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What would you do, if?


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Here is how the game goes:

Someone asks a question, no matter how stupid it sounds, and the other guy how wants to play answers that question.



What would you do, if you had 3000$ ?


buy a plane ticket and a baseball bat, then pay Shought a little visit.

Obviously, you guys don't need to quote your questions/replies.

Then the guy who replies gets to ask the next question, no matter how dumb it sounds.

And so on...

Please refrain from racism and/or insulting posts.

Here goes...

What would you do, if you had a fetish for fruits?

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I would do something very much fruity! Silly question!

What would you do if you were Bill Gates?

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Would turn in to Bill Gates (a bit too intelligent, but pros counterweights cons)

What would you chose? "moral high grounds" or immediate $$$?

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I would by the most expensive PC i find. (btw you were supposed to say "What would you do if ......")

What would you do, if you were a girl?

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Make love with shought all day long(if I was a beautiful girl, that is) :(

What would you do, if someone told you I'm actually a girl?

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Ask for a picture, and then decide what to do (and I'm not getting any hopes up with shought being pretty at all if he were a girl).

What would you do, if you could kill anybody and get away with it?

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Buy a new car :P

What would you do if a dino want's to eat you up..

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Run away shitting my pants.

What would you do, if there was a zombie invasion?

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Call Marik, he's so ugly, he'll scare the zombies away :)

What would you do if a hedgehog was trying to have sex with you...

uhuh, I'm sick :win:

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I'll pull his needles out, one by one.. :win:


What would you do if porn didn't exist ?

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I would film a hedgehog trying to have sex with shought and sell it as porn (brand new market out there)

What would you do if you were told that you have only one year left to live

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Find a way to go back in time!

What would you do if you were called shought?

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Go buy a new life in the supermarket

What would you do if you have to remove eset?

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All of them, with 1 crack =)

What would you do if can't feel/see/listen to/taste anything? :win:

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Well considering the answers given prior - I would go into a shop an buy a cure for that.

What would you do with a not so pretty woman falling in love with you (the shop option is no longer valid)?

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Uhh,, what's the shop option? :whistle:

Ignoring that..

I would say she's one ugly b**** and become single :sneaky:

What would you do if M$ and Apple merged together, becoming McBanana :)

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I would ask if McDonald's was in the deal :)

(Sup with you & bananas Haantjuh? lol)

What would you do if you became world emperor for a day?

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Destroy the current system, and give birth to a new one.

What would you do, if you saw a wallet on the street with 10,000$ along with an identity card

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Honestly: I'd find the guy & give it back. Hopefully he'll give me a reward for it :)

What would you do if you had 5 minutes to spend a million dollars?

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I would time deposit it on a bank... takes less than 5 minutes :lol:

What would you do if you were GOD?

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:lol: I see I should have been more specific with the rules.

Anywho, I would freeze everything in the world, chill for a few

hundred years & then start everything again ^_^

If you were a superhero, what super power would you have? (only one)

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Fly Baby Fly (not the house fly :lol: )

What would you do if you were caught having sex by ur mom

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