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House Intelligence Chair: "You Can't Have Your Privacy Violated if You Don't Know Your Privacy Is Violated"


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Anyone have some naked pictures of Mike Rogers, chair of the House Intelligence Committee? Want to send them to me? Don't worry, we won't be violating his privacy unless he finds out about it.

Thanks to Techdirt's Mike Masnick for highlighting this fascinating bit of sophistry from the Michigan Republican and former FBI agent, who is running the hearings charged with reviewing the National Security Agency's mass-surveillance programs. Rogers reportedly plans to introduce legislation that would keep those surveillance programs largely intact, while adding a little more transparency. By his own logic, though, wouldn't that transparency actually harm people's privacy?

Perhaps we should call this little philosophical conundrum "Rogers' paradox" and bring in some of our deepest thinkers to have at it. Or perhaps we should just rephrase the Congressman's stance as, "what you don't know can't hurt you," and recognize it as an age-old excuse for people in power to trample on the rights of those without it. Either way, we should definitely discuss it over wine. What's the ideal pairing, do you suppose, for a little friendly repartee about how best to justify a vast government surveillance program?

Source : http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2013/10/31/house_intelligence_chair_mike_rogers_you_can_t_have_your_privacy_violated.html

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Or knowledge or the lack thereof is NOT an excuse to spy on people. They act like it's OK to spy on us as long as we don't know "how" it's being done. Being spied on in ways that you do not know or can't comprehend is just a tad bit creepy in my opinion. It's wrong, period. Why they continue to try and make this acceptable is beyond me...they only sound like narcissistic dicks now, bragging that they can spy on us in ways that are less obvious or unknown.

The purpose now for the NSA and the power structure is to create a chilling effect; silencing people by simply telling us that they continue to spy and that it's good, even though we know it's not OK. They hope we just remain silent because they truly do take our silence as approval. Thats just one reason I speak out against these things. Homeland security is not the reason they have employed this giant spy grid, it's for International domination really. Nations are sequestered by a mistrust in thier governments as they slowly begin to realize...this sort of international conquest is against the every day normal person. The global domination plan is in it's first formal agressive fase: financial terrorism. By making it impossible for people to live to the fullest of thier potential, people are forced to live under a lower standard of health and wellbeing. Everyone feels the pain of loss, some people lose everything. What happens when people lose everything? They lose it! They go completely crazy and it causes an unstable living environment. But whats coming in the not too distant future is the great loss...where millions of people at the same time "lose it".

These are the days ahead of global revolution. These are the days in which people begin to see and finally realize that we all have no future if we do not stop the plans of the global elite. The spy grid that we know of is, as they say, just the tip of the ice berg. We would be incredibly nieve to think that the Snowden leak was all there was to it. That was just one operation. There are HUNDREDS (probably) of more systems in place just like the one Snowden talked about, just operating a bit differently.

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