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Most Expensive Cities


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Australian Patrick O'Meara, 28, has lived in San Francisco, Colombia and Tokyo and misses the cheap price of concerts and entertainment when he returns to his homeland.

''It was a shock when I first got over there [san Francisco] but now it's a shock to come back,'' he said. ''Once you pay for taxis and go to a few bars, you could spend $200 easily.''


Cost of living: Sydney is found to be 25 per cent cheaper than London, the most expensive city in the world.

Digital marketing associate Beth Nelan, 23, said her quality of life was better in Sydney as she pays the same amount of rent in Washington but has taken a $17,000 pay cut.

''Sydney is expensive but I feel it is entirely justified,'' she said. ''Comparatively, cost of living in Vancouver and [Washington] DC is pretty justifiable but rent is way too high for the average income.''

Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens wants to see the value of the Australian dollar fall further, which would make the price of petrol and other imported products rise, said Stephen Halmarick, head of economic and market research at Colonial First State Global Asset Management. ''People who are exporting overseas [will] benefit from the weaker dollar and that will increase national income.

''It's really a bit of a transfer of costs and benefits across the economy. It's all part of a transition of the economy away from being dominated by mining capital spending to other sources of growth.''


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This is not very accurate. Luanda, the capital city of Angola is somewhere between those. A loaf of bread costs nearly US$ 20... An iPod also costs more than in Sydney, that is... if you can even find one :)

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