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App suggestion for the FrontPage: Unchecky


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Hi, guys! How are ya? I'd like to suggest Unchecky to be added to the frontpage. It's useful to avoid bloatware bounded in installers. It's a lightweight app and it's multi language.


Tired of unchecking unrelated offers while installing software?

Have you ever felt, while installing software, that the installer tries to push additional unwanted programs at all cost? Ever missed a checkbox, and spent hours afterwards removing adware? Ever opened your browser after an installation, only to find out that you have a new homepage, a new search engine, or even a new browser? Unchecky aims to keep potentially unwanted programs out of your computer.


Unchecky automatically unchecks unrelated offers, both saving you mouse clicks and making it less likely to miss a checkbox of an unwanted offer.


Installers often try to sneak additional programs as a natural part of the installation. Unchecky warns you when you try to accept a potentially unwanted offer, which makes it less likely to be accepted accidentally.

Updates automatically

Install and forget. Unchecky automatically updates whenever a new version is available, so you don't have to worry about running the latest version.

Site: http://www.unchecky.com

Download: http://unchecky.com/files/unchecky_setup.exe

Edited by sanjoa
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  • sanjoa


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It's still in beta, IMO beta updates for this program shouldn't be allowed on the front page!


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It's still in beta, IMO beta updates for this program shouldn't be allowed on the front page!


I didn't notice that :doh:

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I dont trust this kind of software and I like to keep my PC clean.

I go as far as to run every unfamiliar program in a sandbox to see what changes are made to my PC before doing a real install using this tool:(BSA) discussed here http://forums.sandboxie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6557 Homepage here: http://bsa.isoftware.nl/

IMO this type of monitoring/policing of your PC should be done with a "hands on" approach. good luck.

Edited by locoJoe
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Guest freeforever03

I installed this program and it does work. You still need to watch what you are installing but it helps with minimizing the installation of unwanted add-ware.

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This app looks handy but I wouldn't use it myself - I do tend to check all the stuff I install on my own hardware. Where this app would be useful is for all my relatives and friends who blindly click on NEXT buttons as if it's a race to reach the FINISH button at the end of any app installation! :-D

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I've installed this software and it does work. However, you still need to pay attention to what you are installing.

Totally agree with you ... We just need to be on the look out and careful because some Program Cleverly hide or Grey out the Options to Uncheck some added Extras .. Cheers for Sharing ...

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crazy...theres an app for everything..Unchecky...nice

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I do my own unchecking, thank you.

Me to. Whenever I miss unchecking something I SLAP myself. I am good for a couple of weeks then. Ha

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  • Administrator

Thanks for the suggestion, but as already commented this software is still a beta, we don't tend to list new software items that haven't been "released" yet.

If the software ever reaches "released" status, please bump this topic and we'll consider it.

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