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Changes in Windows 7 Build 7077


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For ppl who have already installed this version.. It would be good to see the differences this version has when compared to previous builds.

Here are a few I found someone else say...

Paint has got new fade highlight effect on the ribbon sections.

Internet explorer jumplist inprivate and new tab tasks gets icons.

Jumplist "P&in" and "U&npin" bug fixed.

Task manager menu-bug fixed.

Taskbar items look slightly more rounded

WMP Play/Pause while on Superbar fixed.

The glow of the start orb has changed

I will post more after I have one installed it tomm.

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The bug where you search for something and you get 100% CPU usage while quickly hovering over the searched items.

More-transparent Taskbar.

Desktop Wallpaper Slideshow problem where it would stop and goto a static wallpaper for no reason is solved

The right click context menu for Rar files is working again.

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Finally got time to play with it.

vLited the installtion to around 1.4Gb

Created a bootable USB drive and dumped the files into it.

Installed it using the USB.

USB installation is quite fast

From the start.. ie after selecting the 1st boot device as USB, it took 5 mins to restart (1st restart)

2nd restart in 5mins

To the desktop in 2 mins.

Total time is just 12 mins. Thats amazing.

After the install it takes 30 secs to get to the desktop from boot (give or take 1 sec)

Can confirm the following for now..

Taskbar items look slightly more rounded

WMP Play/Pause while on Superbar fixed.

To create a bootable USB disk...here are the instructions

Go to command promt (Run->cmd)

1. Diskpart

2. List Disk

3. Select Disk 1 (Replace 1 with number reflecting your *external* HDD or USB drive)

4. clean

5. create partition primary

6. active

7. format fs=fat32 quick (you can also make it ntfs with command "format fs=ntfs quick")

8. assign letter=x (where x is the drive letter you want to assign to the new partition)

9. copy all installation files from the installation media (in my case d:) to the newly created partition (x:)

One more thing what I had to do, is to update the bootsector to BOOTMGR by issuing the follwoing commands. Without this it didn't work for me (This step may not be needed for USB drive, but apparently it was needed for the USB HDD):

10. d: (where d: is the original installation media (CD Drive), not the newly created)

11. cd boot

12. bootsect /nt60 x: (where x: is the newly created partition)

Be sure to issue the bootsect command (step 12) as administrator.

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