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PerfectDisk 13 Windows 8.1 Slow Shutdown?


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Since i have installed Perfectdisk 13, i have noticed slow shutdown on my win8.1 machine, seems like it has disabled the hybrid shutdown as it was in Perfectdisk 12.5, which IIRC had an hotfix by raxco, anyways to re-enable it on PD 13?

I have disabled "Perfectdisk manages boot files" and have "Windows manages boot files" in global settings in PD, still problem not fixed.

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What you have slow? And what means - is slow - what and how many seconds?

slow here means the normal shutdown rather than hybrid shutdown of win8/8.1, hybrid shutdown usually used to take about 10 secs. to shutdown and starts faster as it's hibernate+shutdown, normal shutdown takes about 30secs. to shutdown and about 1.5 minutes to startup. it's ticked in power options, but not working with PD 13.

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I stopped using perfect disc ages back,,you better not having as the default defrag and just use it now and then

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Be sure your file system is ok.

In a command prompt (admin) type chkdsk c: /f

It will prompt you to schedule a check in next reboot, do it.


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Honestly to say - I do not understand what you want to do. Then try this link. Make it on your desktop or wherever. This is for hybrid shutdown.

C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -hybrid -t 00

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What you have slow? And what means - is slow - what and how many seconds?

slow here means the normal shutdown rather than hybrid shutdown of win8/8.1, hybrid shutdown usually used to take about 10 secs. to shutdown and starts faster as it's hibernate+shutdown, normal shutdown takes about 30secs. to shutdown and about 1.5 minutes to startup. it's ticked in power options, but not working with PD 13.

You have some problems in your PC - I use PD13 on a PC with Windows 8.1 and didn`t notice any slowdowns , on the contrary it`s a little faster (my PC shutdown time is ~11 sec.)

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  • 1 month later...

What you have slow? And what means - is slow - what and how many seconds?

slow here means the normal shutdown rather than hybrid shutdown of win8/8.1, hybrid shutdown usually used to take about 10 secs. to shutdown and starts faster as it's hibernate+shutdown, normal shutdown takes about 30secs. to shutdown and about 1.5 minutes to startup. it's ticked in power options, but not working with PD 13.

You have some problems in your PC - I use PD13 on a PC with Windows 8.1 and didn`t notice any slowdowns , on the contrary it`s a little faster (my PC shutdown time is ~11 sec.)

Honestly to say - I do not understand what you want to do. Then try this link. Make it on your desktop or wherever. This is for hybrid shutdown.

C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -hybrid -t 00

Be sure your file system is ok.

In a command prompt (admin) type chkdsk c: /f

It will prompt you to schedule a check in next reboot, do it.


What you have slow? And what means - is slow - what and how many seconds?

sorry all for a delayed reply, i actually found the solution to this problem, it was to use the PDbootcleanup.exe, which was used for the same purpose for PD12.5, and it restored the original BootExecute key, i am really amazed that how anyone of you haven't had this problem.

More info here: http://malwaretips.com/threads/help-perfectdisk-13-pro-business-edition-broke-my-fast-startup.26008/

For those who didn't understood what is fast shutdown/hybrid shutdown i talked about in OP, it's found under power options:


Edited by lordnsane
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