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Researchers Use "Human Excrement" To Get Limitless Energy


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It’s no accident that human excrement is called “waste.” Aside from Bear Grylls and his penchant for purifying and drinking his own urine, humans haven’t had much use for their own waste. Until recently, when we found an easy way to convert urine into drinkable water, created a urine-powered generator and devised a way to power cell phones with urine. But until now, moresolid waste hasn’t had a place in all this.

Researchers in Singapore’ Nanyang Technological University have harnessed the power of solid waste by creating a toilet that transforms human waste into biogas and biodiesel.

It's called a No-Mix Vacuum Toilet and it uses vacuum suction, a la an airplane toilet, to separate the waste into liquid and solid. The solid waste is processed into biogas, and the liquid waste is processed for chemicals like phosphorus to create fertilizer.

The usages of the latter are obvious. It’s basically a cleaner form of diesel, so it can be used to power planes, trains and automobiles.

Biogas is a little different. It refers to gas that’s created by the breakdown of organic matter (like, say, last night's dinner), and it can be compressed the way natural gas can. In other words, there’s an awful lot of power to be tapped if we just remember not to flush.

As a renewable fuel, it could potentially be used to power cars and, oh, anything else natural gas fuels. If that’s the case, we’d essentially have a never-ending source of renewable energy. You could even say we’d be sitting on it.

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Nice Share .... Many years Ago some Scientist were able to Produce Cooking Gas from Human Excrement !! So I guess as Time Goes on we will have more valuable Uses for Excrement ... Cheers

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Yep with all the :shit: we get up-too, At-Last something good came from it. :lol:

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Biogas is noplace near a new thing.

Communities have been using it for cooking for decades already - just not in places like the US where it is mostly banned due to goofy 'sanitary' codes.

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Cows, pigs and now humans excrements are being experimented to extract biofuel (biogas and biofuel).

The ways and cost of collecting, transforming (decaying and breakdown into biogas) and storage (storage of poop material before, during and after processing) is always been a major hurdle.

If only governments find this kind of research valuable and potentially a major big money saving on gas imports then they should built drainage dedicated only for the collection of these poops. I bet it only needs an ice breaker to start the biofuel driven community wave.

Only then we can say our poops are precious and no longer a waste! :P

:shit: my precious... :lmao:

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Only then we can say our poops are precious and no longer a waste! :P

:shit: my precious... :lmao:

:lol: Precious :shit: .. Just start storing it from now.. Someday it'll be precious.. :lmao: :lmao:


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