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Guide: Comparative Studies of Bing, Google, Yahoo Search Engines


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The First three studies analyse "precision" and "recall" of the search engines, the last study focuses on malwares, infections delivered by the search engines. According to the studies, overall, Google is a better search engine followed by Bing and Yahoo.

A Comparative Study of Bing, Yahoo, Google (BYG) Search Engines

Kumar et al. American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol 2, Iss 4, Pp 39-43 (2013)


The World Wide Web with its short history has experienced significant changes. While the earlier search engines were established based on the traditional database and information retrieval methods, many other algorithms and methods have since been added to them to improve their results. The precision value varies among the search engines depending on the database size. The gigantic size of the Web and vast variety of the users' needs and interests as well as the potential of the Web as a commercial market have brought about many changes and a great demand for the development of better search engines. The present study estimated the precision of Google, Yahoo and Bing. The results of the study also showed that the precision of Google was high as compared to Yahoo and Bing and Yahoo has better precision than Bing. It was observed that Google, Yahoo and Bing showed diversity in their search capabilities, user interface and also in the quality of information. However these two search engines retrieved comparatively more relevant sites or links as compared to irrelevant sites. Google utilized the Web graph or link structure of the Web to become one of the most comprehensive and reliable search engines. This study provided evidence that the Google was able to give better search results with more precision and more relative recall as compared to Yahoo which would explain why it is the most widely used search engine for the Internet.

Free Full Text: http://www.ajer.org/papers/v2(4)/F0243943.pdf

A Comparative Study of Google and Bing Search Engines in Context of Precision and Relative Recall Parameter

Usmani et al. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 4, Iss 1, Pp 21-34 (2012)


The present study estimated the precision and relative recall of Google and Bing. The result of study showed that the precision of Google was high for simple one word queries, the precision of Bing was high for simple multi word queries and complex multi word queries both. Relative recall of Google was high for all simple one word queries, simple multi word queries and complex multi word queries. These two search engines gave more irrelevant results compare to relevant results. This comparison study showed that the Google gave better search results with more relative recall and precision for simple one word queries compare to Bing. Bing gave high precision for simple multi word queries and complex multi word queries. Over all precision was high for Bing but relative recall of Bing was less. This means that Google search was better for simple word while for complex words queries, Bing was better than Google. The correlation between simple one-word query and Complex oneword query of Google is weakly correlated so it should be improve to search all type of queries. The correlation between simple one-word query and Complex one-word query of Bing is negative and near to 0 so it should be improve to search all types of queries

Free Full Text: http://www.enggjournals.com/ijcse/doc/IJCSE12-04-01-110.pdf

Comparative Analysis of Some Search Engines

Taiwo et al. South African Journal of Science, Vol 106, Iss 11/12(2010)


For both response time and precision, Google proved to be the best performer of all the search engines evaluated. Hence it is the search engine we recommend. MSN/Bing, the second best performer, is also recommended. Gigablast and AlltheWeb were the worst overall performers in this study.

Free Abstract: http://www.sajs.co.za/index.php/SAJS/article/view/169

Free Full Text: http://www.sajs.co.za/sites/default/files/publications/pdf/169-2706-8-PB.pdf

Google vs. Bing: Search Engines Deliver Infected Websites as Their Top Results

Markus Selinger, 25th March 2013 av-test.org


Google achieved the best results in the study, followed by Bing. Attention must, however, be drawn to the fact that Bing delivered five times as many websites containing malware as Google during the study. The Russian search engine Yandex even delivered 10 times as many infected websites in comparison with Google.


Edited by Turk
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Google search engine is an NSA tool that is given to people to use. The full capabilities are NOT available to people in general but all of our searches are saved regardless of https. Of course Google is superior, it's only going to get more militant too.

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nice post.. B)

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