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God, send us someone


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To Whome It May Concern:

There is a war going on for the fight of what is moral VS what is convenient in the world these days, it has always been going on. Morality has limits when it comes to the offenses of innocents where as convenience benefits the person selfishly in order to obtain an aura of pride to justify their own actions of self hatred of humanity. Doing the right thing, Pro Life, pro whistle blowers, pro Second Amendment, those things are being attacked as though they were just old doctrine, out of date when in reality those laws dictate freedom as a standard of life for ALL people everywhere who is but willing to hear what the founding Father of the United States of America were really about. Sure, they had terrible things happening back in the day (slavery, womans rights not in place) but the idea of freedom, that blossomed into what the USA became after more than 200 years: Decadence.

America has become prideful of the shamefulness they hold in their hearts: shielded by their lack of empathy for truth and innocents, believing the lies because they have no love of the truth; therefor you will be sent a great deception where you will be incapable of knowing truth and it will bring you down. I don't hate you, I feel deeply DEEPLY sorry for you and I wish you would side with humanity rather than siding with a culture of the love of death.

I agree with most of the original article but the view is slanted in such a way that fails to see things on a multilevel platform of life. Most people who are pro choice would do ANYTHING in the name of Obama. People actually signed petitions to bring back Nazi rule in the United States of America for Obama...because apparently he can do no wrong and it's bad to even think that government has gone bad. Most people know now that they are being spied on; this has struck a chord in the hearts of people who were previously deaf to the TRUE intentions of our government here in the USA.

This is just one example of mindless people signing petitions for terrible things all for Obama.

They want to kill about 95-99 percent of all humanity on Earth, but a lot of people DON'T want to believe this can be true and so they laugh. It's called a defense mechanism. So what do these people do when in their hearts when they find out what I have said and what others have said is true? They do one of two things:

1) Snap out of it. Reality hits ya hard bro, and this reality aint pretty. The whole world has been deceived and it's not just the USA that is to blame. Many different nations and countries have signed onto whats known as Agenda 21; masquerading as a peaceful future but it actually will lead into a form of Neo Feudalism that will resemble the days of Kings and Queens where everyone else is peasants who are scum to be taken advantage of, under the rule of absolute tyranny. The people who leave the mass propaganda and decide to join life and liberty will finally see what we have seen all along: LIFE HAS GREAT VALUE!

2) Double down. They become a die hard fan of the government; doing everything and anything they are asked of. These people will be the kind to tell on their neighbors when there are new laws established about not having home meetings about peacefully resisting the government and preparations for the coming storm. When people fear their government and they decide to obey to the point of killing their own family, this person is lost to humanity and like many surviving Nazi soldiers and Nazi Youth, they hold a life full of regret and deep inner sorrow that constantly haunts them. These people, taking part even by being passive and not siding with humanity and life, they will be swept up in the storm, many of them choosing to side with freedom loving, God fearing people JUST so they won't die, some might join because they realize their whole lives where lies. There is little hope for these ones, but there IS still hope right now, turn back, side with humanity and freedom, government is not your friend.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master". George Washington

The world is changing and everyone can see that plainly. There is a lot of fear on both sides. I have to be afraid that one day I'll be rounded up and put into the new FEMA camps that they have been setting up (modern day concentration camps, DO NOT go into them, someone HAD to tell you, I choose to at the sake of my name and word being defamed with slander). I know that the side opposite from what I hold true fears that we are racist and violent criminals but I also know that the ones they listen to like CNN, MSNBC, and Even FOX to many degree's are outlets of lies because this is an actual information war; the winner is the one who knows the most.

I haven't posted a self written article since my last article about Michael Hastings death being an actual murder and recent information about how at first his wife was vowing to find out who killed her husband and how she totally flipped her whole idea of what happened when she went on CNN and said something COMPLETELY different then her original statement. Since you won't find that article here on nsaneforums because it was deleted for no good reason (actually no reason at all, literally) I will just tell you that it has become a mental chore just to battle with the mindsets of people and how some have been so cripplingly deceived, it's hard to write much when people constantly appose the information I share even though now many of the other news agencies are covering information that I knew 4 years ago because I listened to......The Alex Jones Show. Oh but he's just a conspiracy theorist right??? He can't be given ANY credit because he's crazy but he was right...yet still that makes him a bad man. (Give me a freaking break!)

Right now this battle for truth can go two ways:

1) The right people get the right information to the people so that deception can depart and people can know what they are really facing. Once we are given the truth, we will see how many people side with the government and how many people side with the people. Many will side with the government out of FEAR; you will be used to hurt a lot of people, I want you to know this as a fact. The fight for freedom wins and a new breath of the Republic forms and we are given more liberties and freedoms rather than a Neo feudalism system of tyranny and corruption. People start learning to care for each other again; apathy can become a thing of the past. All the wars we are in will be stopped; a debt of service will be owed to all the countries we have wronged over the years in which we will have an open trade of actual healthy foods and medicine that doesn't damage us or them. The world unifies by the choice of the people, not the demanding thunder of government military industrial complex.

2) The world falls into chaos and people who spread the truth are cut off from the Internet; unable to inform people about what is happening, the mass extermination of the planet can then commence. Military will be in every city in the USA, Martial Law will be in country wide effect. FEMA opens it's doors to injured civilians in some camps designated to orderly house the people who have been relocated, once inside you are not free to leave the FEMA camp and you waive your freedom of speech, right to bear arms, right to freely assemble in accordance to your beliefs, freedom to protest, freedom to criticism government. You are prisoners but that is not the worse of the worse. Other FEMA camps will be specifically designated for political dissidents; people who protested the revocation of the right to bear arms, protest, freely speak out against a corrupt government. These people will probably be mined for information, held as terrorists for their defiance against an over oppressive government. They will be tortured and killed. The police and military who carry out these exterminations with pleasure will be given hire ranks and allowed more access to kill, that's how it always worked in history. Once they have killed off most of the worlds population, (if they succeed and are not stopped) the generals and commanders and military and police will then be turned against and taken out in precise strikes. The surviving military that manage to get away will be hunted down by DARPA created cyborgs and other robots.

What you are seeing is the mechanical skeleton of this thing called the Cheetah which is designed to hunt down and kill. Yes, it's real.

Edited by Ambrocious
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Angel: Lord... they found out the human genome code...

God: Damn hackers! I'm gonna need to change the password!

Edited by anakin206
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Why should A God come down and come with a cure for everything.

Its us who must make the change we are all making a mess of it

Not they or them or he or she or it........ etc

God is not sleeping or on vacation !

We are blind and deaf

So God help us to cure from blindness en being deaf

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God does NOT exist GET OVER IT!

EVERYBODY in the Internet is atheist... GET OVER IT!

Errr no they're not, plus what the fuck has the internet got do with it???

If you're going to reply to somebody at least make fucking sense dude.

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God does NOT exist GET OVER IT!

EVERYBODY in the Internet is atheist... GET OVER IT!

Errr no they're not, plus what the fuck has the internet got do with it???

If you're going to reply to somebody at least make fucking sense dude.

Ehm... you're saying God not exist in an Internet forum.

Problem? :troll:

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God does NOT exist GET OVER IT!

EVERYBODY in the Internet is atheist... GET OVER IT!

Errr no they're not, plus what the fuck has the internet got do with it???

If you're going to reply to somebody at least make fucking sense dude.

Ehm... you're saying God not exist in an Internet forum.

Problem? :troll:

Stop talking complete arse vomit.

This topic is about "God" so what I said was relevant. What you said is just nonsensical.

Edited by GRiM
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