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herdProtect Anti-Malware Scanner


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herdProtect Anti-Malware Scanner is a fast and free Windows desktop program which detects malicious threats, spyware and adware by utilizing 68 industry anti-malware scanners (.Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Avg, Eset, or Avira to name a few) .

It has no impact on your system resources and uses the herdProtect cloud-based scanning engine. Best of all, like all herdProtect products, the scanner is a second line of defense and is designed to work perfectly with your existing antivirus software.


How it works
The scanner is a very simple tool (in theory). It works by taking a snapshot of all the 'active' files on a user's PC. We generally define an active file as one that is currently executing on the system or has the ability to automatically execute by means of an auto-start procedure (such as an extension, task, etc.). This snapshot, is stripped of any personally identifiable details to make sure that the report is 100% anonymous and securely sent to the herdProtect servers to be analyzed. Upon arriving, the system quickly sorts the files as known or unknown entities. Known entities are then categorized based on the detections that were discovered when scanned by all 68 anti-malware engines. For known infections, these are then re-categorized based on the number of detections by each of the scanners and reported back to the user. All unknown files on the user's PC are then stripped of important metadata and sent to the herdProtect servers to be analyzed in real-time by each of these anti-malware scanners. Upon completion (which takes a few minutes), the reports are then sent back to the user and displayed in a final report.
What to know
  • herdProtect does not install or bundle any additional software, this of course includes malware, adware or toolbars (of course we don't but just want to make this clear).
  • The program does not in anyway interact with the contents of a user's PC even if those contents are found to be infected with or are malware, this is just a diagnostic scanner.
  • We do our best to make sure we strip all possible personally identifiable information (PII) from a file's metadata.
  • If a file comes back as unknown ,in some cases we might need to upload the file to be remotely scanned (please refer to the Terms of Service for exact details).
  • All reports and other communication between a user's PC and herdProtect's servers are encrypted.
  • herdProtect is 100% free with no strings attached. herdProtect is a public service and we will never sell you anything or ask for your email address, etc.
How do I use it?
The first version of herdProtect (coming soon) is a simple one-off scanner. A user can install this portable scanner on any Internet connected PC and scan their entire computer for known malware in under 60 seconds. Oh yeah, herdProtect is FREE!
Scan your PC for malware with all 68-engines in the cloud.
(Available today)
Scan and Remove
Scan and remove malware from your PC based on detectins from all 68-engines.
(Q1 2014)
Protection Platform
Scan and remove malware with real-time protection.
(Q2 2014)
Please note, this is a beta version. The scanner will not remove malware but will identify all malware on your PC as well as obtain detailed information. If you encounter any bugs or have suggestion, please contact us.
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  • 2 weeks later...

considering huge FP's that could be arise,I much prefer HMP which ability to remove infections.

most of its engines I never heard before :)

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  • 11 months later...


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