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Innacurrete phone GPS


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Did anyone had problems with phone's GPS accuracy? Mine is innacurate with ~70 meters, wich is useless , I' walking on a street and it shows that i'm on a parallel street far away.

GPS on, WIFI/mob network off.

Any solutions?

Edited by AlexCross
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It's and Android, running 4.1.

More info: I have done a factory reset, but the problem is still there. It's so inaccurate. When I'm running in a park, it shows me like far away outside it, or running in the lake. I'm aware that there's an acceptable error. But 70-100 m is pointless in my opinion.

Edited by AlexCross
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What are you using for a map program? I use Sygic in my Car on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 1 accurate within about 15 metres providing I haven't got my lead foot in action, don't take too much notice of the Map program in the picture it is Copilot I tried it when I first got the Tab as my Favourite at the time (TomTom) would not work on Android and last I looked still didn't on high resolution but since Sygic buy their maps from TT but have their own program which is very very similar to TT but at least than a third the price I know which I use heheheh


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I use Sygic too, bar far the best GPS app on my Samsung Galaxy SII

As for the OP, you need to share more info, brand of phone GPS app, location etc....

It may be that the handset (hard to know without the brand) doesnt have a very accurate GPS receiver, it could be a crappy GPS app, it could just be GPS coverage where you are

In addition to using a decent GPS app (google maps doesnt count, it thinks im 2 blocks from where i am here in sydney) what i did with my GPS is use this patch to tweak the A-GPS data (assuming you have root):


Additional SGSII GPS slow lock tip:

And at least on my SGSII, running stock ROM with dorimanx kernel, the GPS lock could take ages after installing (sometimes upgrading) the kernel etc...solution was to delete (after backing up) the /efs/nvdata.bin file and reboot...3 to 4 second GPS lock , instead of 5 minutes+ :)

As i may have pointed out before, NSane really isnt the place to be asking in depth smartphone questions, thats what XDA (http://forum.xda-developers.com) is for, its where ive been going for smartphone info for years

So this will be my last post on the subject

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Strangely Enough I am also a XDA Member have been ever since my old Xda lli jeeeeez that ran on windows mobile 5 I think it was

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Sygic .... Never used it but looks good !

For me. i have always sufficed my GPS needs with the default Google maps or navigation .

And for me its pretty darn accurate .

Geo-locates position to about 2 to 10 meters accuracy and on a highway it mentions the names of buildings and turns and locations right as we pass through that location at the same moment .

Right now Nexus 5 with Kit Kat and before also android .

As mentioned the GPS chip or the software might be faulty in your case or just that the geo location is weak in your area of interest .

Did you try using the GPS on some other device .

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