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Obama Administration Uses Pirated Code on Healthcare.gov


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The new Obamacare website Healthcare.gov has had its fair share of problems over the past weeks, and the trouble continues.

As it turns out, the Government website uses the open source software DataTables, which is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library.

While using open-source software is fine, the makers of Healthcare.gov decided to blatantly remove all references to its owners or the original copyright license.

In other words, they simply took the open-source software and are passing it off as their own, a clear violation of the GPL v2 and BSD (3-point) licenses DataTables uses.

For a comparison, here is the original DataTables file and this is how it looks on Healthcare.gov.



SpryMedia, the company behind Data Tables told The Weekly Standard that they are “extremely disappointed” with the rip off and they will follow the issue up with the Department of Health and Human Services, who run Healthcare.gov.

Perhaps they can also contact the Department of Homeland security who are known to seize domains that assist in copyright infringement…

Source: TorrentFreak

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Perhaps they can also contact the Department of Homeland security who are known to seize domains that assist in copyright infringement…


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Healthcare.gov is a huge scam, even though it's authentic, it's a scam. This health care act is dubbed "affordable care" but how can that be if it more than doubles your medical costs?

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The govt is run by self centered ego maniacs that think they can do what they want, when they want and to who they want. I dont even vote any longer as there isnt one of em worth a big fat flying phuk! From the mayor of my town to the president, they're all no good. The problem is that the next one and the next one and the next one will all be just as phuk'd as the ones we have now.

On voting day I:

1) Dont go

2) dont vote

3) dont waste my time

cuz it

4) dont make any difference

5) smoke ganja bong2.gif

Edited by locoJoe
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  On 10/21/2013 at 9:38 PM, locoJoe said:

The govt is run by self centered ego maniacs that think they can do what they want, when they want and to who they want. I dont even vote any longer as there isnt one of em worth a big fat flying phuk! From the mayor of my town to the president, they're all no good. The problem is that the next one and the next one and the next one will all be just as phuk'd as the ones we have now.

On voting day I:

1) Dont go

2) dont vote

3) dont waste my time

cuz it

4) dont make any difference

5) smoke ganja bong2.gif

Ye m8 our goverment is no different.Dont matter who you vote they all have the same hidden agenda.And its all in there favour.So i will join you peace :smoke:

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