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Valve registers European trademark for Half-Life 3


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Guys. GUYS! Are you sitting down? This is big, guys. Half-Life 3. It exists. Well, it exists as a trademark application. In Europe.

Still! It's really happening. The trademarking is happening, I mean. Who knows if the game is really happening at this point so many years after it was first announced. Remember when that voice actor said it wasn't happening? Well I've got something to show him. A little something called a trademark.

OK, OK, I'm calm. I'm calm! I promise.

Yeah, I know, maybe I've been driven crazy by the rumors and the hints—and most of all the deafening silence surrounding the game these past six years. But there it is in black and white pixels, right there on the webpage of the Trade Marks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union (just do a search if you don't believe me!). Valve filed for it two days ago and it covers "Computer game software; Electronic game software; Downloadable computer game software via a global computer network and wireless devices; Video game software," and "Provision of on-line entertainment; provision of computer and video games and computer and video game programs from a computer database or via the Internet."

That sure sounds like Half-Life 3 to me!

I know, I know, I shouldn't get my hopes up before Valve actually announces something. And there's no US trademark on file yet, and that is a little odd. Now that you mention it, Valve never actually trademarked Half-Life 2 in Europe... though it did renew the registration for plain old Half-Life in 2005.

But guys, Valve just announced a whole bunch of OS and hardware stuff, right? Maybe the company is tired of being silent and is now hooked on, y'know, announcing stuff. And you know what I've been saying would make a great killer app for SteamOS, right? I mean, wouldn't that be great?

I don't know about you, but I know what webpage I'll be staring at longingly as I drift off to sleep tonight.


Edited by Matsuda
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We all know who is going to be in it. :)


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BTW, I'm very very happy to hear this.


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Valve trademarks Half-Life 3 name; development team revealed

After Valve filed a European trademark for the 'Half-Life 3' name this week, a company database today revealed that 56 people are working on developing the new game. Is the wait for HL3 almost over?

It’s been almost nine years since Half-Life 2, the sequel to what is widely acknowledged as one of the best games of all time, was first released. Two follow-up titles – HL2: Episodes One and Two – were released in 2006 and 2007 respectively, but fans eager to follow the next chapter in the story of the series’ intrepid but silent hero have been left hanging.


At long last, it looks like that wait may soon be coming to an end. On September 29, Valve – the games’ developers – filed a trademark for ‘Half-Life 3’, fuelling speculation that a new instalment in the series will soon be revealed.

The filing was discovered by a member on NeoGAF’s forums, and can be verified on the website of the Trade Marks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union (Trade Mark No. 012180394). Adding more fuel to the fire is the discovery that, in July, Valve also filed a European trademark for the iconic Half-Life lambda symbol:


The timing of this latter filing would seem significant – despite the Half-Life series being almost fifteen years old, Valve had never trademarked the symbol in Europe until three months ago. Combined with this week’s trademark filing for the Half-Life 3 name, it’s certainly tempting to draw the conclusion that a new game is on the way.


The evidence pointing towards the game being in development goes beyond just trademark filings, though. VG247 picked up reports that Valve's User Picker - software that permits access to Valve's internal staff database - had become publicly available, possibly as the result of a bug. While access has since been removed, unknown numbers of users were able to access the database; Gematsu grabbed screenshots showing two Half-Life 3 development teams, including names of 56 staff working within those groups.


If the game does indeed materialise, one interesting possibility is worth considering. Steam – owned by Valve – recently announced its own Linux-based operating system, SteamOS, as a platform for gaming and media. Could Half-Life 3 be a SteamOS exclusive?

That question, like so many others, remains unanswered for now. But like you, we can’t wait to find out.

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