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Interpol Chief: Arm Citizens Globally to Prevent Terror Attacks


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Paul Joseph Watson
October 22, 2013


Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble told ABC News that one of the only ways to prevent terrorists from hitting soft targets was to arm citizens globally, noting that the Westgate mall siege would have been averted far quicker if it had taken place in gun-friendly areas like Denver or Texas.

Noble’s statements are a powerful rebuttal to the anti-gun lobby, especially given his background. The Interpol chief was formerly the head of all law enforcement for the U.S. Treasury Department.

Stressing that an “armed citizenry” was the only option besides turning soft targets like shopping malls into enclaves surrounded by “extraordinary security” perimeters, Noble suggested that the siege in Kenya, which dragged on for days and ended in the slaughter of 60 civilians, represented a huge public relations blow for gun control advocates.

“Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly?”
, referring to states with pro-gun traditions. “What I’m saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, ‘Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?’ This is something that has to be discussed.”

“For me it’s a profound question,” he continued. “People are quick to say ‘gun control, people shouldn’t be armed,’ etc., etc. I think they have to ask themselves: ‘Where would you have wanted to be? In a city where there was gun control and no citizens armed if you’re in a Westgate mall, or in a place like Denver or Texas?’”

As we reported last month, an off-duty SAS soldier armed with a handgun helped save at least 100 lives during the Westgate siege, returning to the building a dozen times to rescue hostages.

Noble’s argument that guns in the hands of responsible citizens can prevent bloodshed is backed by hard statistics.

According to a 1993 National Self- Defense Survey conducted by Gary Kleck, Ph.D., a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Americans use guns to defend themselves against a confrontation with a criminal up to 2.5 million times a year. This means that every day in America some 6,800 people use guns to protect themselves.

Scholars Clayton E. Cramer and David Burnett have documented how “a great number of tragedies — murders, rapes, assaults, robberies — have been thwarted by self-defense gun uses.”

Source: Infowars

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There is a very popular idiocy that shows how few words many people can string together, it says:

'Guns kill'.

And such small-minded folks use this limited vocabulary to then conclude=> 'guns are bad'.

If these same folks had more mental capacity they would use more words, thusly=>

People USE guns to kill.

By themselves guns do NOT kill.

In responsible hands - guns do NOT kill.

Look up the actual stats and it may surprise you to see a comparison between how many are killed by hospital procedures compared to how many are killed by gunshot wounds. This is a fascinating comparison IMO.

Further - no amount of laws, fear-mongering or reasonless non-thinking relates with the largest usages of guns to kill, world-wide:

Military actions.


Soldiers carry high-powered weapons and kill huge numbers of innocent people, daily, world-wide.

I do not live in Texas.

Where I live - many, many ordinary people are carrying loaded guns all day long every day and nobody gets shot, wounded or killed.

In point of fact - the murder rate here is extremely low.

A very well accepted axiom goes like this:

When you live in a place where those around you may be carrying a loaded gun - you are slightly more careful to treat others more politely...just to be sure things stay friendly.

It is VERY friendly here - strangers smile and greet one another casually and constantly at stores, gas stations - just about everyplace.

I think it IS time for most everyone to be armed AND properly educated in handling firearms from when they are quite young.

I know LOTS of young kids who are great marksmen - but who have never killed another person.

(They usually use chainsaws pretty regularly too - but have never cut anyone up with one...so go ahead now and rant about how 'chainsaws kill' - go right ahead !!!)

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As usual, completely nutty viewpoint

Im happy for all americans to be armed to the teeth and kill each other, that seems to be the ultimate plan because you wont fix your society.

Just leave the rest of the world out of your insane gun views

- Spoken for and approved by a former soldier who hasnt owned or even fired a weapon in 20 years.

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As usual, completely nutty viewpoint

Im happy for all americans to be armed to the teeth and kill each other, that seems to be the ultimate plan because you wont fix your society.

Just leave the rest of the world out of your insane gun views

- Spoken for and approved by a former soldier who hasnt owned or even fired a weapon in 20 years.

There is probably a large majority of former military who would be in opposition to your views. Arming law abiding citizens is just as important as arming law enforcing police and duty entrenched soldiers. If guns get banned altogether, the remainder of people who will keep their guns will be criminals and people who understand that keeping guns is important to prevent absolute tyranny. Since both criminals and patriots will choose to keep their guns, it would seem only natural for a corrupt government to forcefully lead raids to disarm both criminals and other people who are NOT criminals as a way of lumping them together as though they were the exact same.

A lot of famous shooters that have gone insane have later been found to be on serotonin reuptake inhibitors but they wouldn't want you to be worried about the CAUSE of many mass shootings, considering CNN and FOX has advertisements for these drugs that drive people to insanity, in the attempt to treat depression but modifying the flow of brain chemistry in unnatural ways. Here's a tip to those who suffer from depression and life anxiety: stop taking unnatural drugs, smoke some weed, it'll make you feel so much better without damaging yourself long term. I can assure you, you wont have an ounce of anger in you after a couple of bowls, shooting people will be the LAST thing on your mind.

We can't fix a society being actively and purposely destroyed by Obama who is letting this happen. If he really wanted to help this nation, he would have ended all the wars like he said he would. For all the people who support gun bans, do you also support ending all these wars or do you support them? Obama won the Nobel peace prize yet he is the only President to engage in multiple wars around the planet which kill many innocents by guns, bombs, drones, and many other various ways, in the name of "peace". So if it's bad for people to die by the hands of gun owning citizens, it's wrong for people to kill innocent people in war too, but that's all overlooked isn't it? Life has no value if mainstream media says so apparently. Bradley Manning's crime was that he leaked information on the massacre of innocent people and yet morally, he is bad???

So to any person who wants a total gun ban, I suggest going to a profession gun safety training class, learn to responsibly fire a gun, it will demystify your perceptions just a bit I am sure. Guns are not toys of course and so learning to carefully handle them and safely store them is important too. Fear and propaganda fuels the minds of people who want a total gun ban, that's why taking a gun safety course helps to cure that fear. You get to find out first hand that guns are not evil. They can be used for many good reasons, protection being on main reason.

It IS true also what people say about a heavily armed population here in the USA at least. People are a lot nicer to each other and everyone knows that if someone tries breaking into their home, they could potentially be faced with a gun pointed at them. So people know: guns in homes cause crime rates to PLUMMET overall in comparison to gun free cities. Take a look at the crime ridden city of Chicago: because of the gun ban there, criminals are the only ones allowed to have guns because they do not follow the rules. Crimes rules Chicago because of a lack of security in the people. They know that they are disarmed and that if someone breaks into their homes, pray they don't have a gun because if they do, your chances of living are EXTREMELY slim, unless you are armed.

Overall crime is lessor in armed communities, it's common sense.

Edited by Ambrocious
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The American Revolution ended 230 years ago... the Brits went home.

Edited by FreeRyde
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As usual, completely nutty viewpoint

Im happy for all americans to be armed to the teeth and kill each other, that seems to be the ultimate plan because you wont fix your society.

Just leave the rest of the world out of your insane gun views

- Spoken for and approved by a former soldier who hasnt owned or even fired a weapon in 20 years.

There is probably a large majority of former military who would be in opposition to your views. Arming law abiding citizens is just as important as arming law enforcing police and duty entrenched soldiers. If guns get banned altogether, the remainder of people who will keep their guns will be criminals and people who understand that keeping guns is important to prevent absolute tyranny. Since both criminals and patriots will choose to keep their guns, it would seem only natural for a corrupt government to forcefully lead raids to disarm both criminals and other people who are NOT criminals as a way of lumping them together as though they were the exact same.

A lot of famous shooters that have gone insane have later been found to be on serotonin reuptake inhibitors but they wouldn't want you to be worried about the CAUSE of many mass shootings, considering CNN and FOX has advertisements for these drugs that drive people to insanity, in the attempt to treat depression but modifying the flow of brain chemistry in unnatural ways. Here's a tip to those who suffer from depression and life anxiety: stop taking unnatural drugs, smoke some weed, it'll make you feel so much better without damaging yourself long term. I can assure you, you wont have an ounce of anger in you after a couple of bowls, shooting people will be the LAST thing on your mind.

We can't fix a society being actively and purposely destroyed by Obama who is letting this happen. If he really wanted to help this nation, he would have ended all the wars like he said he would. For all the people who support gun bans, do you also support ending all these wars or do you support them? Obama won the Nobel peace prize yet he is the only President to engage in multiple wars around the planet which kill many innocents by guns, bombs, drones, and many other various ways, in the name of "peace". So if it's bad for people to die by the hands of gun owning citizens, it's wrong for people to kill innocent people in war too, but that's all overlooked isn't it? Life has no value if mainstream media says so apparently. Bradley Manning's crime was that he leaked information on the massacre of innocent people and yet morally, he is bad???

So to any person who wants a total gun ban, I suggest going to a profession gun safety training class, learn to responsibly fire a gun, it will demystify your perceptions just a bit I am sure. Guns are not toys of course and so learning to carefully handle them and safely store them is important too. Fear and propaganda fuels the minds of people who want a total gun ban, that's why taking a gun safety course helps to cure that fear. You get to find out first hand that guns are not evil. They can be used for many good reasons, protection being on main reason.

It IS true also what people say about a heavily armed population here in the USA at least. People are a lot nicer to each other and everyone knows that if someone tries breaking into their home, they could potentially be faced with a gun pointed at them. So people know: guns in homes cause crime rates to PLUMMET overall in comparison to gun free cities. Take a look at the crime ridden city of Chicago: because of the gun ban there, criminals are the only ones allowed to have guns because they do not follow the rules. Crimes rules Chicago because of a lack of security in the people. They know that they are disarmed and that if someone breaks into their homes, pray they don't have a gun because if they do, your chances of living are EXTREMELY slim, unless you are armed.

Overall crime is lessor in armed communities, it's common sense.

Still proving youre a nutter i see.

Number one, most former military, those people who have taken lives especially, NEVER want to use a gun again. They have far more respect for life having the ability to take it.

Stop smoking whatever uit is you are,

You simply CANT be serious

Everything you quote speaks to a level of paranoid thought that i hope doesnt infect anyone else on this forum.

Enough of the anti Obama crap, blaming him for every of America's ills, you strike me as being a complete and utter rascist, because no rational examination of what Obama has done or hasnt wouldnt elicit the kind of hatred you display.

Enough of the "people being doped to kill" BS etc

And again as usual, im reporting you.....just because the mods seem to protect you, doesnt mean they always will, one of these days you'll be a footnote to this forum, im just trying to make sure its sooner rather than later

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As usual, completely nutty viewpoint

Im happy for all americans to be armed to the teeth and kill each other, that seems to be the ultimate plan because you wont fix your society.

Just leave the rest of the world out of your insane gun views

- Spoken for and approved by a former soldier who hasnt owned or even fired a weapon in 20 years.


Hahahahaha !!!!

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