your detailed comment!.

I liked your analogy, and understood what are fixes here.

Maybe it's a good idea to include this explanation in the first post above.

It'll make it clear and simpler.

Thanks again!.

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Thanks a lot for your detailed comment!.

I liked your analogy, and understood what are fixes here.

Maybe it's a good idea to include this explanation in the first post above.

It'll make it clear and simpler.

Thanks again!.

Glad I could help.

I don't think I want to add it to the first post though, I'd like to keep it as short as possible ;)

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  • Administrator

What does it mean when there is no link? It just says :

Download: Site: magnet

As for magnet links. At the moment we believe that it's fine to post magnet links in open as they are itself legal. But again, this only applies to magnet links.

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  • Administrator

I guess I do not understand how to download from this site.

It says:

Download: Site: magnet

Sharecode: :?xt=urn:btih:ddae6cdce83656050465477fd5f45090cc7a8b85

What would I type in my browser?

Oh that.

It's an magnet link open-able only on uTorrent, etc. like clients.

Open uTorrent > File menu > Add Torrent from URL > Paste this: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ddae6cdce83656050465477fd5f45090cc7a8b85 > OK > OK. It will start downloading the file. :)

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  • 3 months later...

Now I know how to use Sharecode....Hahaha....

*new member...

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  • 4 weeks later...

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