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Censorship on NSANEFORUMS In Disguise as "Policy"


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I've always felt this website has a top notch group of people. Extremely nice, generous, and positive. Also the mods are MUCH better than other forums.


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  • Ambrocious


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Ambro, do you even know what CENSORSHIP is ?

Here is the exact , real definition ---

Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet or other controlling body. It occurs in a variety of different contexts including speech, books, music, films, and other arts, the press, radio, television, and the Internet for a variety of reasons including national security, to control obscenity, child pornography, and hate speech, to protect children, to promote or restrict political or religious views, and to prevent slander and libel.( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship )

For more -- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/censoring


When have you been suppressed to not post something in the forums ?

When have we denied you permission to not express your views ?

When have we edited/deleted/removed/blocked any of your posted material ?

When have we objected to anything you post ?

When have we given you any warning regarding any material you post ?

If any of the above question answers in a Yes , then THAT is Censorship !

Please stop the clamorous rhetoric that you are being censored .

Had it been censorship , the REAL censorship , this thread would have never made it to public eye !

You have just been instructed to post some objectionable ( Yes , members do object and we have to listen to all ), debatable and sensitive ( No one can deny it) , politically incorrect ( Unless proven with hard facts ) and inconvenient ( Most people dont accept something outrightly in the first attempt), in some place here which is acceptable to majority .

And you yourself had been doing so, after been told some time back !

What happened now ?

Why this drama and cry ?

Stop the microscopic vision and step outside "your" convenient sphere of facts and truth and try to see and understand from up above and from outside .

Inspite of us, the Staff, being tolerant and trying to work out a conducive way out, so that most of the members here feel satisfied, you blatantly tag something with something, which is utterly and outrageously false !

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this thread should be moved to Jokes and Funny Stuff

got some crisis in real life and came here to make everyone else suffered too, i guess

it is better if you join Infowars and become the author itself

Alex Jones would be happy to accept you :) , not like the admin and mod here who discriminate you :angry: :fist:

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Its a shame he refuses to accept reasonable critique, he'll be the author of his own undoing......Try not to so bitter that the world and its wife will not see things your way.

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Ambro you have a massive banner for info wars in your signature, can't you just let people go to the site of their own accord if they want to read it? Instead of copying it and posting on Nsane?

I said ages ago I don't read the posts. It just seems to clutter up the forum imho.

The government loves those sort of sites because they distract people from the truth. You're doing their job for them better than they ever could.

Wouldn't the site be shut down if it was exposing government secrets?

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I have heard of infowars but out of all the points I have seen made from these three pages (there is alot of good points in these three pages to) but to quote one is adding fuel to a already to big of a fire to begin with so Ill make this one point These forums belong to nsane down mod's staff admins and whoever actually owns the site and forums and they have put rules in place for a reason (imagine this forums turning into the purge see the movie I havent seen it yet but Im going to) but its not there are mod's there are admins there are rules and one mod or admin decided to move the post to the char bar because they deemed it necessary whether you agree with that or not and want to keep posting the posts your posting or not is irrelevant what is relevant is the topic got moved life is a ***** ambrocious your talking about your destiny here when in fact the road your headed down is your fate. I agree and disagree with you but like the saying goes let's all respectfully agree to disagree and move the hell on.

I think this forum is the shit I love this place and visit this site all the time and the coders that have made the software that I have used and decided to install are the best this place is zero without you and the mod's and the admins and the owner. I honestly dont want to see you go anywhere ambrocious I hyave enjoyed alot of objects you have decided to post but what your attempting to do is not going to get done because its not your forum the only thing you can do thats left is make your point and move on with respectfully agreeing to disagree so please lets all do that now or keeps posting rhetoric. I enjoy talking about other things I hate talking about politics they are like opinions (that are like assholes everyone gots one) and mostly assumptions and make an ass out of you and me so for the last time please lets respectfully agree to disagree lock this thread let ambrocious cool down or whatever he decides to do and so on and so forth (that comment is right this thread isnt turning into a slinging match its turned into one already).

Edited by Holmes
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"news" from infowars is kind of different. What was the topic discussed again?



You guys have it easy. This guy named jalaffa purposely picks on me and deletes and locks my posts.. then Lite backs him up and I have no say. This is clearly an abuse of power and censorship. Maybe they are just being mean... who knows. The whole staff/admin/mod crew might just be mean.

or maybe your are being delusional. I vote for that being the case. Edited by jalaffa
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I have to say, I'm actually kind of surprised by this thread. I'm not far off politically from Ambrocious, and it's not uncommon for me to read his posts now and then. I've also come by nsane for quite awhile now, though I don't post as often as many of you.

That said, I've never once, not one single time, felt that there was any sort of censorship here, or that the folks that maintain the site and policies do anything unreasonable, intrusive, or terribly unfair. It really startles me to even see that accusation here. I've seen forums online that are practically run as if a Nazi regime was in charge, but nsane has always been a pleasant and fairly reasonable exception to that sort of thing. Sure, nothing is perfect, and there may be times that some of you feel you have some grievance, but stepping back a bit and taken in the overall, this place has generally been a gem. Not to mention all the times I've seen people attempt to help others here, or provide information to those who maybe know a bit less than some of the folks that come by here. And that doesn't even begin to take into account all the sharing of links that provide us with many gifts.

Finally, I can't help but mention that what is perhaps most surprising of all about this thread is that it's been started by someone who's been given a heck of a lot of leeway here to discuss subjects that have very little to do with the general subject matter of this website. If anything, I think the powers-that-be at nsane have been generous and tolerant with you regarding many interests of yours that on other websites would clearly be thought of as off-topic.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I have zero to complain about at nsane. I've seen plenty to moan and groan about at other websites, but not here.

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I will not sit on the back of the bus, the place where you want me to be.

Son, I don't think that comparing yourself to Rosa Parks because your thread got moved to a different sub-forum is going to strengthen your argument. If anything, it renders any credibility you may've had null and void on the grounds that your conspiracy theorist bullshit isn't, in any way, related to civil rights. Attempting to make such a correlation, even in jest, is in exceedingly poor taste and is evidence of your complete disconnection from reality.

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These are what I can make out of all these that I read as honest as I can and as truthful as I can be:

First, Ambro, and the likes of him, is helping to save the entire human race by informing them about what is really

happening around the world and most of what we see in the news were just lies that made us to believe by the most

powerful governments around the world.

Second, if smart or dumb people see the topics as news worthy or has any worth to them then they seek more

information about it and will go to infowars to know more. These kind of topics does not belongs here otherwise to advertise alex jones infowars conspiracy website. The point of some of the members here.

Third, If topics just gets posted anywhere then this forum/site will lose its main theme and that is "software as it

should be". The admins, as well as majority of the members, point is topic should be posted on the right category.

And, topics that came from alex jones site, infowars site and stuff like them that can be tagged as "conspiracy news

item" should be posted on the chat section as not to be mixed with all topics too.

Fourth, ambro protest his topics be in the "Worlds news" so that it will gain so much exposure. This will give his

topics a higher importance and somehow belonging it to the "World news" makes it sound more credible than just being

a "topic about conspiracy stuff. He is asking/demanding the mods to give his topic respect that he thinks should be

given to him and his topic, so other members can see that it must be worth reading as the mods approves of its


Fifth, a lot of members already got pissed off about conspiracy stuff. They argue that if they want conspiracy stuff

then they should rather go to alex jones' infowar site rather than just to be here on this software forum site.[That]

This is a software site which should maintains most topics, if not all, be in software/hardware related matters. If

the mods will allow the proliferation of topics in almost all news categories that will give ambro's infowar topics

great exposure and great site advertisement for alex jones infowars site then they should rather changed the theme of

this site as "General matters as it should be" or better yet "Conspiracy as it should be", and most of its members

who were against to read and even just see these conspiracy topics gets posted without restraint, freedom to ambro to

post anywhere it see to post his topics, will leave this forum/site and make another forum/site with a theme of "ONLY

Software as it should be!!!". [That] Ambro is either a minion of alex jones or by itself is alex jones creating a

conspiracy topics to promote his site that in itself is a conspiracy stuff to make people believe it and thus he

makes money out of them from donations.

As I see this will not be the last that this kind of topic be created here, due to ambro's persistent stand on

alleged censorship, I have a proposal on how to end this matter. I think that all members have seen ambro's topics

and read most of them. They are entitled to their own opinion on this matter too. Why not we vote for this matter so that the truth shall be seen how the majority wants this to be dealt; Only, the senior members and above gets to vote and should be registered by not less than a year. ambro if you win you get what you want, but if you loose then it's a shame that you will not concede on the wishes and request of the majority here. If you will not abide to it, then you might be just a minion or alex jones himself promoting his very own conspiracy stuff here just to get an audience and gain a lot of money at the cost of this forum/site's popularity. If ambro wins then I hope the mods will gave in to what ambro is clamoring about, and the rest of the members should respect it.

These might be the option to vote for ambro's topic case:

1. Let ambro post his topics anywhere he wishes too on any category he wished to post his topics.

2. Limit ambro's topics to the chat section

3. Designate a subcategory for ambro's topics and the likes. If ambro is too lazy or too stubborn to choose the title

for it then you may choose from any of these titles: "The World End News", "World Truth Forum [WTF]", "Censored

Radical Announcement for Zealot Youth / UFO News".

4. Ban alex jones conspiracy topics and other conspiracy topics here in nsane forum.

Another we need to vote on the same thread, is how the general members see and categorize alex jones conspiracy topics and the likes:

1. A very vital news source, we need to frontpage it!

2. It's Just an ordinary news like any other. Let him post it anywhere where he thinks it fit.

3. It's a not a news, it's a joke and should be treated like the news from the onion news site. Though, it's okay to post it here but limit it to the chat section or the joke and funny stuff.

4. Dammit! Its should be ban here for it's not even a joke and it's a total nonsense! This kind of article/topic should be banned here.

I realize most of the options to get voted above favors ambro. I can't think of any reason, that if the outcome may not come to his favor, he will not honor it.





A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

Edited by nIGHT
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