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How Secure is nsane?


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Ok being a newbie here i wanted to ask 2 particular questions:

1)In the times of censorship & copyright, how does nsane survives? Is our personal info at risk in nyway?

2)Does it have a proper mechanism to block multiple accounts from same pc even if a person uses advance security options like hiding or rerouting the ip address(u get the idea right)?

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i no that copyrights is a funny thing on this site but u can get all the softwere u need on this site free and paid u get the idea right

and u can have multiple accounts but if u spam u will get blocked or band from the website

but i may be wrong.gif

Edited by knowledge
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security by cloudflare

2nd - spam free

Is cloudflare secure i mean after seeing this site we should believe that in the world of computers everything is possible and

2),so unless i m spamming i can have multiple accounts?

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security by cloudflare

2nd - spam free

Is cloudflare secure i mean after seeing this site we should believe that in the world of computers everything is possible and

2),so unless i m spamming i can have multiple accounts?

if you have multiple account admins will caught you and delete/merge the account read the community guildelines before posting http://www.nsaneforums.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules

cloudflare cant be bypassed ... they breaks all the possibilities ;)

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security by cloudflare

2nd - spam free

Is cloudflare secure i mean after seeing this site we should believe that in the world of computers everything is possible and

2),so unless i m spamming i can have multiple accounts?

Why do you need multiple accounts ??? You don't need multiple accounts to say hello to anyone or to post something. One account is enough.

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How about some information direct from the Experienced user! :o


Ooooo...... Looks like someday we're gonna meet in real life too.... in jail smiley3906.gif

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How about some information direct from the Experienced user! :o


Ooooo...... Looks like someday we're gonna meet in real life too.... in jail smiley3906.gif


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The reason it's secure, is because the staff don't advertise what security they use, kinda of a null question tbh.

How about some information direct from the Experienced user! :o


@Slimrock, maybe you should have cropped last bit of the pic (names mentioned) as it's not really relevant to this topic, it's just stirring, unless you left it to gauge a reaction ?

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How about some information direct from the Experienced user! :o


Do you think the forum as it is now would still be here or so many old members if this would be true? I think there are bunch of other methods to collect info about people.

I think when you are angry and left the forums from one day to the other you might say something that does hurt others without any truth in it, if that is the case, you won't hurt anyone but yourself in the long run.

Also since there are members from all around the world with individual laws in the regions they live in, it doesn't make sense to collect and use those infos and why should they leak info from donates that might be responsible for that nsane doesn't disappear?

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@Dodel Link to the comment.


  1. Nobody is forcing you to share any personal information, moreover there are cases when staff removes some posted info because it contains identifiable information.
  2. Make sure to read Community Guidelines.

Members are only permitted to have a single user account. Duplicate user accounts may be removed or other sanctions imposed, without notice. Occasionally users that haven't been active in over a year and haven't made a single post may be removed. If your account is removed, please feel free to create a new one. We do not remove member accounts upon request.

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@Dodel Link to comment.

Really too sad to see someone behaving like that!, I think he's advertising Nsaneforums :D, most people will check the site and find it the best :p

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i do beg to differ on the opinion that says i as well as lite and turk are snitches....childish behavior is just that...childish...not to mention moronic...and not tolerated on grown up sites/// put on your big boy pants and be man for once in your life

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My Question is why Nsane is not using HTTPS? is it difficult to implement it? or because it's not that useful? =)

https not useful vs big brother. We don't store credit card information or anything to warrant https. Also the site would become super slow with https since normal caching functionality will be limited or non existent under https.

How about some information direct from the Experienced user! :o


Which experienced user would say this? Without quoting the speaker what you have here is just libel.

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Ok being a newbie here i wanted to ask 2 particular questions:

1)In the times of censorship & copyright, how does nsane survives? Is our personal info at risk in nyway?

2)Does it have a proper mechanism to block multiple accounts from same pc even if a person uses advance security options like hiding or rerouting the ip address(u get the idea right)?

How Secure is nsane? But the sense of being protected? Or what threat, or what risk can be at all?

It's a voluntary chat where you came up yourself - voluntarily. The only thing you was need here, is to use any email address or Facebook account. What is the issue.

You do not have needed anything to download, and nsane has also hired a personal bodyguard, what else? Everything is strictly confidential and protected even against Edward Snowden.

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