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Censorship on NSANEFORUMS In Disguise as "Policy"


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again..for a guy that said he wanted to delete his account(again) and was asking for info on how to go about doing it this makes the 3rd or 4th time you threatened to leave.....you seem to be posting and lurking even more..and baiting..even the moderators and site administrator now too..the real world also has rules... written and unwritten.. this site has written rules, and if you refuse to abide by them then maybe you should actually quit or leave the site not just make empty threats for drama and effect and sympathy... in the past when you had your temper tantrums, you would threatened to do yourself harm... are you going to threaten that again or have you already posted that info i just missed it..take a few psych courses on proper adult behaviour or at least read a few books on how to act like and actually be a grown up and mature person..it just may help if you look at tit with an open mind..something you up to this point have refused to so far in your life

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Except that nuke story you posted was about the US moving nukes to the east coast.

The Graham stuff was not and was totally unrelated. From the Graham site:

He says if there is no U.S. response, Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.

Now how does that collaborate an unsubstantiated story about the US moving NUKES to the east coast? HINT: IT DOESN'T.........

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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

I'm standing up for your rights too dMog. All I ask is that I be allowed to post news articles in the news section. By placing them in the chat bar, I showed how that is discrimination, like making black people sit in the back of the bus when Rosa Parks displayed her act of civil disobediance. She was protesting agaianst the law, which at the time was corrupt. The staff say "it's law" to obey them and not post Infowars news articles in the correct place. I say, I'm not sitting in the back of the bus anymore.

Please don't assume you need to stand up on our 'rights' here, if I have an issue with nsane I'm capable of dealing with it in an adult manner and taking further with the mod's and admin, if I feel they can't or won't deal with my issue in a way that is satisfactory to both myself and them I'll do one of two things, accept it gracefully or leave.....Accept and don't expect.....Go elsewhere if you feel your 'rights' are violated here.

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amboro..the point is this..info war is a site and alex jones is a person who both on purpose misrepresent fact...makes up fiction and move it forward and the truth ... ... all others here see that as an established fact..except you and now you are "fighting the good fight" here because people have called you on this and the mods here have had the nerve to curb your sillness

edit...and yes you are getting beat up here... and for good reason too...you are totally wrong... not just a little bit wrong... not even maybe sort of wrong...but TOTALLY wrong by being misguided ... alex jones sits down every night and has a good chuckle on how many people he can make jump through his hoops with his assorted lies and misrepresentations and how rich this is making him preying on good people who only wish to help the world

Edited by dMog
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I should have said restricted to PM.

well if you look at the posts..the sites mods and admin attempted to keep it in private but someone thought it in their best interest interest to go public..that kind backfired to say the least

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@Ambro: The staff has always tried not to be judgemental about things.

The type of discussion Inforwars topics bring makes it better suited for a Chat section. In Chat sections, you think they are better suited in Filesharing Chat or Security & Privacy Center or Software Chat or Technology Talk or Entertainment Exchange or Guides & Tutorials? I don't think so. We have a dedicated forum The Chat Bar, that is, for General off topic chat, which includes all the general things which other forum sections do not hold. Why does it make you think we are putting these threads in the end of the bus?

It's either news, which has been explained, is not the correct section for long discussions, then what section remains is The Chat Bar, why The Chat Bar makes you feel discriminated whereas it's the perfect place to hold these discussions while keeping the best of both worlds?

A poster will always think what is best for him or his posts, but staff always think what is best for all the members and the community.

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Except that nuke story you posted was about the US moving nukes to the east coast.

The Graham stuff was not and was totally unrelated. From the Graham site:

He says if there is no U.S. response, Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.

Now how does that collaborate an unsubstantiated story about the US moving NUKES to the east coast? HINT: IT DOESN'T.........

It does if you understand the nature of a false flag attack.

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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

I'm standing up for your rights too dMog. All I ask is that I be allowed to post news articles in the news section. By placing them in the chat bar, I showed how that is discrimination, like making black people sit in the back of the bus when Rosa Parks displayed her act of civil disobediance. She was protesting agaianst the law, which at the time was corrupt. The staff say "it's law" to obey them and not post Infowars news articles in the correct place. I say, I'm not sitting in the back of the bus anymore.

Please don't assume you need to stand up on our 'rights' here, if I have an issue with nsane I'm capable of dealing with it in an adult manner and taking further with the mod's and admin, if I feel they can't or won't deal with my issue in a way that is satisfactory to both myself and them I'll do one of two things, accept it gracefully or leave.....Accept and don't expect.....Go elsewhere if you feel your 'rights' are violated here.

Except I stated I feel like nsane is a second home. If Im going to be leaving it aitn going to be without a fight. I'm just trying to post NEWS ARTICLES in the news section. Holy shit...you would think I was trying to post child porn or something.

Edited by Ambrocious
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Except that nuke story you posted was about the US moving nukes to the east coast.

The Graham stuff was not and was totally unrelated. From the Graham site:

He says if there is no U.S. response, Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.

Now how does that collaborate an unsubstantiated story about the US moving NUKES to the east coast? HINT: IT DOESN'T.........

It does if you understand the nature of a false flag attack.

NO IT DOESN'T not related at all.

The benefit of intercontinental nukes is you can use them from Nebraska, Arkansas and Missouri where most are located......No need to truck them around.

Edited by Beamslider
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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

I'm standing up for your rights too dMog. All I ask is that I be allowed to post news articles in the news section. By placing them in the chat bar, I showed how that is discrimination, like making black people sit in the back of the bus when Rosa Parks displayed her act of civil disobediance. She was protesting agaianst the law, which at the time was corrupt. The staff say "it's law" to obey them and not post Infowars news articles in the correct place. I say, I'm not sitting in the back of the bus anymore.

Please don't assume you need to stand up on our 'rights' here, if I have an issue with nsane I'm capable of dealing with it in an adult manner and taking further with the mod's and admin, if I feel they can't or won't deal with my issue in a way that is satisfactory to both myself and them I'll do one of two things, accept it gracefully or leave.....Accept and don't expect.....Go elsewhere if you feel your 'rights' are violated here.

Except I stated I feel like nsane is a second home. If Im going to be leaving it aitn going to be without a fight. I'm just trying to post NEWS ARTICLES in the news section. Holy shit...you would think I was trying to post child porn or something.

I understand your passion on these politcal topics however, if I wanted to discuss such things in depth with like minded people I would search for forums that are run for such purposes....I wouldn't go to infowars to discuss software, its not its main purpose is it?

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I posted it before, but I believe it's appropriate to post it again.

Excellent recollection of events, but please keep in mind that the second thread was not closed out of sh!ts and giggles.

It's just that someone decided to think of it that way. You can't keep everyone happy after all.

Putting that aside, please note that while members are enjoying what nsane.forums can offer, the staff bust their @$$ to ensure that the forums stays organized as much as possible.

And you know what? We do it for free too. We are not compensated in any form whatsoever.

With that said, sometimes I keep wondering: Is it really worth it to continue the legacy of nsane when most of its members think the staff are full of crap?

I don't think your full of crap, you and all the staff here are good people I'm sure, but you all fail to see what I'm saying. I'm posting news articles in the news section where they belong. When they are put into the Chat Bar it sort of diminishes the news, makes it less important, casual talk and not important info. On the contrary, this news IS important and it is no place to continually drag articles about possible nuclear false flag events.

How else can I voice my frustration without looking like scum? It's pretty clear that by default, anyone who arguing with the staff is a bad guy, to be taargeted and laughed at and made fun of. I'm just using common sense. News articles from Infowars (it's a news agency) goes into the World News. Am I the only person who gets this?? We could make a form department and call it "Cyber Babble" and I'll post it full of food recipe's if we are going to be placing news articles in the Chat Bar. Does ANYONE get my point?

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well now a short time ago you were leaving now you may leave... when you are a adult ambro you have rules..rules of decorum matter and you belong to site that has them...if you personally do not think they apply to you for whatever reason then it incumbent on you to leave... simple as that......... infowars and alex jones and sites of that sort actually demean you not builds you..to bad you cannot see that... as i suggested earlier, get some books on how well adjusted adults carry themselves and start reading and living it...it will do a world of good better than infowars and alex and the lies they represent

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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

I'm standing up for your rights too dMog. All I ask is that I be allowed to post news articles in the news section. By placing them in the chat bar, I showed how that is discrimination, like making black people sit in the back of the bus when Rosa Parks displayed her act of civil disobediance. She was protesting agaianst the law, which at the time was corrupt. The staff say "it's law" to obey them and not post Infowars news articles in the correct place. I say, I'm not sitting in the back of the bus anymore.

Please don't assume you need to stand up on our 'rights' here, if I have an issue with nsane I'm capable of dealing with it in an adult manner and taking further with the mod's and admin, if I feel they can't or won't deal with my issue in a way that is satisfactory to both myself and them I'll do one of two things, accept it gracefully or leave.....Accept and don't expect.....Go elsewhere if you feel your 'rights' are violated here.

Except I stated I feel like nsane is a second home. If Im going to be leaving it aitn going to be without a fight. I'm just trying to post NEWS ARTICLES in the news section. Holy shit...you would think I was trying to post child porn or something.

I understand your passion on these politcal topics however, if I wanted to discuss such things in depth with like minded people I would search for forums that are run for such purposes....I wouldn't go to infowars to discuss software, its not its main purpose is it?

I come here because this site is like family (or it use to be). This information suits everyone. I have no idea why peoploe segregate thier minds into little boxes and close off ideas from forming that might help them understand. It baffles me why people don't understand why I would post this stuff here. One reason I post it here: Because the smart people need to understand the truth too. The world has been lied to, I'm here trying to bring some very important things to light.

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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

I'm standing up for your rights too dMog. All I ask is that I be allowed to post news articles in the news section. By placing them in the chat bar, I showed how that is discrimination, like making black people sit in the back of the bus when Rosa Parks displayed her act of civil disobediance. She was protesting agaianst the law, which at the time was corrupt. The staff say "it's law" to obey them and not post Infowars news articles in the correct place. I say, I'm not sitting in the back of the bus anymore.

Please don't assume you need to stand up on our 'rights' here, if I have an issue with nsane I'm capable of dealing with it in an adult manner and taking further with the mod's and admin, if I feel they can't or won't deal with my issue in a way that is satisfactory to both myself and them I'll do one of two things, accept it gracefully or leave.....Accept and don't expect.....Go elsewhere if you feel your 'rights' are violated here.

Except I stated I feel like nsane is a second home. If Im going to be leaving it aitn going to be without a fight. I'm just trying to post NEWS ARTICLES in the news section. Holy shit...you would think I was trying to post child porn or something.

I understand your passion on these politcal topics however, if I wanted to discuss such things in depth with like minded people I would search for forums that are run for such purposes....I wouldn't go to infowars to discuss software, its not its main purpose is it?

I come here because this site is like family (or it use to be). This information suits everyone. I have no idea why peoploe segregate thier minds into little boxes and close off ideas from forming that might help them understand. It baffles me why people don't understand why I would post this stuff here. One reason I post it here: Because the smart people need to understand the truth too. The world has been lied to, I'm here trying to bring some very important things to light.

I still assert that most people head to this site for computer and software topics, news, humour, videos, music and the like are just there if people want to post that kind of stuff too...."Because the smart people need to understand the truth too".....What truth? Your version of it? That smacks of arrogance my friend.

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well i got better things to do than argue with a closed minded attention seeking drama queen baby.... you have threatened to leave you have threatened to kill yourself( in the past)..you are just posting to continue a lost cause now... bottom line is this you did something wrong man.. up and act according the the rules here... if you do not want to or refuse to do so then leave the site and quit baiting people

Edited by dMog
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@Ambro: The staff has always tried not to be judgemental about things.

The type of discussion Inforwars topics bring makes it better suited for a Chat section. In Chat sections, you think they are better suited in Filesharing Chat or Security & Privacy Center or Software Chat or Technology Talk or Entertainment Exchange or Guides & Tutorials? I don't think so. We have a dedicated forum The Chat Bar, that is, for General off topic chat, which includes all the general things which other forum sections do not hold. Why does it make you think we are putting these threads in the end of the bus?

It's either news, which has been explained, is not the correct section for long discussions, then what section remains is The Chat Bar, why The Chat Bar makes you feel discriminated whereas it's the perfect place to hold these discussions while keeping the best of both worlds?

A poster will always think what is best for him or his posts, but staff always think what is best for all the members and the community.

News isn't meant to be discussed in lenght? People certianly talk about the Super Bowl when it happens. That stunt Miley Cyrus pulled recently on TV, everyone is talking about that crap yet news isn't meant to be discussed in length? The chat bar is for off topic things, the Infowars articles fit perfectly into the world news section...because Infowars is a news website. They offer news that is ussually held back in mainstream media...which is the real culprit and reason people don't want to talk about news, it's boring sometimes.

"A poster will always think what is best for him or his posts, but staff always think what is best for all the members and the community."

Im glad we have staff to think for us. Look, If I threatened someones life or posted porno or showed some terribly obsene thing, I would expect to be censored. Im posting news articles in the news section.

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well i got better things to do than argue with a closed minded attention seeking drama queen baby.... you have threatened to leave you have threatened to kill yourself( in the past)..you are just posting to continue a lost cause now... bottom line is this you did something wrong man.. up and act according the the rules here... if you do not want to or refuse to do so then leave the site and quit baiting people

Defending my written words and actions is NOT baiting people. I posted the articles between staff and myself to put the truth out there so that everyone can see that staff thinks that news articles from Infowars are not deemed "news". I would have no problem posting worthless crap from CNN or FOX or MSNBC but because of where it comes from, oh yes, that is the problem.

I'll keep defending myself if you keep slandering me. And no, I did nothing wrong, unless you count growing a pair as doing something wrong. Just because you dictate who I am and how I think and what I feel and call me crazy and a liar doesn't make it true. You have very harsh words yet you know little about what Alex Jones even covers. You seen some videos of Alex Jones acting like a nut and so THAT exaplins everything there is to know about the guy right???

You might enjoy tyranny as it wraps around your neck like an anaconda, but I don't.

Edited by Ambrocious
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I posted it before, but I believe it's appropriate to post it again.

Excellent recollection of events, but please keep in mind that the second thread was not closed out of sh!ts and giggles.

It's just that someone decided to think of it that way. You can't keep everyone happy after all.

Putting that aside, please note that while members are enjoying what nsane.forums can offer, the staff bust their @$$ to ensure that the forums stays organized as much as possible.

And you know what? We do it for free too. We are not compensated in any form whatsoever.

Honestly that's a good point and being a mod (but more involved than a mod) myself only elsewhere I can CERTAINLY understand that. You bust your ass off day in and day out for free and never get thanked but the one time things are less than desirable the villagers break out the torches and pitchforks. I always find it interesting the different experiences we have with the same exact thing. For Ambrocious it's like being told to go to the kiddie table with his second rate articles, for the staff of nsane it's getting painted in the context of conspiracy and censorship. I think everyone should loosen up on the internet and I'm not specifically pointing at one side or the other here, just in general. Things blow up so quickly into these ridiculous holy wars. Ambrocious if I were you I would just leave it alone because who would even want to post up articles for people that don't give a crap? I think there's enough horror stories going on in other news publications to keep you busy for years anyway. :lol:

Edited by Cypher3927
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Not really going to jump in the crosshair, but regardless.. I feel like both sides needs a hug. :hug:

That being said, I've always felt this website has a top notch group of people. Extremely nice, generous, and positive. Also the mods are MUCH better than other forums.

Have a lovely day everyone! Cheers!


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