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what do your parents say about your love for falsehoods conspiracies and the fact that every thing that happens in the world is false flag op??? and please speak to your blind trust in a man that lies when he speaks. that man is alex jones..specifically what your brothers and sisters say to you about all of the above questions as well as your close friends especially, the ones that do not believe the words and theories of conspiracy? We all know you will not even consider telling us the truth about any of this...aside from the fact that you certainly know what my questions are and are still refusing to even lie about the answers speaks volumes to to the fact you know alex is wrong on all occasions he speaks... even when he has something real he adds so much crap to his commentary it becomes a bad joke...

granted the press is manipulated but really it has been that way since the first time someone put something down on paper(or a rock) for others to read and be influenced by what was written..is that such a surprise for you.....but you are dead wrong as to the extent. Again i challenge you to speak out the wrong doings in Russia... the leader there makes up laws to outlaw being gay, arrests people on trumped charges that speak out against him and again you have said not word about a leader and his police and military apparatus doing the things you claim to be against...not only doing that stuff but getting caught doing it and telling his people and the world so what....yea i did it and .what are you going to do about it

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Q: What do your parents say about your love for falsehoods conspiracies and the fact that every thing that happens in the world is false flag op?

A: My dad and I are on the same page when it comes to understanding the nature of how criminals always seek power in governments, this is known history, just look at some of the greatest tyrants in the past. My dad being a former NAVY officer in the United States of America has seen a lot of things and told me about some of them in confidence. He is a frequent listener of the Alex Jones show. My mom on the other hand doesn't listen to Alex because she thinks he's a "false prophet" and that "The only one we can rely on is Jesus" which I can't disagree to that concept because I respect and love my mom. She thinks that I should have never abandoned my former plans of being a preacher and that Alex has twisted my mind away from "Gods path for me". My dad is aware that false flags happen and my mom is very suspicious I think but she doesn't talk about anything like this as she is uncomfortable with anything that she can't understand.

I was fully prepared to answer more questions but you didn't really ask me any more questions, you just sort of smeared me across the field and painted me to be an insane clown on acid. I feel your disrespect and I forgive you.

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your mom seems to have some common rational sense... does she keeps quiet mostly because she may feel afraid to speak out??... have you ever asked her if that is why she does not comment on the stuff you and your dad believe to be true?? or are you just assuming you know the answer?? Is she afraid to answer truthfully and speak her real mind on subjects you and your father are so adamnent about??..or are you and your father afraid how she will respond so you avoid asking her her true feelings??? Is she afraid of your OR your fathers response is she puts forward a dissenting opinion??? Is she afraid for her well being id she speaks out against your father? is she is afraid for your well being, she certainly seems to be??? real questions here, not trying to bait you and please do not respond on open forum...use it as food for thought and as rhetorical questions to get you see a bit deeper into how people that care for you feel about how far you take this.. it is rather personal in nature there is need to put the answer out in a public forum...but please do think about your mom and her feelings and why she feels that way.. your response above makes me feel she may be feeling afraid to speak out in order not to upset the apple cart so to speak

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My mom feels that we are living in the end of days and that everything happening now days cannot be stopped by people doing the right thing. She believes that only Jesus can rectify this situation. She isn't afraid to speak her mind as she does so all the time about everything else. My dad has never been married to my mom and they have not been together since I was a baby and so they don't get to talk a lot. My dad is former military and he himself has seen some things that disturbed him so this is why he is awake to what is happening.

My mom feels hopeless about what is happening in the world; too many times have people wronged her and so it pretty much taught her to be a victim over and over again. When I suggest that we can do something about what is happening in the world, she says that only prayer can help now. Overall she has lost hope and does not think that people are capable of doing the right thing to fix all of these worldly issues. I know that the opposite is true but she refuses to listen to the Alex Jones show because she doesn't like his voice or his rants.

My dad is married to my step mom and SHE understands what is happening because my dad has had time to talk to her and explain how this system all works.

So overall people have different reasons for not wanting to hear new things. One reason is fear and one reason is anger towards something new that they do not fully understand. Much like a pack of wild dogs, when one of them gets injured or acts irregular too often, the pack will turn against that dog and kill it, mostly because the other dogs did not know what was wrong with the other dog but they killed it anyways because they sensed weakness. When people are shown something that they are not familiar with and on top of that, shown things that they have been told to dislike, hate, be mad at...people will hate it without question if they have no other way of understanding what it really means. I know that mainstream media has taught people that questioning the government is bad and that we should be good little girls and boys and ignore the all loving government that can do no harm at all and only wants to love and care for us but government is not your friend.

There are still some good guys in the USA government but it is very hard to get the truth out because of the ongoing information war. If people can be convinced of a false story over and over again, it will change the minds of people and they will eventually believe those lies. The information war is real and it has been waging onward for quite some time, the military being the first to get involved before the people which gives them a head start. The amounts of secrets that are kept would blow your mind. In a Wired magazine article written in 1996 they talk about the info war in the terms of using it against criminals and such. The information war is crucial to winning and getting the truth out and I am confident that eventually, the full truth will come out as it already is starting now and continues onward.

My friends were worried about me when I first woke up in 2009 but recently one of them called me and he seems to be more awake now too so that is a relief. As time goes on, less and less people criticize me for what I understand because people now understand this stuff too. There was a period of time where I felt incredibly hopeless because it seemed like the truth would never come out but it appears that Operation Truth is in full swing.

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