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Total Uninstall 6.4.1


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Patch by REPT (for x64) makes Total Uninstall 6.4.1 to uninstall --» NOTHING ! All programs I tried to uninstall, a lot and I mean a lot of files ( if not all all or almost) stay behind. Better to forget this patch cause isn`t good. Better saying, it`s nothing.

Use Filelocator Pro after having "uninstalled" some software, and you will see what I mean.

It seems being analyzing, but just seems. And when you click on Uninstall I see the word REPT. What this means, I don`t know, but I know this patch is a shit.

Windows 7 Pro SP1 (x64)

Nothing better than a valid key.



now, i am not alone. i got this problem from 6.4.0 patch->6.4.1 patch by rept. martau still be the winner :showoff: . any crack team can kill it. haha

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Tried Registry Trash Key Finder and same result, Windows 8.1 x64

So you have same problem with a different program?


The 'Unregistered' text on the about screen with non english language was a screwup by me.

The 'Uninstall profile' names turning into REPT is also a screwup from my side(not intended, i'm not that idiotic).

The problem with installed program not being analyzed(nothing detected) is most likely due to left overs from previous cracked versions, most likely a blacklisted key.

Anyway i will look into these issues.



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Tried Registry Trash Key Finder and same result, Windows 8.1 x64

So you have same problem with a different program?


The 'Unregistered' text on the about screen with non english language was a screwup by me.

The 'Uninstall profile' names turning into REPT is also a screwup from my side(not intended, i'm not that idiotic).

The problem with installed program not being analyzed(nothing detected) is most likely due to left overs from previous cracked versions, most likely a blacklisted key.

Anyway i will look into these issues.



thx 4 taking teh time to come heere

storing ur cracked code in teh executable file description table is an interesting technique

could u explain what ur code does simply or would this give away 2 much info ?

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(man Im startin to purchase to much I think :huh: ....should stop it!

:cheers: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

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For me the version shows all profiles as rept, and it does show what will be uininstalled when a program is analyzed. I attempted removal of acrobat pro 11 with this and it did clear all entries and showed all folders and registry entries removed.

But that was in program files(x86) folder so a 32 bit program ,so can't say if it works for wow64 node etc.Although, as i said before , 64 bit programs do show changes that would occur when analyzed.

I am on win 8.1 update x64

Edited by Levo
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Anyway i will look into these issues.

Your consideration on improving your patcher is much appreciated.

But, with all due respect, wouldn't it be the best practice to exclude from your patcher all things that might cause 'findings' (actually false alarms) at an on-iine scan site like VirusTotal, therefore soothing the average computer users?

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The 'Unregistered' text on the about screen with non english language was a screwup by me.

The 'Uninstall profile' names turning into REPT is also a screwup from my side(not intended, i'm not that idiotic).

The problem with installed program not being analyzed(nothing detected) is most likely due to left overs from previous cracked versions, most likely a blacklisted key.

Anyway i will look into these issues.



I think that instead of only scolding :), we’d all better appreciate JohnWho’s effort to crack the program on both x86/x64 platforms as we all know – it’s not easy to achieve:).

yes, I do think that the x64 REPT-release not working on some systems (I mean not analyzing and thus uninstalling nothing) has something to do with previous installations of Total Uninstall there. I don’t know what exactly the problem is, just have the feeling it may not be easy to overcome.

I tested the REPT-release in a VMware virtual Windows 8.1 x64 Update 1 where Total Uninstall was never present. Installing the program here and patching it with the x64-patch: now - it does work (analyzes and uninstalls, completely properly).

OK, of course, the “REPT-profile/uninstall button” issue/imperfection of the patch will still be present, that’s clear.

And that is maybe the only thing that I find a bit strange: why releasing the patch to the “public” before testing it more extensively…and identifying this simple problem which I am guessing is easy to correct. I am not 'complaining', hey (would be ridiculous:)), only sharing thoughts.

The other more serious issue – could be missed/overlooked by almost everyone, sure.

But my main point is: I do thank the author of the patch for the efforts, hope he would not give up to perfect it:). And also, just to recap: with a “fresh” install of Total Uninstall the patch is fully usable (and thus the cracked x64-version) - even in its current form - with the “REPT-profile/uninstall button” imperfection issue.

I wish JohnWho good luck…+ my best wishes:)!

And thank you! :)


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But, with all due respect, wouldn't it be the best practice to exclude from your patcher all things that might cause 'findings' (actually false alarms) at an on-iine scan site like VirusTotal, therefore soothing the average computer users?

Indeed i should try remove those false alarms detections but i have been lazy.

Here is the source code for the patch, coded in delphi/pascal:

program patcher;uses  windows,  messages,  commdlg;Var  DialogHandle : Dword = 0;  OpenFile     : OPENFILENAME;  Filter       : LPCTSTR = 'Target: Tu.exe'+#0+'Tu.exe'+#0+#0;  FileName     : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;  {$R Dialog.res}procedure patch(afile: string; hWnd: hWnd);const  CheckBytes   : array[0..4] of byte = ($48,$89,$44,$24,$10);PatchOffset1 = $5A9690;PatchBytes1 : array [0..342] of byte = ($C7,$04,$25,$BF,$00,$07,$01,$E0,$0B,$39,$00,$48,$89,$44,$24,$10,$5B,$58,$C3,$C7,$04,$25,$95,$15,$CD,$00,$E9,$21,$F7,$72,$C6,$04,$25,$99,$15,$CD,$00,$00,$E9,$0D,$F6,$C6,$FF,$80,$3C,$25,$65,$44,$AC,$00,$FC,$75,$13,$C7,$04,$25,$65,$44,$AC,$00,$E9,$51,$97,$2A,$C6,$04,$25,$69,$44,$AC,$00,$00,$80,$3C,$25,$7E,$76,$7F,$00,$34,$0F,$85,$96,$00,$00,$00,$C6,$04,$25,$7E,$76,$7F,$00,$00,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$BA,$76,$7F,$00,$00,$00,$C7,$04,$25,$88,$F4,$7F,$00,$B0,$01,$90,$88,$C7,$04,$25,$DA,$F4,$7F,$00,$B1,$01,$90,$88,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$D1,$89,$99,$00,$00,$00,$C7,$04,$25,$0D,$8A,$99,$00,$40,$B6,$01,$90,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$A7,$F2,$98,$00,$00,$00,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$D6,$8D,$85,$00,$EB,$15,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$A3,$3B,$99,$00,$EB,$39,$C6,$04,$25,$C3,$EE,$7E,$00,$00,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$F0,$9C,$98,$00,$EB,$42,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$55,$DF,$85,$00,$EB,$15,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$BF,$E5,$95,$00,$EB,$39,$66,$C7,$04,$25,$7C,$D4,$95,$00,$EB,$42,$C7,$04,$25,$5A,$1B,$FC,$00,$3B,$F2,$43,$00,$C7,$04,$25,$C0,$C7,$7B,$00,$E9,$DB,$45,$C4,$C6,$04,$25,$C4,$C7,$7B,$00,$00,$B9,$01,$00,$00,$00,$E9,$01,$08,$8D,$FF,$33,$C0,$E9,$C2,$07,$8D,$FF,$81,$7A,$04,$5F,$00,$55,$00,$75,$16,$50,$48,$8B,$00,$C7,$00,$52,$00,$45,$00,$C7,$40,$04,$50,$00,$54,$00,$C6,$40,$08,$00,$58,$55,$48,$83,$EC,$30,$E9,$FC,$B9,$3B,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00);PatchOffset2 = $5AA047;PatchBytes2 : array [0..4] of byte = ($E9,$44,$EC,$FF,$FF);var  i          : Integer;  CmpByte    : Byte;  FileOfByte : file of byte;begin  if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hWnd,1003) = BST_CHECKED) then  begin    CopyFile(PChar(afile), PChar(afile+'.bak'),true);  end;  try    AssignFile(FileOfByte,afile);    Reset(FileOfByte);  except    MessageBox(0,'Can´t access file, it might be in use by another process!','Error :(',0);    DeleteFile(PChar(afile+'.bak'));    Exit;  end;  for i := 0 to Length(CheckBytes)-1 do  begin    Seek(FileOfByte,PatchOffset2+i);    BlockRead(FileOfByte, CmpByte,1);    if CmpByte <> CheckBytes[i] then    begin      MessageBox(0,'Check bytes incorrect, aborting!','Error :(',0);      DeleteFile(PChar(afile+'.bak'));      Exit;    end;  end;  for i := 0 to Length(PatchBytes1)-1 do  begin    seek(FileOfByte,PatchOffset1+i);    write(FileOfByte,PatchBytes1[i]);  end;  for i := 0 to Length(PatchBytes2)-1 do  begin    seek(FileOfByte,PatchOffset2+i);    write(FileOfByte,PatchBytes2[i]);  end;  CloseFile(FileOfByte);    MessageBox(0,'Target successfully patched','Success :)',0);end;function Dialog(hWnd: hWnd; uMSG: DWord; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): Bool; stdcall;begin  result := true;  case umsg of    WM_LBUTTONDOWN : SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, 61458, 0);    WM_INITDIALOG  : begin                       SetWindowText(hWnd, 'JohnWho was here');                       SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, 1003, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);                     end;    WM_ClOSE       : PostQuitMessage(0);    WM_COMMAND     :    case wParam of    1001 : begin             OpenFile.lStructSize := sizeof(OpenFile);             OpenFile.hWndOwner := DialogHandle;             OpenFile.hInstance   := HInstance;             OpenFile.lpstrFilter := Filter;             OpenFile.lpstrFile := filename;             OpenFile.nMaxFile :=  512;             OpenFile.lpstrTitle := 'Browse to and select target file...';             OpenFile.Flags := OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST or OFN_LONGNAMES or OFN_EXPLORER or OFN_HIDEREADONLY;             if Getopenfilename(OpenFile) then             begin               patch(OpenFile.lpstrFile, hWnd);             end;           end;    1002 : PostQuitMessage(0);    end;  end;  result := false;end;begin  DialogHandle := DialogBoxParam(HInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(100), 0, @Dialog, 0);end.

thx 4 taking teh time to come heere

storing ur cracked code in teh executable file description table is an interesting technique

could u explain what ur code does simply or would this give away 2 much info ?

The 'code' patch target in memory when it has been decrypted.

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This way is like a trial reset :-

Installed Total Uninstall 6.4.1 that was downloaded on 5th.April.2014. More than a month already passed, when I opened Total Uninstall received message saying --»Trial has expired.

So, I used Registry Trash Keys Finder (Freeware), then CCleaner latest version and now it shows again «Not registerd.Trial will expire in 30 days».

Et Voilá ! Very easy.

Windows 7 Pro SP1 (x64)

Edited by jofre
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Here I have compiled a list of steps that have been suggested to eliminate traces of TU after its un-installation.

Edited by drkh
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I'm sticking to 6.40, until some really significant changes occur to TU I see no reason to change....Language additions, GUI improvements and minor fixes don't matter much to me.

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(man Im startin to purchase to much I think :huh: ....should stop it!

If you can afford it and the software is worth it you should absolutely keep it up B)

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The patch in post 56 in the link works for 32bit not 64bit though .....If you have trouble running the patch, go into safe mode and it will work....The patch is only for 6.40, if you look through the thread their are links for it.....


Edited by clubhouse
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The last fully working version for me was 6.31. It works both in x86 and x64 plus it doesn't need a patch, just block with firewall and register YOUR name with included serial.

Your name is the one that shows in the About box, also the 64 Bit legend shows and full registry scan is achieved :)

I don't know if I'm missing much improvements from the last few versions, but if you know a newer version that registers like this 6.31, let us know.

Edited by Dan_Aykroyd
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The last fully working version for me was 6.31.

Why you are using 6.31 instead of 6.34 ...? Version 6.34 work with key and firewall too. :huh:

Edited by BTJB
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The last fully working version for me was 6.31.

Why you are using 6.31 instead of 6.34 ...? Version 6.34 work with key and firewall too. :huh:

Because I didn't know about it :)

Is it posted in this thread too (both installer and key)?

Thanks for the heads up

EDIT: I've ran through each of the pages of the thread manually searching for "34" and didn't find any mention of the version.

Would you be able to post the 6.34 + Key link?

Thanks again

Edited by Dan_Aykroyd
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Would you be able to post the 6.34 + Key link?

Download Link

Site: http://rg.to

Sharecode: /file/1d77b0875a5b62a13c73228df98c492e/

Password: bumperball

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This way is like a trial reset :-

Installed Total Uninstall 6.4.1 that was downloaded on 5th.April.2014. More than a month already passed, when I opened Total Uninstall received message saying --»Trial has expired.

So, I used Registry Trash Keys Finder (Freeware), then CCleaner latest version and now it shows again «Not registerd.Trial will expire in 30 days».

Et Voilá ! Very easy.

Windows 7 Pro SP1 (x64)

I shall give this a try.

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This way is like a trial reset :-

Installed Total Uninstall 6.4.1 that was downloaded on 5th.April.2014. More than a month already passed, when I opened Total Uninstall received message saying --»Trial has expired.

So, I used Registry Trash Keys Finder (Freeware), then CCleaner latest version and now it shows again «Not registerd.Trial will expire in 30 days».

Et Voilá ! Very easy.

Windows 7 Pro SP1 (x64)

I shall give this a try.


In Total Uninstall


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Anyone noticed the REPT version seems to include way more than usuall when monitoring installs?

I wonder if it's just my system or something others have seen too.

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