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White Supremacist’s DNA Test Shows He is African Descendant - Video


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A white supremacist behind an initiative to turn a North Dakota town into a "white enclave" received some shocking news -- he's not 100 percent white.

Craig Cobb, a 62-year-old man who has aimed to start a community for white supremacists and neo-Nazis, received some news that he wasn't too happy about, although we must admit, it gave us quite a chuckle.

During an appearance on The Trisha Goddard Show, Cobb was given the results of a DNA Diagnostics test and found out he is 14 percent Sub-Saharan African, and it was all caught on camera.


Edited by Matsuda
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  On 11/12/2013 at 11:36 PM, ricktendo said:

This is "world news"?

Sorry? can explain? the description of world news says: News from around the world, on general topics.

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Sick white elitists belong ONLY inside a big fence with NO WAY OUT on land which can barely support them.

These people are just plain SICK - and there will never be a cure for such sickness.

On a related subject, here is something I find highly agreeable:


If you enjoy that I suggest sharing it with others.

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  On 11/13/2013 at 12:16 AM, dMog said:

he might now get really drunk and attempt to either burn a cross on his own lawn or lynch himself

Hahahahahahahaha! loooooooool

And he wouldn't find any fire extinguisher across 10 blocks from his home !

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:tehe: They should make everyone take one of these tests maybe it would eliminate some of the ignorant racism in the world

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  On 11/13/2013 at 2:39 AM, Beamslider said:

Most of us in the USA are the Heinz 57 variety whether we acknowledge it or not.

That is a fact. For example, a guy that I went to high school with was a police officer. Anyway, during his divorce a DNA test of the 3 children born during the marriage determined that NONE of them were his. So, it is reasonable to believe that a lot of people have geneology charts that are not correct...

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Oh! The inherent irony! :clap: All this while, he's been ranting 'bout his brotha(s) from another motha?. :lmao:

But seriously, here's what I don't understand. Why would Trish - or anyone else for that matter - give such scumbags any free publicity? He and his fellow white supremacists have turned the lives of the residents at that peaceful little hamlet into a nightmare. :o

Well, I suppose one harsh winter in North Dakota should be enough to convince his fellow loonies that this wasn't the brightest idea even by their already sub-human IQ standards LOL. :lol:

P.S. - Can someone please bundle these guys up with the ones from Westboro Baptist and deposit 'em at the deepest end of the Atlantic or somewhere? :think:

Edited by calguyhunk
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problem with this guy is that normal people see him as a joke...BUT the people WHO like him or who want to be like him see him as a good person who needs their support...he and the one like him are actually no jokes but extremely dangerous people who think they are fighting for just cause..and they also have a lot of weapons too... the most scary thing about them all is that they are just biding their time waiting for the right time to mount armed insurrection that they have and will call the fight for freedom... really check out his actual reasons for doing what he does...not the sugar coated act he feeds to the media and talk shows that are dumb enough to put him on air and give him a recruitment platform... don't think i am right.. we those types here that try to remind us every opportunity they get that info wars ans it's founder are only thing keeping us actually free from \ big business government and military systematic take over of our very existence and when it does happen about half of us will be put to death...so if one lunatic has his core followers that is enough proof that a dangerous man like this supremacist will and does his own fanatical followers...and the racists are always far more dangerous than just the lunatics

edit...spelling... most likely missed some more too

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Lol! Now he can fall ungraciously from his high horse :lol:

I don't get what makes people like him think that they're better than others, as if they've made huge contributions to the world. Unfortunately, they're charismatic enough for some people to follow them -_-

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Seems they dont like the news spreading


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  On 11/14/2013 at 11:24 AM, Arachnoid said:

Seems they dont like the news spreading


Ahhh don't worry, as with all popular videos on youtube, someone is bound to copy the video and upload it again. Here's another upload


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  On 11/14/2013 at 3:56 PM, Zigen said:
  On 11/14/2013 at 11:24 AM, Arachnoid said:

Seems they dont like the news spreading


Ahhh don't worry, as with all popular videos on youtube, someone is bound to copy the video and upload it again. Here's another upload


Thanks for the link, i have updated the post. :)

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This guy.Well even if he can be called that needs to get in the real world..If he came down my way with that attitude he proberbly wouldnt have even survived to be on trisha..i hope he fucking dies a slow horrible one :fist: ..I detest people like him..Thats all i can say..Im outy :eekout:

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  On 11/12/2013 at 11:38 PM, locoJoe said:

Maybe he'll kill himself and the world will be a better place.

Yep, or Bro,s like him, may just kill us all in the future ;)

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