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Obama: Young Men Must Show Women 'The Respect They Deserve'


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By Susan Jones January 27, 2014 - 10:09 AM

'Real Men Don't Hurt Women'

(CNSNews.com) - President Obama says he's going to "keep working to stop sexual assaults wherever they occur" -- on college campuses, in the military or in the community.

"Some of this is a job for government, he said in his Saturday radio address. "But really, it's up to all of us. We've got to teach young people -- men and women -- to be brave enough to stand up and help put an end to these crimes.

"We've especially got to teach young men to show women the respect they deserve. I want every young man in America to know that real men don't hurt women. And those of us who are fathers have a special obligation to make sure every young man out there understands that being a man means recognizing sexual violence and being outraged by it, and doing their part to stop it."

Obama said his plan, announced last week, includes "strengthening our criminal justice system," so police and prosecutors get the training they need to prevent the crimes and bring the culprits to justice. It includes giving survivors the support they need to heal.

And he said the federal government is "going to help schools do a better job of preventing and responding to sexual assault on their campuses. Because college should be a place where our young people feel secure and confident, so they can go as far as their talents will take them."

Last week, the president established a White House task force to study the problem of sexual assault. "Although schools have made progress in addressing rape and sexual assault, more needs to be done to ensure safe, secure environments for students of higher education," the memo said.

He expects to get the panel's recommendations in 90 days.

"Perhaps most important, we need to keep saying to anyone out there who has ever been assaulted: you are not alone. We have your back. I've got your back," Obama said on Saturday.


Edited by Turk
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