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5 Free Image Resizing Software


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Top 5 softwares for downsizing images

1. Riot


Riot is an application for compressing and downsizing images. It is released by Lucian Sabo. By using Riot, you can establish auto-compressing mode and optimize images while the quality of output images is not reduced compared to the original one. Riot also supports multiple input and output image formats, so you can completely feel secured optimize any of your wanted image. After the processing process finishes, the new images and old images will be displayed on the screen for you to compare.

If you have not had the software, you can download the latest version of Riot here.

2. IrfanView


IrfanView is a tight and effective image viewing program which helps you view images under current common formats with ease. The program can be used in Microsoft Windows operating system. In the process of displaying image slides, many programs will reduce the quality of image files. However, with IrfanView, the quality of displayed images will be retained and ensured when images are being displayed. IrfanView also provides multiple short-cut keys for you to manipulate the program more easily.

If you have not had the software, you can download the latest version of IrfanView here.

3. Caesium

Caesium is a utility for downsizing images. You can use this utility to process images and downsize images by as much as 95% while the image quality and resolution does not decrease. Thanks to Caesium, high-quality and large-size images can be easily downsized to be stored on the computer as well shared with your friends on the Internet.

A typical feature of Caesium is the ability to downsize images in batch. You only need to select all images in the folder needing to be downsized into the window of Caesium or use drag and drop method.

4. High Quality Photo Resizer


High Quality Photo Resizer allows you to view and resize images so that you can view images with different sizes without changing their quality. The tool also allows compressing images to be stored on the hard drives or shared on the Internet. To minimize time and efforts, you can select the feature of resizing images in batches to resize a series of images at the same time on High Quality Photo Resizer.

If you have not had the software, you can download the latest version of High Quality Photo Resizer here.

If you have not had the software, you can download the latest version of Caesium here.

5. Light Image Resizer

Light Image Resizer is an utility which can resize and optimize images quickly and effectively. You can use this software to manipulate with multiple image files that are supported by Light Image Resizer. In addition, the software can also edit images; insert captions; add frame, border; change resolution, etc. to make your images more lively and eye-catching.

If you have not had the software, you can download the latest version of Light Image Resizer here.

Source: http://tips.betdownload.com/top-5-softwares-for-downsizing-images-672n.aspx

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IrfanView is a mature, stable, powerful & flexible tool. It does a lot more than resize pictures. Powerful batch mode allows simple scripting to repeat actions across folders or groups of files. Plays many video types too. It also accepts many Photoshop filters to extend its reach. Nice thumbnail viewer included. Easy to use webpage builder that will generate the code, thumbnails - everything you need to copy to your website and make a nice photo viewing page for your audience. No BS toolbars or advertising or crapware included - true freeware. Author keeps updating the program several times a year adding meaningful features and enhancements over the years. Use it without being nagged and maybe send the guy $10 someday after you've gotten 100X that much use. Recommended!

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software182 : Do you reckon irfanview & Light Image Resizer is better to choose than others? Thanks!

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software182 : Do you reckon irfanview & Light Image Resizer is better to choose than others? Thanks!

Light Image Resizer: Content_26.gif

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which is the best? which can resize without distorting the image?

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Pix Resizer v 2.0.6

PIXresizer is a photo resizing program to easily create web and e-mail friendly versions of your images with reduced file sizes.
The reduced files are saved in a different folder, so your original images are not altered at all. PIXresizer offers several different resizing methods to choose from and can automatically recognize image sizes to calculate the best fit. In addition, it can convert between image formats (JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG and TIFF), rotate images, convert to grayscale and resize multiple images in batch mode. It also allows you to keep the original EXIF information from your images. A great companion for webmasters and digital photographers.

author site : http://bluefive.pair.com/index.html

pix resizer page : http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm

download : http://bluefive.pair.com/PIXresizer.zip

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which is the best? which can resize without distorting the image?

The software mentioned above are freewares which work just about OK for downsizing images - however, if you're looking at enlarging your images the best one that I've ever used is Perfect Resize from onOne Software. 8)

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Pix Resizer works also for enlarging pictures, up to 3000 px with good quality (except if you start from 50 px :lol: ).

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