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Anyone else experiencing the Arctic Air chill?


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Im on the East Coast..

and we're currently experiencing an unusual arctic chill..

it's covered pretty much all of US..

with wind chills going down to negative!

Edited by FukenGruven
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@FukenGruven! please oblige by uploading the custom theme you are using on your system with complete instructions for Windows 8.1 Pro x64?

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I would love we can get at least some tiny breezes from that chilli air you got up there. My b*lls already got meltdown with the heat wave from the last week and I couldn't even turn on my PC because the heat sensor buzzers were driving me crazy. :lol:

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I live in the mid-east coast area myself. It is currently below zero and wind chill puts it to the -20's. I'm not gonna venture out at all today, lol.

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Yes here Way South of Chicago and North of Carbondale, Illinois. It was treacherous.


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@ airstream
You're about 10 hours from me.. driving distance.
i have family in Elgin.
that's a nice RV.. would love one of those..

@FukenGruven! please oblige by uploading the custom theme you are using on your system with complete instructions for Windows 8.1 Pro x64?

it's the default Windows theme..
here's the wallpaper.
the bar up top is a Rainmeter skin..

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I've been watching the swirling "Vortex" for the past few days..

omg IT IS phenomenal - i have never seen the jet stream dip this low - EVER

I like to view the water vapor images because that tells the true story, of where the wet and dry air is, and shows the motion the best,

dry air is brown and wet air is white...and the motion tells the whole story..enjoy in horror...I'm up in NY, freezing my ass off...




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@ anakin206
i am so jealous.. where is that?

it's times like this.. i contemplate moving to a year-round tropical location..
i gain weeight, turn pale, my back ache from shoveling snow.. car needs constant washing from all the salt, winter maintenance, and girls are pale & bundled up :(

i have family in Batavia :)

this arctic air is very unusual..
from what i hear..
it's no wonder Russia, China, Australia, France, and the US all have Ice Breakers in the Antarctic region trying to free Russia & China, lol.

Edited by FukenGruven
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@FukenGruven! please oblige by uploading the custom theme you are using on your system with complete instructions for Windows 8.1 Pro x64?

it's the default Windows theme..

here's the wallpaper.

the bar up top is a Rainmeter skin..


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Ballistic Gelatin

Some years ago, U.S. radio commentator Michael Savage was entertaining callers on a January broadcast of his show. Most of them were going off-topic and, instead, complaining about the cold weather.

After the umpteenth "It's really cold today, I'm freezing!" from his callers, he got fed up and screamed into his microphone, "IT'S JANUARY, YOU MORONS!"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Ya know whats funny? the "scientists" ( and I question their validity and integrity) went down there to document what they thought

would be the lack of ice at the south pole regions, in actual fact the antacrtic ice sheet is experiencing massive growth!


Speaking of Antarctica.....Metallica Antarctica Freeze Em All HD

December 8, 2013

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Currently 2F here windchill of -18F. Yesterday was -12F windchill of -39F. Tomorrow it is forcast to be a balmy 20F :lol:

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@FukenGruven! please oblige by uploading the custom theme you are using on your system with complete instructions for Windows 8.1 Pro x64?

it's the default Windows theme..

here's the wallpaper.

the bar up top is a Rainmeter skin..


@FukenGruven! In Weather.ini I tried changing Metrics from F to C but it doesn't makes any difference as the Temp. Metrics still are in Fahrenheit. Secondly in GPU Bar, Temp. always remains @ 0. I tried to find out the workaround for this by visiting link http://rainmeter.net/cms/Plugins... posted by you on DeviantArt but as of now link is dead. ! wonder whats wrong with me! :(

Request : please add support for 8 core processors as mine is a 8 core but the skin only supports upto 4 cores! :)



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Change Metrics to Metrics=M, to fix GPU download/install and run SpeedFan. For updates, he could have fixed all the stuff mentioned in the comments on DA but he didn't want to update it (because he is lazy), no, just joking.

I don't think the topbar would look good with 8 cores, having always 2 in a row (you would need to make it higher to have 3 or 4 in a row), technically, just do some more configs but then you have half of the topbar full with CPU cores. :lol:

C:\Users\<your name>\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Essential Bar (Dual Core)\CPU

Make a copy of Core 4 folder and rename to Core 6, rename CPU4.ini to CPU6.ini, open it and change it accordingly from 4 to 6, same with the other cores, copy Core 3 folder and rename to Core 5 and the rest like with Core 6 but so you don't need to change the X/Y values for the placement on the top bar (copy Core 3 folder and use it as base for Core 5 and 7, copy Core 4 folder and use it as base for Core 6 and 8 then).

You can of course make the graphs or bars of everything half as large to bring them more together and save some space for the stuff after.


Width top is 30 and bottom is 90

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