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Windows XP Still Number One in Eight Countries Worldwide


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Microsoft continues the struggle to move users from Windows XP to a newer OS by April 8, 2014, reminding them with every single occasion that this particular platform will go dark early next year.

Figures provided by StatCounter and published by Neowin show that Windows XP continues to be the top choice in eight countries around the world, even though, overall, Windows 7 tops the charts.

At this point, a total of 54.79 percent of the computer users in China are still running Windows XP, while Cook Islands got the first place with a surprising 72.14 percent market share.

Cuba, North Korean, Morocco, Norfolk Island, and Vietnam are also among the countries that are still addicted to Windows XP.

30 to 40 percent of the users living in Algeria, Argentina, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, India, Romania, Serbia, Taiwan, and Venezuela also run the soon-to-be 12-year-old operating system.

Microsoft, however, hopes that only 10 percent of the users will actually stick to Windows XP beyond the retirement date, as the company agrees that it’s almost impossible to move everyone on such a short notice.

Redmond also hopes that the upcoming launch of Windows 8.1 will convince more customers to dump XP, offering support to all businesses that wish to start the transition process to a newer OS version.

“While, we’ve been talking with enterprise customers for years about this deadline, we’re accelerating our efforts across business and consumer audiences. We have a number of programs designed to reduce cost and complexity of migrating like TouchWins, which incents partners to drive PC refresh with Windows 8.1 devices,” Brandon LeBlanc, senior marketing communications manager on the Marketing Group at Microsoft, explained.

Microsoft will no longer release update and security patches for Windows XP as of April 8, 2014, so security experts across the globe now warn that sticking to this platform will be a very risky decision.

It remains to be seen, however, how many users actually find Microsoft’s new Windows 8 and 8.1 operating system reason enough to dump the good old XP.


Edited by Matsuda-NSANE
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Yep, with Bill Gate$ coming back to M/S for WIN - X (or 10), he should use X.P. Core & just hype it, to new V.S; with on-screen Touch exe; Voice Rec and Cornea Rec Software on Steriiodes. (*Keep it straight and simple, if it aint broke, don,t fix it).

Just my 5cents :)

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Scary how many people still use Windows XP, what is it, 11? 12 years old now?

XP will be the best Micro$oft OS ever

This part really says it all:

...the good old XP.

And I add=>

Why fix it if it ain't broke ?!?

Yep, with Bill Gate$ coming back to M/S for WIN - X (or 10), he should use X.P. Core & just hype it, to new V.S; with on-screen Touch exe; Voice Rec and Cornea Rec Software on Steriiodes. (*Keep it straight and simple, if it aint broke, don,t fix it).

Just my 5cents :)

ohh shit now please don't tell that pentium 4 is best processor ... like people are saying xp is bestest :P :P its 2013 not 2001 lol

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I'm not a dinosaur, and I have recent h/w too:

ohh shit now please don't tell that pentium 4 is best processor ... like people are saying xp is bestest :P :P its 2013 not 2001 lol

Multicore CPU even !!!

Scary how many people still use Windows XP, what is it, 11? 12 years old now?

What is REALLY scary to me is when folks accept that just because a thing is newer that it MUST be better.

What is even worse is how these newer things are seriously lobotomized.

I tried veester - I tried seven - and have looked at 8.x. Meh.

The 'new, improved' windows explorer is worthy only for puking on.

Pearls instead of menus ?!? Pure, unadulterated brainlessness.

Pictures instead of words in so much now underscores the trend toward illiteracy that is reaching pandemic proportions.

And though I've said it before...I'm keeping XP - it is a very conscious choice.

If h/w gets dicey - NO PROBLEM - then it is time to run XP in a VM on top of a nice, new Linux distro for h/w support & reliability.

(Or maybe I'll just get a newer windows version for it's hypervisor support and run it BEHIND good, old XP - invisibly.)


XP ain't dying anytime soon; as simple as that.

Another thing which folks seem to miss altogether:

If you keep XP as your daily driver OS - there's the PERFECT and COMPLETELY AVAILABLE set of warez for it - there's ABSOLUTELY no struggle to have programs to do any and everything your heart desires !!!

Classic, reliable, plain, easy to keep old windows does everything I need for it to do so again I say=>

Why fix it if it ain't broke ??!!??

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it is scary how many people think windows xp is better then 7 or 8 - 8.1

ok there is something really changed. but what does work flawless in xp for the moment ? new software packets are designed for the new windows versions and not anymore for the old xp.

so , i would say use windows 8.1 and learn how to use it. i would never go back to xp .

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I never said Windows XP was broken, I said it was old, Windows 7 and Windows 8 are better than Windows XP in every way. The only reason I think you would use Windows XP in this day and age is because you are still running a Pentium 4 with 256MB of RAM.

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Love windows 7, ,,, ..... and for 8 and 8.1 please gift this :shit: :shit: :shit: to gates and M$

Bill Gates has nothing to do with Windows 8 or 8.1 though.

XP will be the best Micro$oft OS ever

In modern times, Windows 7 works and looks far more better than XP.

XP needs to die for the rest of the world to move forward. You can't run new HW well on it (it was never meant for multicore, and I doubt you can run USB3 on it - if there are 3rd party drivers they likely suck like they did for 7). Yet it has enough following that some people have to break their neck to develop for it (I can't imagine what it is like to code security software for it, when most of your improvements may come from new APIs. Last I remember they modify XP kernel and MS got pissed about that, then gave lots of security API to do what was needed,, while making x64 reject modded kernel).

Also, lots of people who aren't tech inclined are going to use IE8 with their 12 year old OS, which is a ball and chain (IE7 mostly dead) around web development and an insecure POS.

Given that decent PCs from early 2000 can handle 7 and 8, you really have to have a dinosaur for XP to be a better OS, If you have a single core CPU and 1GB RAM or less, XP may be better, otherwise go to 7 or 8.X (don't bother with Vista, it is basically dead and NT 6.x continues to be tuned under the hood).

Agreed. All I can say is that XP users are holding the world of computers back.

@smallhagrid: The answer to your post and your question on the other thread is, Windows 7 can be fully customized to suit your needs, you just need to look for it.

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Absolutely not, sorry:

The only reason I think you would use Windows XP in this day and age is because you are still running a Pentium 4 with 256MB of RAM.

Multicore AMD CPU with 4GB RAM.

I use XP because it is my PREFERENCE - and as clearly explained has huge advantages=>

Another thing which folks seem to miss altogether:

If you keep XP as your daily driver OS - there's the PERFECT and COMPLETELY AVAILABLE set of warez for it - there's ABSOLUTELY no struggle to have programs to do any and everything your heart desires !!!

Classic, reliable, plain, easy to keep old windows does everything I need for it to do

The 1st bit here is a completely unsupportable assertion - but very funny, thanks. (And if only it could be true...!)

Agreed. All I can say is that XP users are holding the world of computers back.

@smallhagrid: The answer to your post and your question on the other thread is, Windows 7 can be fully customized to suit your needs, you just need to look for it.

Publicly available stats are showing what is really happening and all the PC world is crying these days.

What is clearly proven to be hurting the PC world right now is tablets - which are eating the PC's lunch in a seriously open way.

Smartphones are also hurting the PC/notebook/netbook/OS sales because folks who just need email are ditching their PCs fast.

As to my query in the other thread I posted:

The biggie is replacing that horrible abortion that they now call windows explorer with the real deal.

I have looked into it at some length, and found no solution for this problem.

Unless there is a very cool way to graft XP's explorer into the newer OSes for file management only - they are 100% hopeless AFAIC.

If you know of a way to do this without using some 3rd party explorer replacement, please pass this valuable info along without delay ???!!!

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I don't care about PC sales. It's PC and it's softwares moving forward is something I care about. Devs have to always put time and resources for the XP, which is not easy, especially when you are managing something as big as Firefox.

I remember a time when browsers for example, didn't implemented newer features only because it wouldn't function well on XP. While this has changed now, devs are still hesitant of implementing new things, worried that it might not work properly on XP.

I personally have forgotten how Windows 7 and XP's explorer looked, so had to Google to remember. :P Having said, I love the looks of Windows 7 explorer. While I might not be of much help on this, I wonder what you want to change, the buttons / looks? Is it so annoying to you that you wouldn't try to get adjusted to?

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It is important to consider, I think...:

I don't care about PC sales. It's PC and it's softwares moving forward is something I care about. Devs have to always put time and resources for the XP, which is not easy, especially when you are managing something as big as Firefox.

I remember a time when browsers for example, didn't implemented newer features only because it wouldn't function well on XP. While this has changed now, devs are still hesitant of implementing new things, worried that it might not work properly on XP.

That sales of newer OSes are generally tied very tightly with h/w sales - and with the sales of everything shriveling (yes - they are), the devs have a whole new world to look into.

This may be why many devs will be inclined to abandon PC apps in favour of mobile apps nowadays.

At any event - rather than feeling concern about it - here is my attitude statement:



I personally have forgotten how Windows 7 and XP's explorer looked, so had to Google to remember. :P Having said, I love the looks of Windows 7 explorer. While I might not be of much help on this, I wonder what you want to change, the buttons / looks? Is it so annoying to you that you wouldn't try to get adjusted to?

The presentation of files is very poor - but it is the lobotomized functionalities which are a problem for me in the things that they replaced explorer with.


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The 'new, improved' windows explorer is worthy only for puking on.

Pearls instead of menus ?!? Pure, unadulterated brainlessness.

Pictures instead of words in so much now underscores the trend toward illiteracy that is reaching pandemic proportions.

seriously?? you think that's the only thing that changed in the more recent windows versions? if that the parameter to base your "concious choice" i'd say it's a case of willful blindness

Another thing which folks seem to miss altogether:

If you keep XP as your daily driver OS - there's the PERFECT and COMPLETELY AVAILABLE set of warez for it - there's ABSOLUTELY no struggle to have programs to do any and everything your heart desires !!!

wrong. what anivirus are you using anyway?? just curious.

also, memory management is a mess in xp in comparison to more modern oses... windows, mac or linux.

but of course, if you don't know a problem exist, said problem cannot hurt you right?....wrong!

Why fix it if it ain't broke ??!!??

that's the problem with it. it IS broken, in terms of security, hardware compatibility (unless you're using legacy hardware of course) and software apis

think about it this way: your paper notebook and pen are still as current as ever. but the drawer you keep it in have become publically accessible. and there is no way to put a new lock in it because it just won't fit!, and no ammount of reinforcement and expanding will change that. it is time for a new secure notebook in a proper new drawer.

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XP is still used a lot in some countries not because it's the best, it's because it's the only working with old hardware, most of new computers are using Windows 7

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I think Vista is partial to be blamed, i've seen machines as new as 07' that are running XP although i don't think Xp will run on dual core processors but when you can repair your desktop vs replacing it i think XP will have a tough retirement. I read Kaspersky plans on supporting XP but for how long, depending on how many users will stay on it. Windows 7 might get the same, can't get rid of it problem, even then i have Linux Mint and whatever else will come along to choose from so it's not really necessary to stay on an old system that is getting the boot. I like W7 more than XP but i find XP to be a fairly stable system still so i can understand why some are still using it, they might not even know what the latest OS's offer.

There was a guy that posted in my facebook news feed that claims that downloading Linux to get to your data if W8 ever crash is a conspiracy. I think he thought it had something to do with the secure boot on W8, didn't even make any sense. I think W8 is a conspiracy within itself lol.

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Redmond also hopes that the upcoming launch of Windows 8.1 will convince more customers to dump XP, offering support to all businesses that wish to start the transition process to a newer OS version.

Keep dreaming.

Putting that aside, people, please do NOT dictate what others can or can't use.

If people wants to use 8 / 8.1 go for it. If others still want 7, that's fine. If others still prefer XP, no problem.

If anyone dictates what others can or can't use, then you'll be no better than Hitler.

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Such extreme concern for the well-being of us XP users - thank you for caring so very much !!!:

1. wrong. what anivirus are you using anyway?? just curious.

2. also, memory management is a mess in xp in comparison to more modern oses... windows, mac or linux.

3. that's the problem with it. it IS broken, in terms of security, hardware compatibility (unless you're using legacy hardware of course)

4. think about it this way: your paper notebook and pen are still as current as ever. but the drawer you keep it in have become publically accessible. and there is no way to put a new lock in it because it just won't fit!, and no ammount of reinforcement and expanding will change that. it is time for a new secure notebook in a proper new drawer.

Respectfully replying outside of your message=>


No lack of good, working security s/w for XP - and it would be silly of me to list the available options.


On my Linux box with XP in an isolated VM - no AV is in use.


Very easily remedied - and with 4GB RAM on a multiprocessor system there are no bottlenecks for me.


Makes me wonder if this poster ever visits Wilders - where there are talented folks galore in this field - and guess what ??

A great many folks who frequent Wilders are also solidly persistent XP users right this very minute.


A very clever analogy alluding to old-age with attendant stupidity - Bravo for such cleverness !!

Sadly, the analogy is not a good fit at all.

This poster assumes that XP is open & exposed via direct connection - and that is incorrect.

Quoting Bizarre™:

If anyone dictates what others can or can't use, then you'll be no better than Hitler.

I salute you Bizarre™ - this is a very kind, considerate & wonderful bit of wisdom.

VileTouch - I suggest that it is wise NOT to assume that just because another man or woman has choices which you disagree with - that they are stupid, misinformed and/or unskilled.

And of course it is anyone's free choice to choose to be wise, adamant, argumentative - or anything else they wish to be.

There is ALOT of good stable operation in XP (and frankly if I could I'd still be using win2k).

Adding to what Bizarre™ said, many have chosen to accept the word of profit-driven corporations as gospel, and have also accepted that there is great good in the corporate assertions.

I equate mikr0$0ft and the rest of the wintel cartel (including all their partners in crime...) with the essence of a scene out of a fictional story called 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' - have many folks here read that ??

So, here goes...

Some big 'authority' wants to bulldoze YOUR HOUSE, claiming eminent domain after serving 'proper notice'...

And most likely it would go alot like this from that story:

"The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy: Episode #1.1" (1981)

Prosser: But the plans were on display.
Arthur Dent: On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar.
Prosser: That's the display department.
Arthur Dent: With a torch.
Prosser: The lights had probably gone.
Arthur Dent: So had the stairs.
Prosser: But you did see the notice, didn't you?
Arthur Dent: Oh, yes. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign outside the door saying "Beware of the Leopard." Ever thought of going into advertising?

Sneaky. Clever. Bound by no kind concern for their fellow living beings whatsoever.

Worse still - corporations are under ZERO obligation to be truthful in anything they do, EVER.

(That is the actual legalitiy of the things, and I've read the cites proving this as a fact.)

Therefore the ultimate oxymoron=>

Trust mikr0$0ft.


A last thought=>

If/when my XP system - despite how secure & well backed-up it is - fails utterly, despite that it is on very recent h/w - no biggie.

That actually just happened (on slightly older h/w) last week.

I slid in my spare box, set it up as I prefer for it to be - and here I am with no serious downtime.

As I said before, when XP is no longer an option as the main OS it'll just be kept running in a VM under Linux.

So there really is no controversy here, just plenty of enjoyable discussion.

Thanks for that !!!

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I personally don't mind if most of the XP users switch to Linux instead of moving on to something like Windows 7 (however, they will miss the wonders and joys of this great OS), as, we should always see that people should use latest (comparatively), more secure and improved OS. Whether it's Windows or Linux, it does not matter.

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The problem with XP is, as of 2014 (not sure of month) support stops for the ageing operating system.

Windows 7 is just the new XP.

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win 7 is good.. its like little update with extra features of xp

but XP is classic.. no one can defeat it, thats why its ruling from decade ;)


Abt win 8.1,, micro$oft released it as they want to be in the market...az the new OS supports both touch and mouse and keyboards.

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