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Private Trackers with Open Sign Ups

Rock Lee

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Another site gave me an idea that I felt I should bring to you guys. Since we already have a thread where Demonoid invites can be posted, I decided to keep users

(& guests) updated with a thread like this. Yes, being part of something exclusive & elusive is fun. I'll spread the fun with you. Enjoy :yes:

*NOTE 1: No invites will be posted in this thread. Do not post invites in this thread.

Receiving invites in such manner will most likely get you banned from a private tracker.

FAQ: Why isn't this the case for Demonoid?

Demonoid if you think about it really isn't private. The site is incredibly easy to get into.

Higher level trackers do not condone of such activites, therefore invites will not be given this way.

*NOTE 2: All posts are final at the time of the post.

If a post says [insert tracker here] is open, it is open at the time of the post.

EDIT: Remembered how busy I am, not able to tell if trackers are closed or not on a daily basis. In this department I need your help. If a tracker is closed, please make a "quick" post stating the name of the tracker & then say "closed".

The post beneath this will expand, so check back daily to see the changes. :unsure:

Private trackers vary in content. If a post is made, a short description of the tracker will be posted along with it.

One more thing, if you have a tracker that is open, please do not post direct links. Example: NsaneDown

Please post all links either seperately (without the http://) or in a code box.

► Rock Lee

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  • Replies 27
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ThePlace.bz: www.theplace.bz/signup.php [open]

It is a specialized tracker with a focus on Pickup (PUA), but also good selection of Self-Improvement, Dating, Sex, NLP, Magic, Motivation, and more.

TheVault.bz: thevault.bz/signup.php [open]

It is a bussiness tracker and how to make money and do a project

OzoneTorrents.org: ozone-torrents.org/signup.php [closed]

It's a good place to begin for those wishing to transition away from public and semi private (demonoid for eg.) trackers. They have a nice karma system where you get 1 point for each hour you upload - regarless of what your connection speed is. Most of the stuff is already unrarred and ready to go.

TorrentZilla.org: torrentzilla.org/signup.php [open]

A good tracker for recent DVD Rips

BitSoup.org: bitsoup.org/signup.php [closed]

Bitsoup is a enormous tracker. Has around 110,000 members. In this tracker you can get all of the types of things, such as Movies,Games, TV-Series, Music,Anime,etc.

SceneRace.net: scenerace.net/index.php?page=apply [closed]

Similar to BitSoup. Not as many members, but same same categories.

itune.ro: itune.ro/register.php [open]

Small tracker, good music. Over 2,000 albums, artists, & torrents.

DigitalHive.org: digitalhive.org/signup.php [closed]

Most torrents are TV episodes & movies. Nice 0-day releases, currently freeleech for 3rd birthday.

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  • 2 months later...

TorrentLeech July Invite Giveaway!

Today we'll extend our user DB by 1,5k members,and we will carry out FEW more FREE INVITES Please note that the invites that will be carried away till they are gone,and this can be done in between few mins or few hours,so I would hurry up if I was you!!!.We are handing out invites for TorrentLeech.org via our sisters irc site PussyTorrents.org,in channel #invites !!(careful!!Not in the TorrentLeech irc!We dont want our IRC get flooded by people like the previous invite giveaways,so that is why we doing it under our sister site PussyTorrents.org ) Come join us NOW at irc.pussytorrents.org:6011 channel #invites ,or click here--> irc://irc.pussytorrents.org:6011/invites if you are using mIRC,to automatically connect to our invite channel PLEASE READ the topic and grab your TorrentLeech invite! Have fun

Some still say its open. Try it out!

FreeTheScene.net: http://freethescene.net/register.php [open]

General 0day Scene tracker.

InPeril.net: http://www.inperil.net/signup.php [open]

inPeril is a General/0Day tracker. It’s a Latvian tracker so some of the indexed torrents are local releases (some are dubbed). However there is a lot of English content here – almost all major scene/p2p releases are indexed.

Undergound-Gamer.com: www.underground-gamer.com/signup.php [open]

Pretty good video game (Xbox, PS, Nintendo, PC) tracker. Similar to the content of bitgamer.

RMVBusters.pl: http://rmvbusters.pl/signup_key.php?lang=en [open]

A tracker for RMV movies, not too much info on this one however.

Bt.Avistaz.com: http://bt.avistaz.com/account.php [open]

Asian movie based tracker. Decent times, loads of content with almost 100000 members.

ExtremeBits.org: http://www.extremebits.org/signup.php [open on weekdends only]

Tracker for extreme sports such as: Base jump, BMX, Climbing, Covers, Fiddy/MiniMX, Graffiti, Homevid, Inline Skate, etc.

Adult-Cinema-Network.net: http://www.adult-cinema-network.net/signup.php [open]

Adult tracker for classic, rare erotic pron videos. 18+ Only of course.

Jungle-Pirates.com: http://www.jungle-pirates.com/user.php?op=register [open]

A new general tracker, only a few months old. Good staff & friendly members.

TheBox.bz: http://thebox.bz/signup.php [open]

European television tracker. Named by many as their favorite tv tracker.

ArcticTorrents.ro: http://www.arctictorrents.ro/account.php [open]

One of the newer general trackers. Ranges anywhere from movies to e-books. Also has 18+ content.

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Here are 2 sites I wish for everyone to visit in order to stay updated. These are much more accurate than this thread with real times also. So if they say it's open then it is. Unlike above which for the most part all of them are open, but some of them could be closed.

Site 1: http://www.opentrackers.net/ - 172 Trackers listed. Updated Live.

Site 2: http://www.trackerchecker.org/ - 12 Pages worth of trackers. Each updated on individual time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Movie Tracker PtN has an external application (apply to get in) open for the next 2 days! Anyone interested should head over to the site now! It is against the rules to post the URL in public therefore I won't. I will however post the end of the url. It is up to you to figure out how to get there *cough*google*cough* ;)


Enjoy :)

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There is another great site as well.

btracs.com/ ( Bittorrent TRackers Automatic Checking System )

its similar to the pages you posted.


only bad thing about it, is the messed up ads on the top of the page... :s

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Thanks for the input kallejosef. I'd click the thank you button but there isn't one yet :P

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WWW.speed.cd is a gud site(dont no if its privite or not though).

recently registered there.axxo is uploading there

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WWW.speed.cd is a gud site(dont no if its privite or not though).

recently registered there.axxo is uploading there

Probably fake...

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even Fake Rips of aXXo are Being uploaded on mininova

really with those BR-Rips are being Uploaded everywhere

aXXo who ?

aXXo What ?

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See wikipedia. Fake aXXo(s) are all over the internet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

RevolutionTT - Been there. At some stage my login info was not accepted. No big loss. Will not return to there...

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RevolutionTT - Been there. At some stage my login info was not accepted. No big loss. Will not return to there...

Yeah it's not the best as a lot of people portray it. I could do without it but they don't delete accounts...

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Hey I was tryin to park my account there but I'm unable to do so. I select submit or that sort of but my account parked selection radio button goes back to no.

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Hey I was tryin to park my account there but I'm unable to do so. I select submit or that sort of but my account parked selection radio button goes back to no.

You can't park it because you just got an account. I can't remember the exact time limit but there is one for parking your account. That helps weed out the collectors (people who get trackers just to say they have them & they don't really use em) so you're out of luck.

Why are you trying to park it anyway?

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Well I'm gonna use the website if I dont get the torrent on some another website(mininova or demonoid) but in one way I forget many things that is why I wanted park it. And also wanted to see that does parkin work or not :D and tada it didn't. So how much time it takes for being eligible to park an account?

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Well I'm gonna use the website if I dont get the torrent on some another website(mininova or demonoid) but in one way I forget many things that is why I wanted park it. And also wanted to see that does parkin work or not :D and tada it didn't. So how much time it takes for being eligible to park an account?

2 suggestions:

  1. Make sure to actually use the account! Private trackers are for people who no longer wish to use public trackers. They will remove the account if you only use it at your leisure. Just a fair warning.
  2. Bookmark the site. You won't forget to visit if you do that will you?

Anyway, you should search the forums there to find answers :P

Take a look at the search I just did. Those threads will give you answers :yes:

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Yea now I see the reason behind it. You need a big reason to park it. Even if you are a regular user. Crap.

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Just an update, PtN has applications open at the moment. It's one of the best movie trackers & all around trackers available. If you haven't been able to get in take a look at this post to get some info ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

http://tehconnection.eu [closed]

For the moment but I've got 6 invites

They are a movie only tracker & only support the firefox browser

Don't know if anyone wants a invite or not?

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