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Indian Banks And Governments Are Still Using Windows XP


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Microsoft will retire Windows XP is about six months, but lots of businesses and users across the world are yet to start the transition to another operating system.

A study conducted by market consulting and analytics firm Ascentius Consulting revealed that no less than 52 percent of the computers owned by Indian banks are still running Windows XP, while 30 percent of the PCs used by the government are powered by the same aging OS.

What’s more, 26 percent of Indian manufacturing companies and software makers stick to Windows XP, even though end of support is quickly approaching for this particular OS.

“We see that software companies have a good plan to fully migrate by April, and even manufacturing companies have a fairly good plan to meet the deadline. But we see absolutely no plan in the BFSI sector,” Amrish Goyal, general manager Windows Business Group at Microsoft told Business Standard.

“It takes about three to six months for a full migration to take place. Indian public sector banks are not taking the issue as seriously as it is.”

While this is not at all surprising given the fact that Windows XP is still a decent OS and because moving to a newer platform is still an expensive process, it’s clearly a risk that all these banks and government offices do not need to take.

Microsoft has warned that Windows XP would no longer receive updates as of April 8, 2014, which means that every single vulnerability found in the operating system will be an open door for hackers who’ll want to get inside a computer still running this OS.

At the same time, Microsoft also plans to stop issuing updates for its Security Essentials anti-virus product beyond the XP retirement date, in an attempt to urge users to make the move to Windows 7 or Windows 8.

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Saw it myself once when I visited the bank not so long ago. Had to sneak into the counters when one of the attendant was away, was surprised to say the least. Wanted to say a thing or two to the person managing the computers there. Then I remembered, that's pretty much the attitude of most of computer makers / managers here, nothing but fools they are, using XP as OS, crappy AVs and other things.

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I don't get it. Purely from a security perspective why is a bank using XP in the first place and not something like SELinux? Do they provide their employees admin access as well?

Edited by janedoe
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My usual response is xp has had it`s day move on.You will have to eventually unless of course you are using it in a vm..Personly i do still love xp in a vm..I wouldn`t run it on a normal machine though it`s just to outdated..windows 7/8/8.1 is the way to go..Just my opinion :)

Edited by F3dupsk1Nup
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My usual response=>

XP Lives - Bwah-ah-ah !!!!

You expect governments and banks to use something newer though. I don't mind to see them using Linux, would save a lot of money. But still, use something newer and more secure.

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My usual response=>

XP Lives - Bwah-ah-ah !!!!

You expect governments and banks to use something newer though. I don't mind to see them using Linux, would save a lot of money. But still, use something newer and more secure.

I agree, once MS drops W7 i will be using Linux for my banking at least. However, all the people using XP past the retirement date will be a test to see how badly protected XP really is, at least when it comes to security. I think some places are just holding out, rolling out W7 machines at the last minute. They might even have W7 machines all boxed up, were tested, ect.. before, That's what i do with my 2 desktops, sort of. I use my gaming PC as my well.. gaming PC and whatever else my basic internet/media desktop can't do. I switch to my basic internet/media desktop for everything else.

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Oh, I forgot to mention, the bank I mentioned were operating on Internet Explorer, that, probably IE6.

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