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Military Revolt Against Obama’s Attack on Syria


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Both top brass and regular servicemembers express opposition to US involvement

Paul Joseph Watson
September 2, 2013

The military revolt against the Obama administration’s plan to launch a potentially disastrous attack on Syria is gathering pace, with both top brass and regular servicemembers expressing their vehement opposition to the United States becoming entangled in the conflict.

The backlash began to spread on social media yesterday with numerous members of the military posting photos of themselves holding up signs stating that they would refuse to fight on the same side as Al-Qaeda in Syria. The photos went viral, with one post alone generating over 16,000 shares on Facebook.


Others have posted their photos on Twitter alongside the hashtag #IdidntJoin.

As the Obama administration prepares to present a draft resolution to lawmakers that is by no means “limited” in its scope and would in fact grease the skids for an open ended war, John Kerry and other State Department officials have signaled that Obama will simply ignore Congress if they vote no and launch the assault anyway.

This will do little to reassure a growing number of influential figures in the US military who are becoming increasingly recalcitrant about the United States becoming embroiled in yet another war in the Middle East.

The Washington Post reports that, “The Obama administration’s plan to launch a military strike against Syria is being received with serious reservations by many in the U.S. military, which is coping with the scars of two lengthy wars and a rapidly contracting budget, according to current and former officers.”

Republican Congressman Justin Amash also took to Twitter to state, “I’ve been hearing a lot from members of our Armed Forces. The message I consistently hear: Please vote no on military action against Syria.” Amash’s statement was followed by a series of tweets from military veterans who also expressed their opposition to the attack.

Business Insider’s Paul Szoldra also spoke to “sources who are either veterans or currently on active duty in the military,” and asked them if they supported military escalation in Syria.

“Most have responded with a resounding no,” writes Szoldra.

He quotes an active duty First Class Sergeant who states, “We are stretched thin, tired, and broke,” adding that the United States “(does not) need to be World Police.”

“Our involvement in Syria is so dangerous on so many levels, and the 21st century American vet is more keen to this than anybody. It boggles my mind that we are being ignored,” adds former Cpl. Jack Mandaville, a Marine Corps infantry veteran with 3 deployments to Iraq.

Not only are military personnel going public with their concerns, Politico reported that leaks of attack plans are also, “emanating from a Pentagon bureaucracy less enthusiastic about the prospect of an attack than, say, the State Department, National Security Council or Obama himself,” unauthorized disclosures that have the White House “peeved”.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the official US Marines website and left an astounding message calling on US soldiers to join the Syrian Army in fighting Al-Qaeda (click for enlargement).


The full text of the message reads:

“This is a message written by your brothers in the Syrian Army, who have been fighting al-Qaida for the last 3 years. We understand your patriotism and love for your country so please understand our love for ours. Obama is a traitor who wants to put your lives in danger to rescue al- Qaida insurgents.

Marines, please take a look at what your comrades think about Obama’s alliance with al-Qaida against Syria. Your officer in charge probably has no qualms about sending you to die against soldiers just like you, fighting a vile common enemy. The Syrian army should be your ally not your enemy.

Refuse your orders and concentrate on the real reason every soldier joins their military, to defend their homeland. You’re more than welcome to fight alongside our army rather than against it.

Your brothers, the Syrian army soldiers. A message delivered by the SEA.”

View a selection of US servicemembers expressing their opposition to the attack on Syria via the #IdidntJoin meme on Twitter below.








Source: Infowars

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Wont they get court marshalled or something if they refuse to obey orders?Its all a bit suspect this whole war.Its like America and England is the world police or something.

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They have a dirty habbit of putting their long nose in other people's matters.. let the syria solve it by its own,az its their own country matters.America should not go there in the name of war or to ctrl oil wells ? watever everytime they do something like this it result up in screwing their own a$$. Like what they try to do in afghanistan to fight aginst Russia and created Osama and its terror group Al-qaeda.

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They have a dirty habbit of putting their long nose in other people's matters.. let the syria solve it by its own,az its their own country matters.America should not go there in the name of war or to ctrl oil wells ? watever everytime they do something like this it result up in screwing their own a$$. Like what they try to do in afghanistan to fight aginst Russia and created Osama and its terror group Al-qaeda.

This is much much more complex than that : "let the Syria solve it by its own", are you serious ?? Thousands of people are dying each day and you want that to continue until everybody is dead ? I understand US doesn't want another afgan or iraq problem, but can we just let people die everyday without doing anything ?

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They have a dirty habbit of putting their long nose in other people's matters.. let the syria solve it by its own,az its their own country matters.America should not go there in the name of war or to ctrl oil wells ? watever everytime they do something like this it result up in screwing their own a$$. Like what they try to do in afghanistan to fight aginst Russia and created Osama and its terror group Al-qaeda.

This is much much more complex than that : "let the Syria solve it by its own", are you serious ?? Thousands of people are dying each day and you want that to continue until everybody is dead ? I understand US doesn't want another afgan or iraq problem, but can we just let people die everyday without doing anything ?

So we can bring the people of Syria freedom bombs that are sure to liberate thier guts all over the place? How about for a change we just take our snouts out of these wars and have some freaking respect. Obama is funding the Muslim Brotherhood and has been supporting the terrorist forces. This is a war plan that works under the Hegelian dialectic which works as a three step proceedure:

1) Create a problem in secret that affects all the people; financial, warfare, terrorism

2) See how the people react to the problem

3) Respond to the reactions of the people as though you were the person who wants to help: they are creating problems to remain in power.

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I'm British and I was happy that our Parliament voted the other day to NOT be involved in the Syrian civil war. I also believe the USA should not get involved either. Obviously it is terrible, horrendous that once again innocent civilians are dying in their thousands and no right thinking person can watch these images and not be angry and desire to help. But why aren't the Arab/Muslim nations doing something? After all they scream blue murder when an "infidel" insults Islam or uses violence against a muslim...then they are on the streets from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia chanting their hatred of the West and acting so offended by the actions of the infidels. So why are they not on these self-same streets at the moment in Pakistan,,Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc to demand that THEIR governments put an end to the slaughter of innocents? Why?..because it doesn't suit their anti American, anti-Western agenda.

Cast your mind back to the Balkan war between Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia. Innocent muslim men, women and children were being massacred daily by the Serbian army...did the Arab League do anything to stop that? No..it was NATO..the British people supported the bombing of the Serbs (ex allies of WWII) to save innocent people, muslims. Can you tell me one muslim/Arab nation that would have attacked a muslim country to save non-muslims? Bet you can't. We did the right thing on that occasion...but this time, there is so much contradictory "evidence" about who used chemical weapons, and the murky involvement of Al Quaeda, that I believe the West should stay out of this.

Just as an aside, the anti-West, anti-USA brigade always churn out the same propaganda i.e. that the USA gets involved just as an excuse to get control of the oil...there was no oil in the Balkans, but it is never mentioned that the allies intervened for humanitarian reasons. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't by those who do nothing. But at least if we don't get involved we don't have our young men coming home maimed or in body bags having been sacrificed for an ungrateful group of muslim countries.

Let them solve their own mess Mr President!!!!!!!!

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They have a dirty habbit of putting their long nose in other people's matters.. let the syria solve it by its own,az its their own country matters.America should not go there in the name of war or to ctrl oil wells ? watever everytime they do something like this it result up in screwing their own a$$. Like what they try to do in afghanistan to fight aginst Russia and created Osama and its terror group Al-qaeda.

This is much much more complex than that : "let the Syria solve it by its own", are you serious ?? Thousands of people are dying each day and you want that to continue until everybody is dead ? I understand US doesn't want another afgan or iraq problem, but can we just let people die everyday without doing anything ?

"Thousands of people dying".. and more will die in lakhs if greddy american enter there... You point out US doesn't want afghan or iraq.. u mean they doesn't want another laden to be born or so called mass distruction weapons in iraq ! Their presence in iraq have ruined that country so much than what it was in the time of saddam hussein....

But why aren't the Arab/Muslim nations doing something? After all they scream blue murder when an "infidel" insults Islam or uses violence against a muslim...then they are on the streets from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia chanting their hatred of the West and acting so offended by the actions of the infidels. So why are they not on these self-same streets at the moment in Pakistan,,Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc to demand that THEIR governments put an end to the slaughter of innocents? Why?..because it doesn't suit their anti American, anti-Western agenda.

Cast your mind back to the Balkan war between Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia. Innocent muslim men, women and children were being massacred daily by the Serbian army...did the Arab League do anything to stop that? No..it was NATO..the British people supported the bombing of the Serbs (ex allies of WWII) to save innocent people, muslims.

Before saddam died he said to his country people that watever will be the situation,don't allow any al-qida people to enter in this country or everythng will be finish..He never supported these al-qida people..same happening here,,The syrian govt not supporting any al-qida members....and may be thats why those saudi arabs dont like these 2 countries !

Can you tell me one muslim/Arab nation that would have attacked a muslim country to save non-muslims? Bet you can't. We did the right thing on that occasion...but this time, there is so much contradictory "evidence" about who used chemical weapons, and the murky involvement of Al Quaeda, that I believe the West should stay out of this.

still its not 100% sure that who is behind that chemical attack... theres doubt the presence of al-queda behind this..You cant put faith on these al-queda/taliban peoples az they can go to any unhuman extent to fullfill there own interest... in afghanistan & pakistan these people even mixed poison in drinking water of a Girl school and few month back they even attacked womens university bus with bombs and ak-47 killing many students....especially womens.

That time no so called religious precher or any leader came on streets and burn al-qeda or talibans leaders statue or did anti- taliban speeches !!!

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