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i have a problem with my laptop/display


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does anyone know why my display stays white (blank) when i open my laptop?it stays that way untill i press the power button to go to sleep or logoff (whatever).after i press the power button it goes to sleep and i then i just move/press the mouse pad and the laptop wakes up and the display is working correctly.

thanks in advance!

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does anyone know why my display stays white (blank) when i open my laptop?it stays that way untill i press the power button to go to sleep or logoff (whatever).after i press the power button it goes to sleep and i then i just move/press the mouse pad and the laptop wakes up and the display is working correctly.

thanks in advance!

a pic wood be good

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what pic? it`s only a white blank screen..could it be the video driver? it`s a beta `cause i can`t find the stable one.even on their site..i have a ati mobility radeon hd 5400 display adapter

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completely reformat your computer, reprogram, re-enter all programs. :)

did that yesterday..:(

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what pic? it`s only a white blank screen..could it be the video driver? it`s a beta `cause i can`t find the stable one.even on their site..i have a ati mobility radeon hd 5400 display adapter

u on xp or windows 7 or 8 or 8.1 a pic or video wood help people try two help u

this may help Go here and get the latest drivers (Catalyst Software Suite with .NET 4 Support). That should solve the problem http://support.amd.com/en-us/download

Edited by knowledge
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Try the site below to check if there is an updated driver, it may be the cause

http://wwalled yesterday in order to install this new one.w.ma-config.com/en/start/1-1_start-the-detection.html

i`m downloading the video driver it tells me to. whats the best driver unistaller? i would like to uninstall the beta one that i have installed yesterday in order to install this new one

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does anyone know why my display stays white (blank) when i open my laptop?it stays that way untill i press the power button to go to sleep or logoff (whatever).after i press the power button it goes to sleep and i then i just move/press the mouse pad and the laptop wakes up and the display is working correctly.

thanks in advance!


what you describe is very odd...

anyway, besides driver issues or bios settings, what comes to my mind:

check if it is not forcing use of projector (external monitor) using the FN keys,

perhaps something (dirt or whatever) is in the vga port...

back to the bios settings, try a reset to factory settings or even consider a bios update... (check the manufacturer site...)

good luck

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listen to


its a day or two of work(if u have a lot to install) and the result is a blazing, fresh and clean os...

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completely reformat your computer, reprogram, re-enter all programs. :)

This is what You Should Do.

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same problem fellas.i formatted my laptop, installed the new driver and the problem persists.could it be a hardware failure?

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does anyone know why my display stays white (blank) when i open my laptop?it stays that way untill i press the power button to go to sleep or logoff (whatever).after i press the power button it goes to sleep and i then i just move/press the mouse pad and the laptop wakes up and the display is working correctly.

thanks in advance!

Read through this topic on Nsane forums it has many helpful posts towards display problems :)

everyone who screams formatting straight away need to stay clear... the guy came here for suggestions not to be told what he already knows.


just seen the above message - also again read that topic ;p

Edited by Sonar
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does anyone know why my display stays white (blank) when i open my laptop?it stays that way untill i press the power button to go to sleep or logoff (whatever).after i press the power button it goes to sleep and i then i just move/press the mouse pad and the laptop wakes up and the display is working correctly.

thanks in advance!

Bro if it,s not hardware, then it,s a Virus. Don,t hate me for this, but only a Low Lewel Format (Bare Metteling) will clear the problem. I had this before, on my Desktop, with my Screen hitting Blank, turned out to be old Virus infec.


Portable = http://www.techspot.com/downloads.php?action=download_now&id=5265&evp=6e9867f54bc02eedc65d5c7b6991c384&file=2


Just my 5Cent,s

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scanned my laptop with kaspersky, bitdefender, hitman pro, mbam. no viruses at all.the problem persists..

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OK this is probably not ur problem but it wont hurt to check....maybe ur computer is looking for a 2nd monitor before it initiates on the laptop screen. If this is happening then ur white/blank screen should go away and ur laptops display will initiate if given enough time. Maybe let it sit on blank screen for a min or two to see if laptop display will initiate. I had this problem on one of my systems once. Anyways good luck computers can be a real bitch sometimes.

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I can see you've reinstalled, but would you amuse me and advise if you've tried safe mode and checked to see if the same issue persists ?

As safe mode will use standard VGA drivers, although be it ugly, it may help narrow down the problem.



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completely reformat your computer, reprogram, re-enter all programs. :)

then hit it with a 10 pound hammer...no really try the generic drivers from microsoft... and what OS did you instal

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Sorry to hear your tale of woe tipo..... from your previous posts & attempted remedies, the likelihood of this being a software issue is rare.

I have seen & heard about white screen issues after logon after system has been infected by certain types of Ransomware nasties.But in your case after a fresh install / security scans, that would have been resolved.

Which leads us to hardware issues.

Although there are numerous threads on this topic along with many tips for fixes. You may find the cure in the following link:-


Although targeted for Dell it can also apply to HP.

Should this fail, my suggestion would be to take it to a repair center that has the necessary diagnostics for checking components.

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