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Censorship on NSANEFORUMS In Disguise as "Policy"


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Recently multiple threads which I have posted have been closed and deemed as not abiding by the nsaneforums policy. I have not been told "why" they are being shut down other than the staff saying to me that posts from Infowars be posted in the Chat Bar.

I would be fine with this if the things I was posting wasn't news articles. When I post a news article from Infowars it is packed with additional links to information, pictures to detail the news article and stimulating videos to demonstrate the news article. The articles lead generally to information which is new and less known by mainstream media due to the censorship of mainstream media in the United States of America.

In the section of the Community Guidelines it says this:


The staff are here to ensure that the forums stays as neat and as tidy as possible. Posts may be edited, moved, split, locked, hidden or even deleted if deemed necessary. They will not tolerate abuse of any kind whatsoever.

This is part of what Lite sent to me via PM regarding me posting articles from Infowars into the proper news location on the forums. So there we have it folks, Infowars is deemed by Lite at least, as something "not necessary". On top of that, it is considered "abuse" of some sort when I post information from Infowars?

So what do members think? Should it be OK to deem information "bad" because it comes from a place that some people may not take as truth just because they haven't fully examined it? Is it fair to switch a serious news article to the Chat Bar because it is deemed inappropriate for unspecified reasons?

If the articles I posted showed nudity or if they showed racism or if they showed murder of if they were rude to members in general, I would be all for my posts being dealt with. That is not what is happening here. What is happening is this: I post news articles that staff members do not yet known to be true. I say "do not yet know" because you will, just like the Edward Snowden leaks and all of the other information, you will know one day.

As many open minded people know, Infowars is a respected news publishing website which covers not only self-written investigative journalistic points of view but it also mirrors many other news agencies whose job is to inform the people about threats, issues, or world dilemmas in which people would normally never know about. Infowars takes part in the push for truth and it's focal point is to expose corruption, show how tyranny works and explain as best as possible how the world we live in is heading towards something bad if we do not stand together and face it.

Regardless of all that, news related issues deemed not real are sent to the chat bar or deleted. Is this not censorship? Whenever I mean to have a debate about the matter of this all, my posts just get closed! So what am I supposed to do here? I have tried being nice and I have tried logic and reason. I have tried showing proof but it is mocked and made fun of.

If you are going to ban me in the future, just know that it is because of civil disobedience: I’m choosing to not follow corrupt rules. I will speak my mind freely and I want everyone to have the same equal opportunity to provide nsaneforum members with the ability to post news articles of their choice without censorship.

If we can't post news articles in the world news section, where can we post them? Is only news from mainstream media OK to post in the world news section? If so, which news agencies to accept to be veritas? What news is considered "OK"? If you put a list of OK news websites and exclude the others, aren't you placing restrictions on ideas and the people who believe them? I find it very offensive to see the posts I put on here just being taken down. It feels like I'm under attack and I don't like it.

Edited by Ambrocious
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In part, here is a message from Lite regarding the news articles from Infowars.com:

We move topics to appropriate locations when they are posted in the incorrect forums. We deem your topics to have been posted in the incorrect forums, so they were moved. Topics are regularly moved.

So...taking the news articles from the world news section and putting them in the Chat Bar is putting it in the right place? Im confused. I respect you as a person not an admin Lite. Do you really want this form of information discrimination to take place? Let me paint a clear picture for you, very clear indeed.

Rosa Parks came into the bus one day...knowing full well she would get into trouble for sitting in the front of the bus, she did it anyways. Yeah she got in trouble but the boycott of the bus systems nearly made the bus franchise go broke! At the time in history in the USA, seggregation between black and white people was enforced which meant that Rosa was not allowed to sit in the front of the bus where the white people were. Rosa Parks was considered "underclass" back then by the idiots who didn't understand that ALL PEOPLE are equel and any person who dared to sit in the front who was black, got arrested! The point in the story here is this: I won't sit in the back of the bus and EVERYONE deserves to post news articles in the news section. If this isn't fair for all users, feel free to consequence me.

Edited by Ambrocious
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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

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your articles are far from real news... every forum has standards..info wars does NOT meet any of them here... that is why they get moved to the chat bar... what is your issue with that... when you have a public row with the moderators here because they sent you private message you do not like and you do not have any need to make it all public ...you do show yourself a attention seeker and a drama queen...not to mention proving even more and give more credence you your being easily taken in by false hoods lies and other assorted BS from alex jones..end of story..... you need to examine your critical thinking as you are being politely told you are wrong and misguided... want more drama keep it up everyone is seeing your true colors and that even when you get proven wrong you dig in your heels even more and then start to have public temper tantrums..a hard thing to do with written words but your quite good at it

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and i got a post deleted because i simply said he just has to leave and not publicly ask to have his account deleted wow the guy is a drama queen and whiner too

I'm standing up for your rights too dMog. All I ask is that I be allowed to post news articles in the news section. By placing them in the chat bar, I showed how that is discrimination, like making black people sit in the back of the bus when Rosa Parks displayed her act of civil disobediance. She was protesting agaianst the law, which at the time was corrupt. The staff say "it's law" to obey them and not post Infowars news articles in the correct place. I say, I'm not sitting in the back of the bus anymore.

Bro, they don't count Infowars as a news source here as is guessed, hope they accept it as news source, hope either you diversify your news sources instead of using only one.

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You guys have it easy. This guy named jalaffa purposely picks on me and deletes and locks my posts.. then Lite backs him up and I have no say. This is clearly an abuse of power and censorship. Maybe they are just being mean... who knows. The whole staff/admin/mod crew might just be mean.

@dMog: could you stop shooting down Ambro already? Some of the stuff he says are unbelievable.. but he posted about the NSA months in advance. SO lay off him. He has the right to post what he wants.

And to all the other guys who should be acknowledged on this forum but never seem to get the recognition they deserve... you can choose to post or not. Remember that. This forum thrives on its users. And when the admin starts fighting against and censoring its users, they loose the people that gave them power in the first place.

<<Keep it up staff. Good job. We feel very welcome>>

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Its always interesting to see peoples reactions to items they don't agree with. (Hint: There is always things that people don't agree with, it doesn't mean you have to take it personally). The reaction to critique here seems similar to that of a recent public TV address of Alex Jones.

Not one person is more important than any other. Topics like this only have purpose: To satisfy ones ego.

The situation has been the same for the history of internet forums. Forums have rules which must be adhered to, much like the laws of a country. You will go to jail if you break the law of a country and you will be banned if you break the rule of a forum.

This infowars = chat bar decision isn't recent it has been apart of the community for many years already and the situation has been explained already, yet it seems people don't wish to understand the reasons behind this. The reason is simple: The types of discussion those topics make are better suited to the Chat Bar. We don't delete the topics or "hide" the content.

We have said before: There is nothing forcing anyone being apart of this community, the internet or to believe anything.

All staff here are volunteers, please keep this in mind before placing unnecessary pressures upon them. They expect to be treated with same respect as every other member of the community.

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Bro, they don't count Infowars as a news source here as is guessed,....
emerglines summed it all up.

I am not going to take sides. I am going to say a few words tho.

@ Ambrocious : 1st off It is their policy, if you dont obey the rules you will get banned I imagine, dont get banned. I see ur stuff all the time. Sometimes I read it sometimes I dont. The point is its still here to read for those that choose to. I never notice what section its in. I dont think that someone who agrees with what you post will find it less credible because of what section its in. I also dont think that someone who disagrees with it will disagree any less because of where its at either. Also I do believe that you need to chill out alittle bit. Dont get labeled a "drama queen". Honestly tho sometimes you come across as just that. I meen remember awhile back when you posted something about "should I ban myself" or some such crap. That dont make you look to mature to others.

@ dMog : you are as much against Alex Jones as Ambro is for Alex Jones. You probably hate seeing his name typed 2wice in the same sentence as I just did. :lol: . Just sayin'!

Lol, agree bro, they used to fight for a person who made loot of bucks :) in his pocket, by doing some end days or end of times products to survive in your jungle besides the white house, hope they understand the fight for the truth is your own task, educate yourself about history, religion, philosophy, instead of taking bunch of nonsense news or articles that most are made to mislead people, i suggest to Ambrocious and dMog, to do their own news articles and give some effort, or writing articles that can uplift our faith in people who we deeply need them to change whats coming tomorrow, i guess if they see the V for vendetta film, they will understand that only ideas who last for many generations, even most of that movie is bullshit, Ambrocious and dMog, i respect you both, and i hope you wasting your time on something will give you the ability to make people change their ideas without the need for millions of senseless news and articles.

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I want to be clear about why I'm doing this. This is not a "beat up the staff" post. The staff that works here has their voluntary jobs to monitor and to peacefully police the forums and make sure that offensive content is not allowed to be on the forum. I don't think the staff is bad at all, what I do think is that they haven't fully woken up yet and it's only a matter of time before they do. So yes, these skirmishes are prone to happen, and I will engage in the information war if I have to defend myself.

I can't humanely respect a rule that tells me I am not allowed to post Infowars news articles in the news section. I know the position I place the staff in and I'm willing to accept whatever outcome happens but I'm hoping it won't lead to me getting banned. Just because the power to delete and ban is in their hands doesn't make me weak at the knees. I'm trying to battle threw that nonsense and show how it's morally wrong to decide that the content which I posted is rubbish. It's disrespectful to treat a post which I put up here in seriousness as though it were a joke or a non-issue.

I'm not debating the authority of the staff but as I said, I'm confronting the staff for their right to delete or move my news articles VS the moral decision to not discriminate against peoples beliefs. I believe this world is in a lot of trouble but I also believe if we know just how much trouble, we can turn the tide. That is my mission here really, no need to wonder "why is Ambrocious posting government stuff in a technologically advanced forum?” Because I care, and so should everyone else. News is news. Some news is obviously for satire (ONION) and we know this. I'm trying to establish the credibility in the minds of others, but this must be a willing thing on the part of the people.

Staff has the right to do anything they want to our content, but doing anything just because you got the power isn't always the right thing to do, and you guys know this. If my articles keep getting moved and then eventually I get banned, it only exposes you as being bullies. I love the hell out of nsaneforums, please don’t make me be the bad guy here.

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Its always interesting to see peoples reactions to items they don't agree with. (Hint: There is always things that people don't agree with, it doesn't mean you have to take it personally). The reaction to critique here seems similar to that of a recent public TV address of Alex Jones.

Not one person is more important than any other. Topics like this only have purpose: To satisfy ones ego.

The situation has been the same for the history of internet forums. Forums have rules which must be adhered to, much like the laws of a country. You will go to jail if you break the law of a country and you will be banned if you break the rule of a forum.

This infowars = chat bar decision isn't recent it has been apart of the community for many years already and the situation has been explained already, yet it seems people don't wish to understand the reasons behind this. The reason is simple: The types of discussion those topics make are better suited to the Chat Bar. We don't delete the topics or "hide" the content.

We have said before: There is nothing forcing anyone being apart of this community, the internet or to believe anything.

All staff here are volunteers, please keep this in mind before placing unnecessary pressures upon them. They expect to be treated with same respect as every other member of the community.

If you think this is all about ego, your very wrong. Alex Jones makes a fool out of himself on camera from time to time but do you hear the information coming out of his mouth, or do you see what he's doing and think of it all as insane. Investigate the info.

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I want to be clear about why I'm doing this. This is not a "beat up the staff" post. The staff that works here has their voluntary jobs to monitor and to peacefully police the forums and make sure that offensive content is not allowed to be on the forum. I don't think the staff is bad at all, what I do think is that they haven't fully woken up yet and it's only a matter of time before they do. So yes, these skirmishes are prone to happen, and I will engage in the information war if I have to defend myself.

I can't humanely respect a rule that tells me I am not allowed to post Infowars news articles in the news section. I know the position I place the staff in and I'm willing to accept whatever outcome happens but I'm hoping it won't lead to me getting banned. Just because the power to delete and ban is in their hands doesn't make me weak at the knees. I'm trying to battle threw that nonsense and show how it's morally wrong to decide that the content which I posted is rubbish. It's disrespectful to treat a post which I put up here in seriousness as though it were a joke or a non-issue.

I'm not debating the authority of the staff but as I said, I'm confronting the staff for their right to delete or move my news articles VS the moral decision to not discriminate against peoples beliefs. I believe this world is in a lot of trouble but I also believe if we know just how much trouble, we can turn the tide. That is my mission here really, no need to wonder "why is Ambrocious posting government stuff in a technologically advanced forum?” Because I care, and so should everyone else. News is news. Some news is obviously for satire (ONION) and we know this. I'm trying to establish the credibility in the minds of others, but this must be a willing thing on the part of the people.

Staff has the right to do anything they want to our content, but doing anything just because you got the power isn't always the right thing to do, and you guys know this. If my articles keep getting moved and then eventually I get banned, it only exposes you are being bullies. I love the hell out of nsaneforums, please don’t make me be the bad guy here.

You say you will not obey the rules. You are saying that the staff will backdown on this issue and if they dont you will break rules. I say good bye to you then as you surely will be banned. You will have no forum at all then. Nsane isnt perfect, no place is. It is IMHO in the top 10 sites. You dont want to lose nsane, you will regret it later.

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Staff has the right to do anything they want to our content, but doing anything just because you got the power isn't always the right thing to do, and you guys know this. If my articles keep getting moved and then eventually I get banned, it only exposes you are being bullies. I love the hell out of nsaneforums, please don’t make me be the bad guy here.

You fail to answer this: We have been doing the same thing, with your agreement for several years. Infact you yourself have posted these types of topics in the Chat Bar yourself. Nothing has changed. Your premise for starting this topic reads to others that this is a recent thing. To me this seems you are trying to manipulate the facts to highlight something that in reality is a non-issue.

Let me remind you a final time: For the types of discussion infowars types of topics generate it has been decided these topics should in the Chat Bar. This is the only reason. No other. We have told you there is no debate to be had here. Yet you keep thinking that nsane.forums has some kind of conspiracy against you personally. We make decisions for the good of all members.

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Its always interesting to see peoples reactions to items they don't agree with. (Hint: There is always things that people don't agree with, it doesn't mean you have to take it personally). The reaction to critique here seems similar to that of a recent public TV address of Alex Jones.

Not one person is more important than any other. Topics like this only have purpose: To satisfy ones ego.

The situation has been the same for the history of internet forums. Forums have rules which must be adhered to, much like the laws of a country. You will go to jail if you break the law of a country and you will be banned if you break the rule of a forum.

This infowars = chat bar decision isn't recent it has been apart of the community for many years already and the situation has been explained already, yet it seems people don't wish to understand the reasons behind this. The reason is simple: The types of discussion those topics make are better suited to the Chat Bar. We don't delete the topics or "hide" the content.

We have said before: There is nothing forcing anyone being apart of this community, the internet or to believe anything.

All staff here are volunteers, please keep this in mind before placing unnecessary pressures upon them. They expect to be treated with same respect as every other member of the community.

If you think this is all about ego, your very wrong. Alex Jones makes a fool out of himself on camera from time to time but do you hear the information coming out of his mouth, or do you see what he's doing and think of it all as insane. Investigate the info.

Bro, we don't want to see political bullshit in our TV's, and this forum is all about software an tech stuff, why you say our ego is the main tool to justify admins decisions.

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Staff has the right to do anything they want to our content, but doing anything just because you got the power isn't always the right thing to do, and you guys know this. If my articles keep getting moved and then eventually I get banned, it only exposes you are being bullies. I love the hell out of nsaneforums, please don’t make me be the bad guy here.

You fail to answer this: We have been doing the same thing, with your agreement for several years. Infact you yourself have posted these types of topics in the Chat Bar yourself. Nothing has changed. Your premise for starting this topic reads to others that this is a recent thing. To me this seems you are trying to manipulate the facts to highlight something that in reality is a non-issue.

Let me remind you a final time: For the types of discussion infowars types of topics generate it has been decided these topics should in the Chat Bar. This is the only reason. No other. We have told you there is no debate to be had here. Yet you keep thinking that nsane.forums has some kind of conspiracy against you personally. We make decisions for the good of all members.

The reason I began to post in the Chat Bar is because I thought for one second... "Maybe I should give in and post there, people can read it if they like." I wasn't ever really fine with posting it there but I was trying to make peace even though I felt wronged. What you are forcing me to do is to post news articles in a casual talk place, and there is NOTHING casual about this news.

What you are actually saying here (I think) is "I don't believe that crap, I'll move it out of there". You have the power Lite and I'm going to miss the forums because the next time important news comes out from Infowars and I feel that people should know, I'm going to post it. This isn't as a way of defying you or any staff, it is me standing up and saying to you and all who want to oppress this information, "I will not obey your discriminatory rule".

I will not sit on the back of the bus, the place where you want me to be.

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Staff has the right to do anything they want to our content, but doing anything just because you got the power isn't always the right thing to do, and you guys know this. If my articles keep getting moved and then eventually I get banned, it only exposes you are being bullies. I love the hell out of nsaneforums, please don’t make me be the bad guy here.

You fail to answer this: We have been doing the same thing, with your agreement for several years. Infact you yourself have posted these types of topics in the Chat Bar yourself. Nothing has changed. Your premise for starting this topic reads to others that this is a recent thing. To me this seems you are trying to manipulate the facts to highlight something that in reality is a non-issue.

Let me remind you a final time: For the types of discussion infowars types of topics generate it has been decided these topics should in the Chat Bar. This is the only reason. No other. We have told you there is no debate to be had here. Yet you keep thinking that nsane.forums has some kind of conspiracy against you personally. We make decisions for the good of all members.

The reason I began to post in the Chat Bar is because I thought for one second... "Maybe I should give in and post there, people can read it if they like." I wasn't ever really fine with posting it there but I was trying to make peace even though I felt wronged. What you are forcing me to do is to post news articles in a casual talk place, and there is NOTHING casual about this news.

What you are actually saying here (I think) is "I don't believe that crap, I'll move it out of there". You have the power Lite and I'm going to miss the forums because the next time important news comes out from Infowars and I feel that people should know, I'm going to post it. This isn't as a way of defying you or any staff, it is me standing up and saying to you and all who want to oppress this information, "I will not obey your discriminatory rule".

I will not sit on the back of the bus, the place where you want me to be.

Agree, but still you didn't understand what they want you to do, give us a news that isn't from one trusted source, multiple resource can give me more higher chance to believe your news posts, for example if in a crime the criminal has only one witness on his crime wouldn't make the judge believe that mister X is a criminal for just by saying that mister Y is the witness, for that crime...

Give us more news trusted sources, and i will be the first in your side even if they ban me off the forum.

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I posted it before, but I believe it's appropriate to post it again.

Excellent recollection of events, but please keep in mind that the second thread was not closed out of sh!ts and giggles.
It's just that someone decided to think of it that way. You can't keep everyone happy after all.

Putting that aside, please note that while members are enjoying what nsane.forums can offer, the staff bust their @$$ to ensure that the forums stays organized as much as possible.
And you know what? We do it for free too. We are not compensated in any form whatsoever.

With that said, sometimes I keep wondering: Is it really worth it to continue the legacy of nsane when most of its members think the staff are full of crap?

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I posted it before, but I believe it's appropriate to post it again.

Excellent recollection of events, but please keep in mind that the second thread was not closed out of sh!ts and giggles.

It's just that someone decided to think of it that way. You can't keep everyone happy after all.

Putting that aside, please note that while members are enjoying what nsane.forums can offer, the staff bust their @$$ to ensure that the forums stays organized as much as possible.

And you know what? We do it for free too. We are not compensated in any form whatsoever.

With that said, sometimes I keep wondering: Is it really worth it to continue the legacy of nsane when most of its members think the staff are full of crap?

I respect the stuff and admins here, they do a great job, but still this forum needs dynamic policies, and stable standards that can't be removed like don't post double topic.

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Staff has the right to do anything they want to our content, but doing anything just because you got the power isn't always the right thing to do, and you guys know this. If my articles keep getting moved and then eventually I get banned, it only exposes you are being bullies. I love the hell out of nsaneforums, please don’t make me be the bad guy here.

You fail to answer this: We have been doing the same thing, with your agreement for several years. Infact you yourself have posted these types of topics in the Chat Bar yourself. Nothing has changed. Your premise for starting this topic reads to others that this is a recent thing. To me this seems you are trying to manipulate the facts to highlight something that in reality is a non-issue.

Let me remind you a final time: For the types of discussion infowars types of topics generate it has been decided these topics should in the Chat Bar. This is the only reason. No other. We have told you there is no debate to be had here. Yet you keep thinking that nsane.forums has some kind of conspiracy against you personally. We make decisions for the good of all members.

The reason I began to post in the Chat Bar is because I thought for one second... "Maybe I should give in and post there, people can read it if they like." I wasn't ever really fine with posting it there but I was trying to make peace even though I felt wronged. What you are forcing me to do is to post news articles in a casual talk place, and there is NOTHING casual about this news.

What you are actually saying here (I think) is "I don't believe that crap, I'll move it out of there". You have the power Lite and I'm going to miss the forums because the next time important news comes out from Infowars and I feel that people should know, I'm going to post it. This isn't as a way of defying you or any staff, it is me standing up and saying to you and all who want to oppress this information, "I will not obey your discriminatory rule".

I will not sit on the back of the bus, the place where you want me to be.

Agree, but still you didn't understand what they want you to do, give us a news that isn't from one trusted source, multiple resource can give me more higher chance to believe your news posts, for example if in a crime the criminal has only one witness on his crime wouldn't make the judge believe that mister X is a criminal for just by saying that mister Y is the witness, for that crime...

Give us more news trusted sources, and i will be the first in your side even if they ban me off the forum.

I do offer more than once source, ussually. For example in the post I made which was closed, I also showed that at least 2 other websites of affiliations were covering this story. Here is the name of the story:

Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer to East Coast

And here are the additional related links:

CBS News: Graham: Nukes In Hands Of Terrorists Could Result In Bomb Coming To Charleston Harbor

Daily Paul: Lindsey Graham Warns of False Flag Nuke Strike in South Carolina after Missing Nuclear Bomb Report

Lite closed that topic stating this:

Unfortunatly, this topic looks like its becoming a slinging match.

Topic Closed.

Anytime the heat is on, the info gets shut down. So yes indeed, Infowars is not the only place covering this info, but it is not "deemed" OK by staff, regardless of how much other info is out there. Im a bad man for using the Internet to see this. People fail to make the connection. In the above example, nukes were secretly and off the record transfered from a Military base in Texas and the news was that they were being sent to South Carolina, Lindsey Graham warned people on THE SAME DAY the nuke transfer took place that if we do not back the Syria war, Charleston Harbor would get hit by a nuke. Charleston Harbor is in South Carolina. Point being: this could be a false flag in the making and I am trying to inform people about it in case it happens, people might have had time to be vigilant and maybe even get out in enough time.

It's not my fault people see the worst of Alex Jones and never see any of the good info, the stuff I take seriously and do focus on. I didn't begin listening to Alex Jones and was instantly a hard core follower, my first impression of the guy was, "This guy is nuts, he's going to get killed for saying that stuff". But I tried to prove the information wrong and that is how I found that Infowars is mostly right.

Edited by Ambrocious
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You didn't miss anything. The point of my post is to show that when the staff starts to moderate topics, most of the members immediately criticize us.

If we enforce the rules, we are labeled as dictators. If we show leniency, we are labeled as incompetent.

Hence, my post:

It's just that someone decided to think of it that way. You can't keep everyone happy after all.

That's why I keep wondering:

Is it really worth it to continue the legacy of nsane when most of its members think the staff are full of crap?

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