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Keeping Safe Using File Sharing Software


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It is often said that using peer-to-peer file sharing software is inherently insecure; however there are several ways you can help keep safe. It should be noted that there is always the possibility you will be compromised – however this is the case with anything that is on the internet! These tips can help make your P2P-ing much more enjoyable and safe.

The tips are organised by network, client and some general tips.

    [General] Try to download only verified files. There are numerous sites like this, a simple Google search should bring up some sites.
    [General] Avoid peer-to-peer software that has been linked to adware, spyware and the like. If possible pick an open source software or one from the nsane.down frontpage (all of these are verified and tested and all found to be stable and clean of any malware).
    [General] Use an IP blocker and ensure it is updated regularly (at least weekly). These IP Blockers provide some (not full!) protection for your privacy and help block fake files. A lot of P2P clients come with the option to block IP’s built in (you should check the developers homepage for more information on this), if not you can often use the lists with your firewall or if not consider Peer Guardian. Bluetack has the most comprehensive lists around.
    [General] Use an up to date anti-virus and anti-spyware solution and manually check all downloaded files with this.
    [General] “Third Generation” Anonymous P2P software enhances the privacy when compared to usual “Second Generation” software.
    [General] Use the built in privacy functions of the software you use. Some software has options to “hide the list of shared files”. This however isn’t available in some softeware.
    [bittorrent] Verify the tracker is legitimate, by checking it against known bad trackers using a service like FakeFinder.
    [eDonkey] Check the server you connect to is a legitimate one. ed2k.2x4u.de has some verified lists of servers you can use.
    [Kazaa] Use K-Lite v2.7 and its fake analysis feature. This has the ability to stop the majority of fake files.

(Note: this is something i made a while back so if anyone has something to add, please post!)

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eDonkey: ed2k.2x4u.de has some not so great servers on it's lists. Try these: ( http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz ) and ( http://www.peerates.net/servers.php ). Also, I recommend this filterset for the eMule security page (and enable server filtering too!): ( http://emulepawcio.sourceforge.net/ipfilter.zip ). Plus Kad is the future of eD anyway.

"Third Gen P2P": I never really bought into the whole Ants / MUTE / I2Phex thing for safety. As far as I'm concerned the actual safety from using these networks isn't inherent to its design, but from its lack of popularity. Darknets, on the other hand, are safe within reason, because you are (generally) only connected to people you know or trust.

Kazaa: K-Lite doesn't work with Windows XP Pro x64, so I doubt it works with the 64-bit versions of Vista or Windows 7 either. Plus the network was nearly dead the last time I tried using it, and that was well over a year ago...

IP Blockers: Development of PeerGuardian and Protowall are both nearly non-existant. PG had some major screwups (like losing the blocklist.org domain), but at least it has a 64-bit version. Protowall is slightly behing PG in development, and functionally dead too. I suppose the software may still work, but its not encouraging.

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