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Busted! Obama's Plan for World War Starting in Ukraine Was Exposed in 2008 by Russia!


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Oh joy, this is the first "new world order" post since, well the last one....

Time for the tin foil hat brigade again....

You know, you think that people would take such obvious crap from unsubstantiated and unaccredited sites with a pinch of salt, but no....

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Honestly I think Obama is too much of a pansy to do anything about Russia. Not that I want him to swing the other way and start a WW, but he will most likely talk the talk and bend over like he always does.

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Honestly I think Obama is too much of a pansy to do anything about Russia. Not that I want him to swing the other way and start a WW, but he will most likely talk the talk and bend over like he always does.

No, No, No. It's an odd numbered day, so he's a tyrannical dictator czar out to destroy 'Merica and force us to abort gay Muslim babies. He's not an ineffectual lame duck empty suit who can't lead ants to a picnic until Sunday.

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First Ambrosia, now this ripe heap.

Hand the man a shovel!

Actually its Ambrocius

Its easy to remember, it rhymes with Atrocious

Just dont say it three times in a row or he'll appear like Beetlejuice, only more obnoxious and a bigger delusional ass$%#@

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Under the new U.S. President Barack Obama in the Crimea will be implemented scenario of armed conflict. "It is the American scenario, and under Obama the probability is much higher than under McCain," - said at a roundtable in Kiev, Russian political scientist Andrei Okara, said "New Region".

so are you all telling me that Andrei Okara is not a reliable source? I am asking? I do not know ?

however, this story was posted in 2008!

2008 I mean cmon .... where is the truth of reality anymore?

I found this video by accident last night, and it shook me to the core...

that website? is it legit? utro.ru? is it the russian version of the national enquirer?

I do not know?

this story is wild obviously! but isnt it a little ironic that things turned out exactly (pretty much) as laid out in this article?

...things that make ya go Hmmmmmmmmm

Edited by jackieo
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if bozo the clown and pinochio held a news confernecr to say the current or any past or future president of the usa was part and parcel of the "new world order "jackieo and all the other infowars worshipers would call it revelation and proof they have always been telling was soon at to be hand..and would argue with one all that it really truly was true

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do the world a favor and expose the real horses ass here...putin.... and you will NOT have to make up crap...he truly is a world leader that does throw his dissenters and political rivals under real moving busses and into jails

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go canada go...hey crazyk...did you know the riders are the current grey cup champions ...just an fyi incase you forgot

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thats right attack me, and ignore the content of the topic, and just change the topic, and talk about the weather....

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do the world a favor and expose the real horses ass here...putin.... and you will NOT have to make up crap...he truly is a world leader that does throw his dissenters and political rivals under real moving busses and into jails

where did I make up anything? I did not make that video? or post that news item on that russian website?

and it did not come from infowars! whats your deal? you have some real problems dude.

you dont like Alex Jones I dont give a rats ass, sometimes he even makes me wonder where the line is in reality,

but do you really think CNN, CBC and MSNBC CBS and even Fox news have the reality on call? NOPE.

[ Staff Edit ] ............................. nothing to add to the conversation as usual ...

GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME. oh and quit attacking me and contribute to the conversation,

or, just stop posting and showing what an uninformed, uninteresting person you are.

Edited by majithia23
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the topic changed to canada, summer time and quebec politics... or had you not noticed...much more interesting too if i may say so,,,just ask crazycanuck

edit spelling

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no topic changed --------- [ Staff Edit ]

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well if we left nobody would be here for you to talk to...everyone else lft when you started acting like abrosia

chill buddy...your post was doomed from the start as it was so stupidly lame and contrived and fake

you can have your post back now i won't be commenting further

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fake prove its fake youre fake you cant even contribute to the topic all you can do is talk about nothing.

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So its on US to proove its fake, and not the other way around?

OK so, BigFoot is real... Go ahead, prove me wrong!

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so you ............................................ ---- [ Staff Edit ]

Edited by majithia23
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I never said it was real or fake- all i did was post something i found, you do tha math einsteins.

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